November 16, 2003
Come hear Uncle John's Band playing to the tide,
Come on along, or go alone,
He's come to take his children home.
Ohh, what I want to know, how does the song go?

Those are the actual lyrics, I know how the song goes, really. That's just the lyrics to it. Bum-bum-bummmmbumbum-bumbum-bum-bumbummm. Yes. Well, that's quite a nice song. I can't believe no one has commented for nearly 2 weeks. Not that many people visit my blog besides me. Ah well, I couldn't really expect anymore, now could I?
Anyway, just to let you know there's an anomaly in the cortical stimulator that make the Heisenberg Compensators run at 56.8% of their normal KPH. This makes the Tantalus Field respond to changes in the Matter/Antimatter Reaction Chamber. "But what does it all mean?" to quote Docter Beverly Crusher. Well, only the-one-they-call-Margo would be able to understand that. OH, I made all that technobabble up- it sounds very professional, if I do say so myself!

** humming my own little tune at 4:53:00 PM



November 15, 2003
When I'm stuck ina day
That's gray, And lonely,
I just stick out my chin
And grin,
And say,
Oh, the sun'll come out tomorrow
Well, who knows where that came from. It just popped into my mind like a gopher pops out of a "Smash the Gopher" games. I'm making a Star Trek collage for health class. It'll be very interesting, although it will only last 2 minutes or so. We'll see.

** humming my own little tune at 1:38:00 PM



November 13, 2003
I've grown accustomed to her face
She almost makes the day begin
I've grown accustomed to the tune that she whistles night and noon
Her smiles, her frowns, her ups, her downs
Are second nature to me now

Like breathing out and breathing in
I was serenely independent and content before we met
Surely I could always be that way again
And yet I've grown accustomedto her looks
Accustomed to her voice

Well, that's true for me and for Mr. Henry Higgins. The rest of the song is some raging ramage, which I would feel like doing if I weren't so darn tired.....

** humming my own little tune at 7:35:00 PM



November 12, 2003
Do, a deer, a female deer
Re, a drop of golden sun
Mi, a name I call myself
Fa, a long long way to runnnn
I won't bore you with the song that everyone knows. I am stuck at school for another hour and 12 minutes. That should be interesting. I don't have anything to do. I am very sad that no one has commented. I makes me want to cry....

** humming my own little tune at 3:46:00 PM



November 08, 2003
A crazy planet full of crazy people,
Is somersaulting all around the sky.
And everytime it turns another somersault,
Another day goes by.
Oh my goodness gracious! The Sound of Music was so incredibly good, I can't describe it. It was amazing beyond reason. How do people MY age do something like that? I can't even imagine how much work they had to do. It was wonderful. The acting, the dancing, the singing, the music, gee-whiz! I mean, I'm a fan of all plays, especially musicals, but this was so fabulous. Even the songs I didn't know made me happy as a pig in mud. Well, this is your drop of golden sun saying "so long, farewell" :-)

** humming my own little tune at 12:21:00 PM



November 05, 2003
Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good
Well, that song is annoying! it was before it was stuck in my head, and it is afterward, too. I never understood it, why did Maria think she was a "wicked child" in the first place? Yo no se! I would like to give a giant thank you to Ella for kindly singing it too me during 5th. BAH!
I do, however, have some entertaining sites everyone should visit, firstly, go meet Oliver who is a "male robot entity". Very funny, but Oliver's kinda stuck up, he thinks he's better than Data from Star Trek. HA! Ask him yourself.
Secondly you should go to Google . Not that it's really Google, but you should go there before I tell you what it really is. Uh-oh, teachers are laughing in the background. Never a good sign, if I do say so myself. I have to wait around for another hour before swim practice. Silly Sarah forgot her book, so our meeting failed. OH WELL, it could very well have happened to me.

** humming my own little tune at 3:36:00 PM



November 04, 2003
And that’s
Good, isn’t it?
Grand, isn’t it?
Great, isn’t it?
Swell, isn’t it?
Fun, isn’t it?
But nothing stays
That song has been stuck in my head all day. It's from Chicago, the musical. I saw that this weekend for the first time (I saw the play, but this was the first movie-viewing). I had really high expectations for it, which it didn't quite fullfill, but that's okay. It was still really good. That song kept mixing with
Golly, gee, fellas
Find me a vacant knee, fellas
Dolly will never go away
Dolly'll never go away
Dolly'll never go away again
Yeah-That's from Hello Dolly. I never got to the whole "Well Hello, Dolly" part of the song, but that's okay. I like randomly mixing songs in my head.
I ended up not watching the Star Trek episode below- it sounded good, though didn't it? My taping messed up so I watched "Force of Nature" instead of "Measure of a Man"(that's the one below) Ah, well, that's okay. COMMENT, por favor.

** humming my own little tune at 8:58:00 PM



November 02, 2003
The Star Trek I'm going to watch next !
(this is the add that aired in 1991)


Picard: There are twenty million lives down there;and you know what will happen to them.


Rasmussen: It sounds to me like you are trying to manipulate the future.


Rasmussen: Everyone dies, Captain..'s just a question of when.


You can read the full synopsis at this website

** humming my own little tune at 2:06:00 PM



November 01, 2003
So, good mornin', good mornin'!
Sunbeams will soon smile through,
Good mornin', good mornin', to you,
And you, and you, and you!

Now, it's not really morning anymore- 11:06 and 52 seconds to be exact- I've been up for 3 hours and haven't done anything. Heck- if I was a school, I'd have already been to 4 classes. Makes you feel kinda unproductive- don't it? BUT THAT'S OKAY- It's a weekend, afterall. I'm in my sweatpants and my not-matching sweat-shirt, and my slippers. My hair is a mess- I hardley brushed it. That's the way to go on a Saturday, if you ask me. Actually, I've done a lot, now that I think about it.
1) I've gotten out of bed,
2) Ate breakfast (cream of wheat)
3)Watched an hour of Star Trek (the Episode "the Game" is very good. Wesley Crusher saves the day!)
4) Looked up the new STAR WARS cartoon playing on Cartoon Network (BAH! It looks horrible, but at least there's something to pass the wait)
5) I "practiced" piano (it could also be called sitting in front of the piano for approximately 4 minutes, 21 seconds, 57 milliseconds... and messing with the music so it looked like I played)
6) Wrote an email to my friend Morgan who lives in CA
7) Tried to make a movie- but my computer is being stupid

That's about it. I watched CHICAGO last night, it was good, but not as good as I expected. That happened when I saw the play, too. I think that it's just horrible how they're all so mean to eachother. It makes me feel bad. Sigh. I really like HAPPY musicals the best- and most of them are happy. Singing in the Rain is one of my favorites, maybe. I can never decide. That's where "Good Morning" song is from. YEP YEP.

** humming my own little tune at 11:14:00 AM




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