Transport, motorways and tramlines,
starting and then stopping,
taking off and landing,
the emptiest of feelings,
disappointed people, clinging on to bottles,
and when it comes it's so, so, disappointing.
Every once in a while I need to be reminded that I am only as happy as I make myself be. And I do know that, quite well, actually, I just need to realize it. Slap myself when I'm in a bad mood and say "Kristen, get a hold on yourself. You're not upset/mad/angry/disapointed/annoyed. Sing a song, figure it out and smile." That happened today. For no apparent reason, besides everyone in the entire school is fading fast, I was depressed and despairing, and all of a sudden I switch. I thought to myself- what's the point of this heaviness? Smile and the world smiles with you. In biochemistry we learned about DNA replication and played with pipe cleaners. After doing the simulation, I made two beautiful bracelets, one red and yellow, one pink and green. They're a fashion statement- I like it. Laurel and I also assigned everyone in the class to roles in our mideval kingdom. I forget what I was, though I'm sure it was clever. Sarah was the lute player, Lauren- the jester, Meili and Angela were croquet players, Matanya and Matt were mud wrestlers. We're amazing. Lauren drew beautiful graphics to go with our list. I'll have to steal the sheet and scan in it to save if for eternity. =) it was quite enjoyable.
I talked to Sarah (Erickson, not Judkins. That Sarah was the lute player, and was also sick, but I didn't talk to her last night) for ~60 minutes (the ~ means approximately, for you non-science/math folk) last night. We didn't talk about anything. I did read her Jennifer's Rabbit, though, she had never read it before. It wasn't a very good reading, I must say, but I think she liked it. Nothing like a classic kids book to make people feel better. Sarah was sick, you see, so I had to call and make her feel better. The best way to impress a friend is to call them when they're sick, if you ask me. Granted, they already have to like you, because if you called someone who didn't like you (or even if they were just indifferent), then that would be considered awkward. BUT if you're already friends, it's a quite nice thing to do.
Oh, bad news about the iPod shuffle world-record. I was only at 97 when I accidently reclicked "shuffle" and it started ALL over agin at song #1. I was crushed. I guess it wasn't meant to be.