Just a castaway An island lost at sea Another lonely day With no one here but me More loneliness Than any man could bear Rescue me before I fall into despair
My dad got a new computer on sunday. It's really exciting. It's a laptop, and it is widescreen so everything is, well, wider. I'm brillant, I know
School started, too, which wasn't near as bad as I was expecting. Better, in fact, than I could have imagined. I love my new biology teacher- she's a parasitologist, which is cool, but whenever I think of parasites I think of that movie we watched in 5th grade about all the little crawlies that live on your eyebrows and whatnot. They give me the willies! But she's really nice, and funny, too, she said that one of the reasons she doesn't teach elementary school is because she would frighten off all the kids with her sarcasm. I don't mind some sarcasm here and there. it helps lighten up a class.
OH! And in LA, we get to spend an entire month writing novels! How amazingly awesome is that? Fabuous. I'm psyched. I have no idea what I'd write about though. Kristin told me to write a mystery novel, but I'm really not that good at being subtle. At all. Ah, we'll see. November is a long way away.
Well, again, this is a very short post. I'm just uninteresting, I'm afraid. Alas. Alack. Although I did make a paper mache pig, who is simply amazing. I'll post pictures eventually.
Who needs shelter when the mornings coming? Absolutely there's no one Who needs shelter from the sun? Not me, no. not anyone.
My new biology teacher is so cool. I hope she's as fabulous as she seemed the first 51 minutes I met her. Unfortunately, SOMEONE warned her about my criminal tendencies, so she knew all about Sam and mine purple-people-eater extravaganza. I don't even know the woman and she knows my criminal background! Unbelievable.
There was a propane fire at Meadows yesterday. According to Katie, it was the first exciting thing that happened all summer. However, I didn't know where the fire extinguisher was (some life guard I make, huh?) so I was fairly useless. I really do want to go to a family night. That would be fun.
Ellen and Mags and I paper mached last week. We painted our creatures after school on friday (after school- how weird). My pig is so awesome. I don't know what I'm going to do with it- perhaps I'll leave it in a random room at school. With a hidden camera inside, thus I will track all that happens to it.
August 24, 2005
School starts tomorrow, school starts tomorrow, falalalalalalaDIE. Ah well. I'm slightly excited, mostly not, but a little. But I'll give a toast. Here's to the summer- here's to Meadows Swim Team, to starting blocks and swimming pools, to noodle contraptions and noodle lengths, to hair highlights, New England, the trees in Vermont, the Maine coast, to ice cream, shakes, malts, sundaes, to little buddies, to photographs, to the Californian beaches, mountains, and air, to El and Mags, to Angie, to Nicaragua, to Gilmore Girls, Andromeda, and Lucy Lawless, to whatever movies I saw, and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, to beavers, mountain lakes, skiers in July, coloring, paper mache, to Friends, the Boulder Res, Baseline lake, NCAR, Pearl Street Mall, and Coldstone, to Coldplay, Jack Johnson, The Wizard of Oz, to the Lake of the Ozarks, to tubing and fishing, to catfish and bass, to playing the piano, night-hikes, star-gazing, sleeping outside, to emails, letters, and college mail. Here's to colored pencils, diving boards, Disneyland, LINK kids, freshman, and seniors, to spaghetti, macaroni, bananas, and powerbars, to grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles, to bad matteresses, and fabulous pillows, to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and also to Hamlet, to my iPod, to my collection of books, to swim coaches and life guards, swimmers, runners, and nappers. Here's to lemonadey summers, I hope I have many more to come. *ching*
You're out of the woods, You're out of the dark, You're out of the night. Step into the sun, Step into the light. Keep straight ahead for the most glorious place On the Face of the Earth or the sky. Hold onto your breath, Hold onto your heart, Hold onto your hope. March up to the gate and bid it open
That song is from the Wizard of Oz, for your information, it's sung when Dorothy and the Tinman and the Scarecrow and the Lion and Toto are wandering out of the poppy field. In the movie and the play, Glinda, the witch of the North, makes it snow so the poppies close. In the book, though, mice help the scarecrow and tinman carry Dorthoy out of the flowers. I guess it's hard to have mice on stage, ain't it? =)
I ask so many questions. I'm like a freaking six year old- people always say how those little-kid questions get so annoying. Granted, mine aren't as fast-paced nor random (most of the time) as the classic six year olds. Why does your skin turn red if it's under pressure? Is it because of the light pollution that we can only see some of the Milky Way when we're way up in the mountains? What's charcoal made out of? Why do people care if that lacrosse team wore flip-flops to meet the president? How many missions to the moon have there been? How much oil do those drills on Kansas farms produce? Do the Rolling Stones still make more money than, say, Coldplay? See- I'm incorrigible. Okay, that certainly isn't the right word, but that's what Kurt says in The Sound of Music and Maria gives him the wrong definition, too. It means (I just looked it up)"impervious to correction by punishment". Fortunately, I know what impervious means. =)
For some reason I became slightly depressed after our swim party today. But I cured it- a good bike ride (even if it is really quite short it works. I love riding my bike) cures all depression, I think.
