March 31, 2006
God only knows all the places I've been
but I love this life that I'm live'n in and
I won't look back to regret yesterday.
We're not handed tomorrow
so I'll live for today.

I just recently returned from Arizona, where I was visiting my grandparents with my family and my best friend, Jesse. There was no getting drunk, wasted, or trashed, but I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Grandma kept us quite busy, but there was still time for laughing ourselves silly on the pool deck and staying up late whispering secrets. Jess lives 2,000 miles away, in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, so I don't see her very often. But it's certainly wonderful to have a best friend. I was getting fried here in Boulder, but Jesse is always the cure for angst. I think I did her good, too. That girl stresses too much. Anyway, we did lots of amazingly fun things, besides goof off, which was probably the funnest. (yes, I know that's not a word.)
  1. We arrived Saturday afternoon; me, Angie, Mom and Dad, that is. That day we just sat around, readjusting to our new environment and strumming the guitar my dad had sent to AZ- it was very cool.
  2. Sunday the six of us went to Cirque del Soleil, which was amazing! Half way through I was thinking I should join the circus for a year, but by the time I got out of the air- conditioned (!!) tent, I had re-thought that idea. But it was very cool. We saw the show called Corteo-- about a dead clown. No one really followed the plot, but all the stunts were very impressive.
  3. Sunday night I sat on my grandparents patio (which faces a golf hole with a lovely lake) and wrote a letter to Sarah. It was fabulously warm with just a slight breeze and the birds chirped, and the fountain in the water trap splashed ever so gently- it was so beautiful. I wished I could have stayed their forever. However...
  4. Jesse arrived on Monday! Hooray for that. Angie and I picked her up from the Phoenix airport and just laughed the whole way home over things that weren't all that funny. We knew they weren't funny, too, but sometimes the best thing to do when you're so happy is to laugh.
  5. Grandpa took us to the horse races after that, and the three of us worked together to lose $15 dollars. It was sad. We didn't win one cent. Of course it was fun. And we weren't supposed to bet, anyway, you had to be 21, but as long as we had money, they didn't seem to mind. =)
  6. We also went on two hikes, one climbing a Arizona-mountain (which aren't quite as large as Colorado mountains)and one so-called desert hike, that was fun but not-quite-as.
  7. Lots of pool-playing and getting tan. At least I think I'm tan- I haven't really compared my skin tone to anyone else's yet
  8. I ate so much ice cream, it was delicious
  9. We went to a Andy Warhol exhibit yesterday. That was very strange. Warhol was really a lucky cultural phenomenon-- I don't know if I liked his art so much.
  10. Baseball game- Cubs vs. Diamondbacks at Hohokam field. Cubs won- they had two homeruns in the first inning, but slowed down from there. It was fun, though I only watch baseball when my grandparents by me a ticket to a spring training game. People watching was the msot fun, I think. Below are some random people I took pictures of- only three random pictures, actually. Cute little boy, fireman on bicycle and matching mother-daughter fans wearing gear from a team who weren't playing. Then there's Jesse, Angie and I, and some baseball players.

Overall, it was a great trip. School doesn't start for four more days. Hooray!

** humming my own little tune at 8:11:00 PM




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