August 15, 2005
    Things I Have Done Recently (ABCs)
  1. Ate too much pudding
  2. Bought a pint of ice cream
  3. Cried though I didn't plan to
  4. Drove 12.5 hours
  5. Even though it rained the entire way
  6. Fished a heck of a lot
  7. Got several blow-up rafts from the crawl-space
  8. Haven't gotten much sleep
  9. Ice cream and cake
  10. Julia said goodbye (see letter "C")
  11. Kristen is my name
  12. LINK Retreat
  13. Margo came back from Nicaragua
  14. Noodle-raft made from noodle-connectors was made
  15. Opened my eyes for miles of Kansas
  16. Played a ton of card-games (both at the retreat and here, in Missouri)
  17. Quit cringing when gramma got made
  18. Repeated, redesigned, and rehearsed
  19. Sat for hours
  20. Tried to teach my cousins how to play "P&H"
  21. Understood Hamlet
  22. Very "Guys and Dolls"y
  23. Watched Chocolate, again, which is a good movie
  24. Xylophone is what my aunt's car sounds like
  25. Yawned much too early
  26. Zerbra's don't live in Missouri.
I'm sure I forgot something. But the alphabet limits slightly, you know?

** humming my own little tune at 5:00:00 PM




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