All the palace lamps were lighted as the sun was going down
And the music of the orchestra was heard across the town
The dance was just beginning when there came a mighty roar
'Your Highness, there's an elephant, and he's standing at the door!'
I've met my match. No, I've met my conquerer; I've been outplayed, surpassed, and vanquished. It's the truth. ANd I readily admit my defeat, because no way in the world will I compete with this girl.
I'd consider myself optimistic. In fact, if you were a college application, I would tell you that optimistic is one of the three adjectives that describes me. I smile a lot, I don't complain or whine very much, I like sunflowers and blue-bird skies. Many people have told me that I'm the smiliest person they know, that "I'm never sad" (which isn't true, obviously, but I like that people think that). Obviously I don't think I'm the most idealistic person in the world, but I'm one of the more so of the people I know. Not any longer. So siree bobagoochee.
So, unlike some people, I think freshman are actually people. I don't clump them all into one "stupid freshman" group. The new freshman on the swim team are fabulous, and I love them. But there is a difference, I think, between 14 year-olds and 17/18 year olds. "KRISTEN!" you say "Just spit it out already!" Fine, your wish is my command: This girl, Maya (Maia?) is absolutely insane. I have never met anyone as optomistic and in-love-with-life as she. I don't know why she has this personality trait, but it is to the extreme. Oh, I exaggerate, do I? Nope. Example: "Tuesday are the best day of the week, because (although Mondays are good too) it's in the beginning of the week and I have so much to look forward to)" "That set today was so fun!" (I DIED during this set) "I died too, it was just really fun" She's absolutely insane. You can't derail this girl. "Oh, my test was hard, but I really liked it" WHO LIKES TESTS? NO ONE. But she is so serious, and so geniune about these strange likes of her's. I haven't found something she doesn't like. Oh, yes I have. She doesn't like rubber bands on her pants. There's a chink in her wall of optimisism. I knew we couldn't all be perfect.