April 01, 2006
Things I learned from "Mary Poppins" - Mary Poppins can do anything
- But if she needs a hand, Bert the chimney sweep will help
- "Childhood slips like sand, through a sieve"
- A spoonful of sugar really does help the medicine go down
- Shaking a chimney sweep's hand is very lucky, indeed
- If you try hard enough, you can make a cymbal noise by nodding your head
- Talking circles around people is easier if you sing
- You don't have to explain everything
- Mary Poppins is never sacked
- Shooting blanks out of a cannon is good for shakin' things up every now and then
- Always give your tuppence to the bird woman
- Carpet bags are great
- A good laugh can do wonders. Literally
- Some people laugh through there teeth, goodness sakes, hissing and spitting like snakes
- "It turns out, with due respect, when all is said and done, that there's no such thing as you!"
- Really cheesy jokes are hilarious when told on the ceiling
- Well begun is half done
- Learning how to snap is quite important, just in case Mary Poppins helps you clean up the house
- Enough is as good as a feast
- "And what would happen to me, may I ask, if I loved all the children I said good-bye to?"
- A screever's an artist of highest degree
- People always complicate things that are really quite simple
- You can dance on the breeze, over houses and breeze, with your hand holding tight to the string of your kite
- People who get their feet wet, must learn to take their medicine.
- Practically perfect people never permit sentiment to muddle their thinking
- Talking umbrellas are all the rage
- Piecrust promises (ones "easily made, and easily broken") are useless
- Spoiled eggs are great for throwing at people
- Changing plans is perfectly fine, even if you were planning on buying fish
- Tea, however, should never be disturbed
- It's also easier to insult people if you're singing at them
- "Goats butt, birds fly, and children who are going on an outing with their father must get some sleep"
- "Sometimes a person we love, through no fault of his own, can't see past the end of his nose."
- Never loan any money to those darn colonists.
- "While stand the banks of England, England stands"
- "They makes cages in all sizes and shapes, you know. Bank-shaped some of 'em, carpets and all."
- A chimney is a wondrous thing
- I'll always want to dance on roof tops at sunset
- Mary Poppins is never sacked
- Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious- I shouldn't have to say more
** humming my own little tune at 10:03:00 PM
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