And if I ever lose my hands, lose my plough, lose my land, Oh if I ever lose my hands, oh if.... I wont have to work no more. And if I ever lose my eyes, if my colours all run dry, Yes if I ever lose my eyes, oh if.... I wont have to cry no more.
High Point! High Point! High Point! Can you believe it? Nope, nope I can't. Third year in a row I whip out the race of my life during that damnéd 100 free. 55.34! That's fast, dude. The only time I've swam faster was during State last February. That 3rd turn is my fav =) And Swimmer of the Year, doncha know. Tied, actually, with Abby. And though I am a little jealous that I have to share it, I don't actually mind. She deserves it just as much as I, and I did feel bad for pushing her out of the High-Point contention during event #60. Funny how you learn the event numbers once you start coaching. It's stylish for little kids to write event numbers on their arms in Sharpie during events. So I when I say "what are you swimming?" and they shove their hand in my face, I have to figure out what events #32, 52, and 82 are (25 free, 25 back, and 100 IM for girls, just FYI =)
But now it's over. I thought I would make it through the day without crying, because I was actually quite happy with the turn of events. But then Spencer said something like "Good luck" instead of "Good job" at the end of the meet (it was on purpose) and it hit me like a truck. And Peter was the only one who noticed, and I don't even like Pete that much. But then I recovered. And I wasn't around when they announced my swimmmer-of-the-year award, which is good, because I might have cried then, too. And then I went to dinner with the Mesa kids, and saying goodbye to them got me a little teary, too. Tonight is the banquet, and I do hope I don't make a fool of myself. Betcha I will, though. I love summer league swimming. Thank goodness I didn't join year-round during those winter months of sophomore year. That would have been a distaster. =)