April 01, 2006
Things I learned from "Mary Poppins"
  1. Mary Poppins can do anything
  2. But if she needs a hand, Bert the chimney sweep will help
  3. "Childhood slips like sand, through a sieve"
  4. A spoonful of sugar really does help the medicine go down
  5. Shaking a chimney sweep's hand is very lucky, indeed
  6. If you try hard enough, you can make a cymbal noise by nodding your head
  7. Talking circles around people is easier if you sing
  8. You don't have to explain everything
  9. Mary Poppins is never sacked
  10. Shooting blanks out of a cannon is good for shakin' things up every now and then
  11. Always give your tuppence to the bird woman
  12. Carpet bags are great
  13. A good laugh can do wonders. Literally
  14. Some people laugh through there teeth, goodness sakes, hissing and spitting like snakes
  15. "It turns out, with due respect, when all is said and done, that there's no such thing as you!"
  16. Really cheesy jokes are hilarious when told on the ceiling
  17. Well begun is half done
  18. Learning how to snap is quite important, just in case Mary Poppins helps you clean up the house
  19. Enough is as good as a feast
  20. "And what would happen to me, may I ask, if I loved all the children I said good-bye to?"
  21. A screever's an artist of highest degree
  22. People always complicate things that are really quite simple
  23. You can dance on the breeze, over houses and breeze, with your hand holding tight to the string of your kite
  24. People who get their feet wet, must learn to take their medicine.
  25. Practically perfect people never permit sentiment to muddle their thinking
  26. Talking umbrellas are all the rage
  27. Piecrust promises (ones "easily made, and easily broken") are useless
  28. Spoiled eggs are great for throwing at people
  29. Changing plans is perfectly fine, even if you were planning on buying fish
  30. Tea, however, should never be disturbed
  31. It's also easier to insult people if you're singing at them
  32. "Goats butt, birds fly, and children who are going on an outing with their father must get some sleep"
  33. "Sometimes a person we love, through no fault of his own, can't see past the end of his nose."
  34. Never loan any money to those darn colonists.
  35. "While stand the banks of England, England stands"
  36. "They makes cages in all sizes and shapes, you know. Bank-shaped some of 'em, carpets and all."
  37. A chimney is a wondrous thing
  38. I'll always want to dance on roof tops at sunset
  39. Mary Poppins is never sacked
  40. Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious- I shouldn't have to say more

** humming my own little tune at 10:03:00 PM




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