Me and you and you and me No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be The only one for me is you, and you for me So happy together
I said my first official "goodbye" today. And I know that for a lot of my friends, they're won't be an official goodbye. Like Billy. I don't think I'll see Billy in the next 2 weeks to say goodbye to him. snap! But I took Joy out to ice cream, as she is leaving for Switzerland on Thursday. And it was quite lovely. Except we walked out to the parking lot together and hugged and she said "good luck" and I said "I'll miss you" and we hugged again and smiled. and I put on my sunglasses, so if she happened to turn around, she wouldn't see my eyes sparkle with tears.
Sometimes I think that's one of the reasons I swim, is that no one can tell your crying when you swim
Speaking of swimming, tomorrow is the final finals! Gah! And I'm so excited/nervous/happy/content. This has been one of the best summers of my life. And it's all going to be over tomorrow (well, sunday, really, after the banquet). But I'm seated first in the 100 backstroke and 200 free, and third in the 100 free. IT ALWAYS COME DOWN TO THE 100 FREE! I hate it. But, you know, at least I don't swim the 50. Can you imagine that pressure? One mistake and *makes a cutting of the throat motion* your out. Now, in the 100, you can make two mistakes =) okay, so here's a question. how come Abby is so unpopular? I mean, we're certainly not friends, but I don't have any strong negative feelings toward her (besides wanting to beat her, but that's just competition. Sarah thinks I'm competitive, and I'm not actually all that competitive. she needs to hang around more athletes I think) but other people really dislike Abby. I wonder why... But for those people, for those people who threatened to kill me if I didn't beat her *coughKellycough* or whose eyes flash whenever they see her, or those who threaten to kill HER, I'll beat her for you. I've beaten her the last 2 years, I think I can do it again =) (PS- someone told me she wasn't in shape! Liar liar pants on fire)