May 04, 2006
'Cause you're my secret
Alone I see myself in you, lazy eye
I wake up, see you, standing in the doorway
You were crying, but I was only dreaming

My new favorite TV show is House M.D. Besides West Wing, of course, but that's ending in a mere two episodes, so I must adopt a new show. Although do people watch TV in college? Or will I be too busy having a marvelous time? Who knows? But one hour a week of medical emergencies won't be terrible, I guess. Anyway, last night was the second part of the episode "Euphoria" and it was fabulous. My favorite character, of course, is Dr. Allison Cameron, because she's the nice one. House is a bastard. I would hate to have him as my doctor. But Cameron is great. But on Tuesday, Foreman (another doc.) was infected by some insane bacteria/virus/fungus/parasite because he broke into a patient's house (they tend to do that a lot). House wouldn't let the other two doctors go back, though, because he didn't want them to get sick, too. So while Cameron was giving Foreman some medicine, he got angry that they hadn't gone back, and STABBED HER WITH A DIRTY NEEDLE! I mean really, come on! She's already had a HIV scare, slept with the other guy while she was high, AND you stole her article and said "we're not friends, just coworkers". Then you stab her with a needle. House is right, m'dear, what does Foreman have to do to make you hate him? But then he apologized, and it was tear-jerking, because we didn't know if he was going to wake up from the induced-coma. Ah! Drama. It sounds ridiculous written down, I guess, but it's really good on TV. Dr. Cameron is the nice one, though, and the boys give her a hard time for having a heart. But then Foreman said he wanted her to be his medical proxy, even though his dad was there. That caused a slight family rift, but all was well because the brain biopsy worked fine. Except maybe not. We'll have to wait until next week. *sigh*

I hurt my knee last night as I was running around the corner from the guest bedroom into the hallway. It wasn't a full-on dislocation but I definately felt the pop in-and-out and that is why I am posting when I should be in biology. Fortunately, there is an IB biology test today, so most of my class won't be there. I'm taking AP Bio later in the month. And man, did it hurt. I've only had one serious injury and that was dislocating my knee. I was on cruches for a few days after that, and almost didn't get to go on spring trips. But I did. And the only side-effect is I have a good excuse not to do breaststroke. And also it goes in and out of place more easily, I guess. I get hurt in the lamest ways.

** humming my own little tune at 8:46:00 AM




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