This madness can't be so I can't believe it I never dreamed that any barriers could rise, Or that I'd ever see the stranger in your eyes...
Okay, today's going to be my day of complaining. I hope no one minds, but even if you do, that's too bad. I listen to people complain all day and never get an oppurtunity to vent. So I'm going to vent. Just you watch. =) Firstly, I'm ratting on the swim team captains. Emily and Bailey and ALana and Maddie and Kristen are such wonderful kids, I'm very happy I can call them friends. But they are putting out a very very bad show as swim team captains. We have narly 70 kids needing some direction, and Kristen and Maddie haven't swum with us ONCE. Bailey has come the last 2 weeks or so, and she holds the record for the most practices attended. Last year, Alana was the befriender of all the new swimmers, the freshman who had absolutely no idea what was going on. This year, despite her post as captain, she's come to maybe 5 practices, at the absolute most. Emily, who is one of my bestest friends and anyone who knows her should be extreamly thankful, has swum 2 practices, and come to seven or eight. Who gives these people the right to come in an claim their role? We voted them in thinking they would be at practice, helping with cheers and team moral and anything. But Steph and I and Angie taught the cheers for the first four weeks, while the "captains" did who knows what, and then they waltz in without knowing anyone's name, and take command. Not that our coach didn't hand it to them as soon as they walked in the door to the pool deck. HRUMP. That's what I say to those people who plan to lead a team they don't even know. We're State Champs, for goodness sake. You'd think we'd have some quality leadership. Just wait 'till next year- me and Steph are taking command.
I think that's all I'll say today. I've worked myself into a temper and had better go walk it off...
November 28, 2004 ** humming my own little tune at 8:25:00 PM
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
It's been snowing for nearly 24 hours straight. That's just great. I love the snow. I like the sun, too. But snow is good. This is our first real snow storm this year. Alexa and Angie and I made a very impressive sled-jump on the mini-hill in the next next to our house. It's very mini (the hill) so it's hard to get very much speed or distance. But it was still fun. And of course there is always the possibility of a snow day tomorrow, which would be great. =) One can only hope.
I'm going to defend my "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" opinion. I think it's the worst movie in the Indiana Jones trilogy- granted, it's still a pretty good movie in the long run. Firstly, it has "Willie", who is the WORST female co-star. She's just an annoying character, and the comedy she's supposed to bring is way over cliched. Second, they rely on gross situations just because they're gross. The floor covered with millipedes, the monkey brains, the eye-ball soup etc., etc., etc. And then it's not quite as good as a story. There are no evil Nazis involved, the antagonist is a guy who is a fanatic of a very very ancient religion. Meh. There's my defence, Mr. Dale. =)
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me My shallow hearts the only thing that's beating Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me Till then I walk alone
Happy Thanksgiving! I ate soo much. I think I nearly exploded. But of course I ate more. And my parents are having a "leftover" party tomorrow, and we're having 11 people over who are all going to cook a lot more food to bring. Hardley "left over". It will be fun, though. We had dinner at the Triplet's house. They're actually my mom's friend from college and her family. She has triplets- Kristen, Allie, and Matt, and another younger kid, Courtney. They're known as "The Triplets" at my house, though. They're 11, I think. And Courtney's 10. 9, maybe. They're fun. We've known them for a very long time- it's fun to watch them grow up. They're nice kids. They also have the same glass-ware the Nichols had when they lived next to us. It's funny the things you remember. Short, thick glasses with "500" written on the bottom- except when you were drinking your milk or juice, the 500 was backwards. Yeppers Peppers
I'm thankful for my mom, dad, and Angie. For my friends, both the great ones and the not-so-great, they're still friends. I'm thankful for my school, the great science teachers. I'm thankful for swim team, and the fabulous swim coaches and assistant coaches. I'm thankful for TiVO (if I had it) I'm thankful for snow storms and sunshine, and for being able to laugh.
"Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" what a good title. Man. It just gives you the willies. It's actually called BladeRunner, but DADOES is a much better title. My dad just said that he looks like George Bush. I think NOT.
I'm watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom on TV right this instant. That's the worst one out of the trilogy, I think. The first one's the best. You can't beat that opening scene. Not ever. MAN! That "snake suprise" scene is gross gross gross. BLEHH!
