August 02, 2005
Say you love me every waking moment,
Turn my head with talk of summertime
Say you need me with you now and always
Promise me that all you say is true
That's all I ask of you...
I got a rug-burn today! It was slightly exciting, when was the last time I had a rug burn I wonder. Long ago, that is certain. It made me happy, although, granted, it was a rug-burn. =) I got it while dying upon Julia's carpet as I handed my last defense, the nerf-gun, to her sister. Ali carried on fabulously, I must say, and eventually I got to sit on Julia and put her own gun to her head. But somehow she escaped. But, after all, what fun would games be if you had to stay dead after you were hit with a nerf-thing? hmmm? none.

Today was also the first time in years I have been afraid of a thunderstorm. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that I was alone, on my bike, with a slippery road underneath me and heart-stopping thunder claps every few minutes. But it's true, I was slightly worried. Luckily, I was not hit by lightning AND I got everything done that I had too. How do people take those awesome pictures of lightning? Because it takes microseconds for a bolt to flash across the sky. Do they just keep the shutter open until lightning does occur. That would take much too much patience, I must say.

Julia is leaving in two weeks. And Hailey is leaving before her, and then Bailey and Em leave in September. How absolutely miserable! I don't know what I'll do. Pictures? CDs? Posters? A giant card that says "Please please please don't forget about me and I know you'll be having the adventure of your life but I'll miss you terribly and you can't just leave me here!" Nah- that's not near catchy enough for a Hallmark card.

** humming my own little tune at 4:59:00 PM




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