April 24, 2006
The light was leaving
in the west it was blue
The children's laughter sang
and skipping just like the stones they threw
the voices echoed across the way
its getting late
I think, if you back up far enough, life looks like a early morning swimming pool. Really early morning- the sun just coming up and casting perfect reflections on the completely still pool. It's the perfectly classic and clichéd chlorine blue, or it would be, if the light bouncing off of it weren't so blindingly bright. And maybe, during certain centuries or generations, you can see the tiniest bit of mist rising off the pool into the air. The backstroke flags tie everything together. From the tadpoles to the cosmic universe- they're all connected by the triagular backstroke flags. The problem with that, though, is once you can see that far out, when you're not looking at just bits and pieces and pixels anymore, you don't ever want to zoom in. At least I wouldn't. For now, I'm content looking at life highly magnified.

I'm such a dork. What does that word mean, anyway? Today I wrote an email asking my friend if she was okay because I didn't know if I could ask her to her face. We're fairly close, too, closer than most, at least, I just have this irrational fear of talking or of being shut down before I start talking. Like telephones- I have a fear of talking on telephones, too, really. I'm getting better, though.

I'm not going in the stretch-Hummer Prom group. I hate stretch Hummers. Hummers in general, actually. But I'll miss those kids. But I like the other people in my new group, too, and I'll see the original group at Prom and after prom. And Billy has a pool, so I'm quite content. =)

** humming my own little tune at 7:59:00 PM




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