September 12, 2005
We never said our love was evergreen,
Or as unchanging as the sea
But if you can still remember,
Stop and think of me...

My wish is the world's command. I ride my bike to school at 6:50 every morning, and once I rode through a puddle that got me wet and thought "I wish someone would fix that broken sprinkler that is creating this puddle" and then, the next afternoon, as I was riding home, some one was fixing that sprinkler.
Then, I complain about no one ever writing me emails- and voila! Two people who hadn't written to me in weeks wrote back. AND THEN I wanted a glow-in-the-dark frisbee, and my dad randomly brought one from Old Navy. I tell you- some one/thing upstairs has me on a good list. Not that I'm complaining =) That sprinkler really did need to be fixed.

I was dancing around in my basement to "The Phantom of the Opera". I really should be a ballet dancer. My basement ceiling is really not quite tall enough for me to be doing leaps and jumps and whatnot- I bump my head. At Ella's party we danced to the Lion King soundtrack. It's was fairly spectacular. =)

** humming my own little tune at 8:41:00 PM




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