January 31, 2004 You, my friend are a true individual. You most likely hate trends and are creative. By seeing things differently, people either admire you or think you are a bit strange. An inspiration to us all, continue being you! A Deeper Look Inside Yourself (with pics) You are Fresh Mint.
You are caring and friendly. You have a nurturing personality and always help out a friend in need. You are fairly outgoing, and always show a friendly face. You truly care for other people, and you show it. However, you may neglect your own responsibilites or become over involved in your friends' personal affairs.
Most Compatible With: Orange
January 30, 2004 "You talk like the grown-ups!"
That made me a little ashamed. But he added, mercilessly:
"You confuse everything.. You've got it al mixed up!" He was really very annoyed. He tossed his gold curls in the wind. "I know a planet inhabited by a red-faced gentleman. He's never smelled a flower. He's never looked at a star. He's never loved anyone. He's never done anything except add up numbers. And all day long he says over and over, just like you, "I'm a serious man! I'm a serious man!" And that puffs him up with pride. But he's not a man at all- he's a mushroom!"
"He's a what?"
"A mushroom!" The little prince was now quite pale with rage. "For millions of year flowers have been producing thorns. For millions of years sheep have been eating them all the same. And it's not serious, trying to understand why flowers go to such trouble to produce thorns that are good for nothing? It's not important, the war between the sheep and the flowers? It's no more serious and more important than the numbers that fat red gentleman is adding up?..." He couldn't say another word. All of a sudden he burst out sobbing. Night had fallen. I took him in my arms. I rocked him. I didn't know what to say. How clumsy I felt! I didn't know how to reach him, where to find him... It's so mysterious, the land of tears."
Yeah, that's about how I feel, too. Thanks to The Little Prince for that wonderfully worded passage.
We love you seniors, Oh yes, we do We love you, Seniors It's true When you're not with us We're blue Oh, Seniors we love you
Last home meet today. Quite touching, actually. All miss all those wonderful people so much. Once they they go "POOF" and are never heard of again, at least by me. It's quite sad, pitiful, but true. ALAS, but they are happy to be gone, I think, so that is good. I'm not so sure I'll be happy to be gone....
"And the little prince broek into a lovely peal of laughter, which annoyed me a good deal. I like my misfortunes to be taken seriously." I think that's my new close-to-favorite book. The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. I had never read it before, and I don't know why, but it's fabulous. It's completely me. It's like Mary Poppins and Peter Pan, a beautiful ending that is mainly happy, but with a twinge of tears. The Little Prince's ending is a little more sad than Mary Poppins' is, a lot more, for that matter, but I love it soo much. I kinda wish I could read french so I could understand it's original format. Did you know the author disappeared while flying a plane over the Mediterranean? That's odd...It's like Amelia Earheart, I always wonder what happened to her....
Back to that lovely quote about misfortunes being taken seriously, Actually, I don't want to talk about it, just kidding. Over and Out.
I've seen fire and I've seen rain I seen sunny days that I thought would never end I see lonely times when I could not find a friend But I always thought that I'd see you again
There's a flatiron facing Fairview that looks an awful lot like a dog howling at the moon. I have a perfect view of it, sitting here in the library. As Bert would say "Have you even seen, the grass so green? Or a bluebird sky?" It's quite a lovely day outside, but no one wanted to come enjoy it with me. It was just too cold. BAH! Too cold if you had a t-shirt and high heels on. Unfortunately, that's the current style. So me in my tennis shoes and scarf and wool coat had to enjoy by ourselves. It was sunny and crisp, like a good January day, and although the snow was already melted away from most parts of the field, and the trees were no longer dusted with snow, it was still wonderfully magical. Too bad that no longer anyone realizes it.
Swim practice is tapered for most people today. Not me, supposedly, but last week when we weren't SUPPOSED to be tappered, I was still, kinda, because it's hard to have 4/5 of the team tapered and 1/5 not. So, today won't be too hard. Hooray. I'll be sad when swimming ends. All those fabulous people who I won't have an excuse to be around anymore, and seeing them will have to be accidental. Hopefully, though, after our pancake breakfast on Saturday, we'll go play Laser Tag. I love Laser Tag. I've wanted to play it since forever, and I haven't so perhaps this weekend I will. That would make me as happy as a clam.
"It's a jolly holiday with Mary. The daffodils are smiling at the doves."
"Well, you can say it backwards, which is Dociousaliexpiistic- fragilcalirupus, but that's going a bit too far, don't you think?"
That's a good movie. Sad, in a happy sense of the word. You should really watch the end of it if you haven't recently. It's not the Disney happy-ending movie that you think it is. "Practically perfect people never permit sentiments muddle their thinking"*sigh* People don't realize how hard that is. Actually, you probably do, but that's not the point. They don't ACT like they do. SO there.
** humming my own little tune at 9:54:00 PM
Once a jolly swagman camped by a Billabong
Under the shade of a Coolabah tree
And he sang as he watched and waited till his billy boiled
"Who'll come a-waltzing Matilda with me?"
Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda Who'll come a waltzing Matilda with me And he sang as watched and waited by the billabong Who'll come a-waltzing Matilda with me?
That is a lovely song, if I do say so myself. I learned it in second grade. Ahh, good years. I think sometimes I'm more kid-like then most people I know, all these 'mature' high school students never understand the little things I like. For example, Waltzing Matilda. Even at swim practice (where everyone is so incredibly nice) they don't really like singing Supercalifragilisticexplealidious or smiling at the small funnies. What can you do?
