I know that your powers of retention Are as wet as a warthog's backside But thick as you are, pay attention My words are a matter of pride
That's "Be Prepared" from The Lion King. I hadn't thought about that song for a long time, but then Eryn started singing (not really sining per say, but trying desperately to figure out the words) it, and I thought to myself "Hey! That's funny." And then I found twenty dollars. =)
My new favorite snack is a bananna with peanut butter on it. I just peel a banana and get out my jar of JIF peanut butter (creamy, of course) and smear it right onto the banana. I do a separate knife-full of peanut butter for every bite or else the banana would get messy and my hands would be all sticky and banana-y. Milk is good with this snack, too, though any drink will do.
Several of my AP tests are next week. Two, really, which is a lot less than some of those IB diploma canidates have. But they're both on tuesday. And then after 2 hours of English and 3 hours of Statistics, I have to go to the biology review class for three more hours in order to get out of biology after my AP test on the 19th.
Ang and I went to see Fiddler on the Roof last night. My friend Ella was it- she played Tzeitel, I think. Is that the eldest sister? I think so. She was pretty great. =) My favorite character, though, is Hodel. And Far from the home I love is my favorite song, though I always forget about Little Bird (which Tevye sings after Chava marries that Christian Russian boy). That too is a pretty great song. I also saw Fiddler at the Boulder Dinner Theatre several years ago. That scene was amazing there. They pulled it off okay last night, too. Though Angie and I made fun the boy who played the Russian because he was so short. Really. He must have been in 6th grade. Maybe 5th. He made me laugh. But it was enjoyable. I do love a good musical. AND TONIGHT I'm going to see Fairview's "Don't Drink the Water" which should be amazing. It's my last FHS theater production EVER. That's slightly terrifying, I must admit.