All people talk about anymore is college. Granted, I start many of these conversations, but it's true. Jesse has written me more emails recently than ever before, and every one of them is mostly about college. Of course, for Jesse college is exciting. She's getting recruited by Ivy League soccer coaches and gets phone calls about it. I, however, am getting form-letter emails from DIII swim schools. Not that that isn't cool- I'm excited. But I think college needs to take a break. Thanks.
August 15, 2005 Things I Have Done Recently (ABCs)
Ate too much pudding
Bought a pint of ice cream
Cried though I didn't plan to
Drove 12.5 hours
Even though it rained the entire way
Fished a heck of a lot
Got several blow-up rafts from the crawl-space
Haven't gotten much sleep
Ice cream and cake
Julia said goodbye (see letter "C")
Kristen is my name
LINK Retreat
Margo came back from Nicaragua
Noodle-raft made from noodle-connectors was made
Opened my eyes for miles of Kansas
Played a ton of card-games (both at the retreat and here, in Missouri)
Quit cringing when gramma got made
Repeated, redesigned, and rehearsed
Sat for hours
Tried to teach my cousins how to play "P&H"
Understood Hamlet
Very "Guys and Dolls"y
Watched Chocolate, again, which is a good movie
Xylophone is what my aunt's car sounds like
Yawned much too early
Zerbra's don't live in Missouri.
I'm sure I forgot something. But the alphabet limits slightly, you know?
** humming my own little tune at 5:00:00 PM
August 12, 2005 ** humming my own little tune at 5:20:00 PM
August 02, 2005
Say you love me every waking moment, Turn my head with talk of summertime Say you need me with you now and always Promise me that all you say is true That's all I ask of you...
I got a rug-burn today! It was slightly exciting, when was the last time I had a rug burn I wonder. Long ago, that is certain. It made me happy, although, granted, it was a rug-burn. =) I got it while dying upon Julia's carpet as I handed my last defense, the nerf-gun, to her sister. Ali carried on fabulously, I must say, and eventually I got to sit on Julia and put her own gun to her head. But somehow she escaped. But, after all, what fun would games be if you had to stay dead after you were hit with a nerf-thing? hmmm? none.
Today was also the first time in years I have been afraid of a thunderstorm. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that I was alone, on my bike, with a slippery road underneath me and heart-stopping thunder claps every few minutes. But it's true, I was slightly worried. Luckily, I was not hit by lightning AND I got everything done that I had too. How do people take those awesome pictures of lightning? Because it takes microseconds for a bolt to flash across the sky. Do they just keep the shutter open until lightning does occur. That would take much too much patience, I must say.
Julia is leaving in two weeks. And Hailey is leaving before her, and then Bailey and Em leave in September. How absolutely miserable! I don't know what I'll do. Pictures? CDs? Posters? A giant card that says "Please please please don't forget about me and I know you'll be having the adventure of your life but I'll miss you terribly and you can't just leave me here!" Nah- that's not near catchy enough for a Hallmark card.