Hey Andy, did you hear about this one? Tell me, are you locked in the punch?
Hey Andy, are you goofing on Elvis? Hey baby, are we losing touch?
If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon
If you believe there's nothing up my sleeve, then nothing is cool
I really like that song. I just found some of my father's R.E.M. CDs that are quite good. That's what I've been listening to all weekend.
The Fairview vs. Boulder game took place this weekend. It was fairly fabulous. Last year I was mauled as I stepped into the stadium. This year I was clever, and instead did the hair-dying-bandana-tying myself. In fact, I did it so well, my scalp still looks like it's bleeding. Slightly unpleasant, but I'll live. =) We won, again, which was fab- I'm glad they won my senior year. Not that it really mattered to me in the long run, Matt was freakin out in biology on friday, just because he was so nervous. That's one thing- no one watches swim meets. No one's weekends or parties depend on how our races go. I guess that's good- although it also means we have a very poor crowd showing. =) But, Fairview won, and we have bragging rights for another year (not that I hang out with a lot of people I feel the need to brag about my school's football record. But hey, now I could if I wanted to)
What is our world coming to? When can I vote? I want to vote. I should be able to vote! Wyatt can vote. I saw Wyatt at the bus stop the other day. I didn't say hello to him though, because I was inside Einstein's and he was at the bus stop. Can Wyatt vote? I don't remember.
Happy October, folks! Why is it 80 degrees in October? I'll give you a hint- GLOBAL WARMING.