January 11, 2006
Tell everybody I'm on my way
New friends and new places to see
With blue skies ahead, yes I'm on my way
And there's no where else I'd rather be

answering, asking, buying, chatting, complimenting, confusing, consoling, convincing, cutting and pasting, dreaming, drinking, driving, eating, editing, explaining, falling, filling, giggling, glaring, hugging, humming, ignoring, jumping, laughing, kidding, learning, making, note-taking, observing, pulling, quieting, quitting, reading, relaxing, running, searching, scribbling, sighing, singing, sleeping, smiling, sprinting, squinting, stream-lining, stretching, stuffing, swimming, teaching, thinking, tickling, tripping, typing, upsetting, verifying, waking, walking, winking, working, wrestling, writing, yelling...

Yeah. That's about it

I drove my sister to school today, even though I have 1st off. So I slept in the back of my dad's van this morning. It was pretty great. I have such crazy dreams when I'm napping/not staying in REM for very long. And recently, I've been having these dreams that I fall out of bed, and wake up because I spazz in bed. It makes me feel like an idiot, but what can I do? Not a lot. Not a lot at all.

Say this 10 times fast: I neither say neither nor either, either That doesn't really work when you write it down. But prounouce one neither one way, and the other the other way. You know "neether" or "nIther" and "EEther" or "Ither".

** humming my own little tune at 7:55:00 PM




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