Please show me how to live Please show me how to have a day I don't wanna wake up now Why do I have to wake up, anyway?
I am completly, totally, all together, done with stupid standarized (and aptitude) testing! Isn't that fabulous? This morning I took two SAT II Subject tests- and boy! were they no entertaining. But that's okay, because I don't have to worry about them any longer. Until, of course, I have to take the LSAT, or the MCAT, or whatever other tests after college. But that's a good four years away. It's like worrying about the SAT while in 8th grade. (of course, I know several people who took the SAT while they were young, naive middle schoolers. I pity you early-test takers.) I also pity the people who walk into the SAT without any preparation at all. Are there people like that? As in, the first time you've ever seen what the test looks like is on the testing day? I've done so many practice tests and practice questions. I didn't for the ACT, though. Interesting...
We broke down walls at school last week. Not literally, although I think we should do that someday, too. But we had a speaker come in and do a key-note at an assembly, and then different kids were excused for one of three days. We played games, mainly, which was really fun. When was the last time you ran through a jump rope? Not actually jumped rope (the verb) but had two people spinning a giant rope and run through to the other side? It had been a long time. And we bonded. And afterward, Brian Stewart smiled at me in the halls. He's never done that before.
In 9th grade, I didn't care who I "hello"ed in the halls. Margo used to say I knew the entire school. (that was when I still walked with her during passing periods) Last year, I still knew a ton of people, but I didn't greet them as exuberantly, if at all. I said hi to all the swimmers, of course, and all my current friends and classmates. But not to the kids I remembered from Platt who have no idea who I am, nor to the boys in my government class freshman year. After this "Breaking down the Walls" exercise- I've started to startle more people with my friendly hellos. I think it's good for the soul to have random people say hi to you. Especially in Fairview's halls, where if you BLINK, you miss the people (especially if you walk fast, like me!)