Too late to be known as John the First He's sure to be known as John the worst A pox on that phony king of England!
Ellen, Mags, Angie, and I watched Robin Hood a few nights ago. It was quite amusing, I must say.
Today is the last day that Meadows is open. I suppose I should go for a little while, at least. How sad, today is Labor Day and the last day of real summer. I can't believe that I've only been in school for one week!! It's amazing. School is a weird phenomenon, although every class is a mere 51 minutes, several seem like they take days to end, while others go by in a flash. Every day, though, drags on to eternity, and I am always exhausted after my last class. Weeks also take a long time to pass, but when you look at months, or quarters, or semesters, these longer time periods go by very quickly. And years! After they're done, I could have sworn they just started.
You probably can't measure time. Whomever invented the clock just was messing with us. Time isn't constant at all. When aliens come down to observe our planet- they probably won't understand the concept of time, of scheduling and planning. Maybe. Or maybe the entire universe relies on this sticky subject.