** humming my own little tune at 6:25:00 PM
January 24, 2004
Oh, give me a home Where the buffaloe roam And the deer and the antelope play Where seldom is heard a discouraging word And the skies are not cloudy all day
HOME, HOME ON THE RANGE. I think that it would be fun to be a cowboy- for a little while. Riding a horse all by yourself across miles and miles without having to talk to anyone- living off the land. (pardon the cliche) Speacking of cliches how do you do that nice accent on the computer for words like cliche? It still remains a mystery.....WISH ME LUCK AT MY SWIM MEET!
** humming my own little tune at 11:52:00 AM
January 18, 2004
Maybe if we ignore the environment, it will just go away
That's a bummer sticker I saw the other day. I liked it. I hope Star Wars Episode 3 is going to be good. That would make me happy.
** humming my own little tune at 8:36:00 AM
January 12, 2004
Well I’m on my way
I don’t know where I’m going
I’m on my way I’m taking my time
But I don’t know where
Goodbye Rosie, queen of Corona
See you,
Me and Julio down by the schoolyard
That's a good song. I still haven't decided if justice is a form of revenge. I would like to thank Emily for making me think about that for about 36 hours straight, because it really isn't helping with my finals studying. However, the internal debate between myself and my otherself will continues. If, for example, you were in an underground organization dedicated to bringing down the current government, and you killed them for the crimes they did against your people. If they were really bad, like the French Revolution, in which all sorts of people were told to eat grass, but then your organization cut off the heads of countless thousands, even the distant relatives to the oppressors, then, although there is justice in killing all those people who, thanks to their ignorant stupidity, killed hundreds of thousands, it really just gets into the "revenge" catagory when you kill their relatives. Even if you personally didn't know anyone who died, people who you know know people who did, so that's still revenge. Synonyms for "revenge"- : avenge, fight back, get even, justify,settle with, square, vindicate. Justify, justice, anyone see what I'm seeing? Well, that's the daily rant, not I really have to study history. Over and Out.
** humming my own little tune at 7:32:00 PM
January 11, 2004
Poor unfortunate souls
In pain, in need
This one longing to be thinner
That one wants to get the girl
And do I help them?
Yes, indeed
Those poor unfortunate souls
So sad, so true
That's from Little Mermaid. I was talking to Steffi the other day and we couldn't remember how it went. Then, suddenly, it popped into my head. Yes, indeedy. So, there it is, to be saved for ever and ever by me.
Speaking about speaking to people on my swim team the other day- I was talking to Emily Weigel about revenge, and she said that justice is a form of revenge. I disagreed then, but now I'm thinking she was right. Like, if Person1 goes to court for killing PersonA- Person1 is given a lifetime in prison and that's fulfulling their revenge- isn't it? Like if the family of PersonA was very made at Person1, then wouldn't they be satisfied if he never saw the outside of his prison walls. So, sure, that's revenge, right? But that's justice, too. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court doesn't deal with people usually, just events, so that's not giving out revenge. No one wanted revenge on the Arkansas school board when the case Emmerson vs. Arkansaswas fighting about evolution. Sorry, that's the first supreme court case that popped into mind. And if a teenager gets a parking ticket, and has to pay however much a parking ticket is, that's not revenge, but it's not justice, either. They most likely didn't do anything to anyone, they just parked for too long in a certain spot. It's teaching them a lesson, of some sort. Maybe, or maybe it's just the city getting money. I don'r know. I'm running myself in circles. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me what you think. comment!
** humming my own little tune at 7:06:00 PM
January 07, 2004
Hello! I won't be posting, probably, for a while. Maybe this weekend I shall- but my weeks are quite hectic. PLEASE COMMENT!!!!
** humming my own little tune at 7:42:00 AM
January 02, 2004 The Best of 2003 (according to The-one-they-call-Boysenberry) The Best.....
1)MOVIE Probably LOTR-Return of the King, but Peter Pan was wonderful, as well as Finding Nemo and Pirates of the Caribbean. AH! what a choice...
2)Book published Well, didn't read a lot of "new releases" but The Da Vinci code was fun, although not wonderfully written. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix takes the cake, I think
3)Book I read for the first time Tale of Two Cities was fabulous, made me cry, doncha know. I read so many good books that I can't remember. I'll probably change this decision in the near future, but TOTC wins, currently
4)Movie I made I'm thinking ANGIE'S TREK ACROSS AMERICA as the best movie, followed closely by KRISTEN AND ALEXA'S CURE FOR BOREDOM
5)Holiday Christmas was quite fun this year, yeah- Christmas wins, as usual
6) Vacation I'll have to go with London or North Carolina, unless, of course St. Croix counts, because we were there part of 2002 and part of 2003. If Croix DOESN'T count, my visit to my bestest buddies in NC will come out on top.
7)Athletic Event that I was in Considering a huge % of my competitions are swimming- those are the finalists. It's either Colorado Invite 2003, Summer League Finals 2003, or Boulder County 2003 (that was in Jan. LAST year) The winner is... CO Invite!
8)Class I took Biology, definitively. Thank you Ms. Cady!
9)Color (?)
Purple wins again. And no, I'm not a traitor to my high school. It's not my fault our rival is purple.
Yes, well. I hope everyone had an entertaining night watching people in New York kissing. GROSS! just kidding. But they did show an awful lot of that, didn't they. Anyway, here is an interesting article...
** humming my own little tune at 10:02:00 AM