I'd shine my light through cool Colorado rain. I know you, rider, gonna miss me when I'm gone; I know you, rider, gonna miss me when I'm gone; Gonna miss your baby, from rolling in your arms.
JESSE IS COMING FOR SPRING BREAK! Thank goodness. I thought I was going to snap. But Jesse's coming to the rescue! Hip-hip-hooray! That puts in a much better mood. Thank goodness for best friends. Nothin' like 'em, you know? Except for sisters- they're an awful lot like best friends, too. Mine is, really.
We didn't have to go to school today until noon because of CSAP testing. (woot!) Twas great. I sat around all morning doing nothing. It was great. And Sarah and I were planning on going on a hike tomorrow morning in our free-time but it might get really cold, in which case we should just eat breakfast. I am enjoying this spring-like weather, though. I went on a (very) short bike ride after school today. It was enjoyable, though the wind had picked up by then and it was dropping in degrees. Nothing like the sound of bike tires on pavement, though.
Thanks to Russ's and Margo's short poetry lessons, I'm going to start writing more poems. They're neat.
II Bending paperclips is so easy with just a tiny force you've changed the useful, symmetrical, art into a piece of metal and then what have I got?
he didn't like choosing favorite colors numbers animals classes picking favorites never ended well but he did because when his girlfriend asked him (she need to pick a shirt) he paused she threw a fit and he had to ask himself is she my favorite?