February 18, 2006
There's things I might have said
Only wish I could
Now I'm leaking life faster
Then I'm leaking blood

Tell the repo man
And the stars above
You're the one I love

We got 2nd (SECOND!) in state yesterday. WOO! Not me personally, but the team. 2nd by 6 points. 6 points ahead of the third team (Highlands ranch. Where did Highlands ranch come from? Who knows- but they had some speedy girls). Cherry Creek nearly doubled our score. But that's alright. We were all very happy to get second. Second is great. Especially when you're racing the Menenenenenzes and other insanely fast girls (how DO they make it look so easy. It ain't that simple) I personally placed 13th in the 100 free, 14th in the 100 back, and my medley relay and 4x100 relay both placed 5th. Good meet, I should say. All sorts of best times. I hope that isn't the fastest I'll ever swim. I have to go faster to make the D3 cuts for college. I hope I go faster next year. Swimming, however fun it is normally, is more fun if you swim fast.

But I will certainly miss all those girls. Kath and I had a little tearing-up fest before our relay. No one else sympathized, even Steph, who is super excited the season is over. A good thing about swimming is the pool water hides your tears.
To the amazing swimmers of the Fairview swim team. May you always smell like chlorine and be able to laugh:
Ally, Emily, Mackenzie, Angie, and ElNaz (carpool!);
Christina, Steph, and Kate (I'm still jealous of you sprinter-types) Megan, Allie H, and Erica. Hooray for exuberant underclassmenMegan and Jenny and Emily! I know I already mentioned Em, but you guys deserve to be kept together
Kath and Julie, thanks for staying loyal. We appreciate it. Hally, Charlotte, Tasia and Tara, I wish you awesome kids came to our practice more often. You're just that cool
Rachel, Angela, Amanda, Natasha(is great), Megan, and Lucy, Erika, Alexis, and Caitlin (we have a great sophomore class)Julia and Mary Kate and Morgan- please keep singing. you owe it to us. Not really, I would just really appreciate it =) Oh! and Hannah and Taylor- I couldn't possibly forget the dynamic duo. Again- more awesome sophomores. And that's only the current team. There are so many others- in chronological order: Jenny, Corinne, Chrissy, and Caroline, Audrey, the Clemens, Savannah, Sarah, and Emily, Julia, Bailey, Hailey, Maddie and Maddy and Kristen...Swimmers are the nicest kids in the world

** humming my own little tune at 4:24:00 PM




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