November 22, 2004
Last car ride: 2 hours ago- coming home from swimming
Last good cry: ummm, probably during Finding Neverland Last library book checked out: Some book about Mao for my history paper.
Last movie seen: Pirates of the Caribbean with Alexa and Angie last night.
Last book read: "A Toad for Tuesday"- I read it in about 20 minutes last night.
Last beverage drank: Milk
Last food consumed: Potatoes and Ham
Last phone call: Ellen
Last TV show watched: um, Jimmy Neutron, unfortunately
Last time showered: yesterday
Last shoes worn: my blue sandals
Last cd played: I've been listening to the radio recently....
Last annoyance: My runny nose
Last disappointment: umm, my slow times on powerrack- but that wasn't too bad.
Last soda drank: Ginger Ale
Last sleep: I woke up this morning at 8:03
Last person seen: I can still see my sister, dad, and mom
Last ice cream eaten: Mint Chocolate Chip
Last time hugged: After swimming tonight
Last underwear worn: white
Last shirt worn: Stanford Soccer- which I've had for five years
Last time dancing: It's been a while
Last poster looked at: The Eistein poster in that science shop at Pearl Street.
Last web page visited: University of North Carolina
** humming my own little tune at 8:53:00 PM
And the people all said,
"Sit down, sit down you're rockin' the boat."
The people all said,
"Sit down, sit down you're rockin' the boat."
Cause the Devil will drag you under,
By the sharp lapels of your checkered coat,
"Sit down, sit down you're rockin' the boat."
Ahh. I love days off of school. Angie, Mom and I went to the Community Food share to volunteer. It was kinda fun- my back got really stiff, and I managed to get several splinters. Hmmm. But I got to tramp around in a dumpster (filled with clean cardboard- nothing gross) I felt like those fauns from Fantasia. It's a been a long time since I've seen that movie. Huh.
I sure do like yearbooks. They really raise your selfesteem. All these people write extreamly nice things about you. I need that every once in a while. "You are such a cool and nice and wonderful girl" "thank you so much for all of your positive encouragment" "you always make my day with your fanatastic smile" "you're a really smart, cool and interesting gal!" "you are sweet, hilarious, energetic, enthusiastic" "You're a wonderfully cheer and chirpy (like a bird!) person"
That's a lot of adjectives. Really. I think the thesarus people should use yearbooks as their base of "good". They'd come up with a lot of synonyms. Yeppers Peppers. Man! It's only November and I'm already yearning for my yearbook. haha yearning for a yearbook. That's horrible.
We said we would keep in touch
But we're way out of reach
We stopped writing months ago
And we haven't talked in weeks
Tons of kids are still coming to swim practice. I guess I'll get used to it- the overcrowded lanes, the buzzing of voices all the time, the splashes, the having to know 70 kids names. I knew the 54 names of girls there last friday. I was quite impressed with myself. Not last names, mind you, but that's okay. I think that I'm a shoe-in for capitan next year. I'm the only one every single freshman recognizes. And maybe Steph, too. Maybe not. Hmmm.
Revenge of the Sith comes out exactly 6 months from yesterday. Isn't that exciting beyond reason? I hope that it's fantastic. Billy thinks that it will be. The trailer was pretty good, I think. I hope the Obiwan/Anakin fight is also spectacular. It should be. Lucas usually doesn't mess up the fight scenes.
Jenni is doing a profile on me for the yearbook. That is very kind of her, I'm certainly not on of the most interesting juniors. But I had fun filling out her questionaire. "If you were a ghost, who would you haunt?" "What kind of candy would you be?" I'm excited to see all the other people's answers. Man! That's a long time away.
I'm psyched that it's Thanksgiving Break. P-S-Y-C-H-E-D. (That's a FHS cheer) Although, I couldn't sleep in today because an alarm in my room went off, and I couldn't go back to sleep. But TOMORROW I will sleep in. yeah! I should probably do some homework before it's too late. Yeah. I'll do my chemistry after this.
The CHOICE alumni night was Thursday night. It was great. I love Alumni night. It's always a pleasure to see Mrs. Rundell. She's such a fabulous person. Granted, I didn't get to talk to her very much, but she just as an aura of excitedness. Emmy Smith used to talk about auras. No- it was Kelly, with whom Emmy had a love/hate relationship with. They would be very civilized toward eachother some of the time, and talk about auras and such, and other times they hated eachother with a passion. It was interesting to watch...But I think they might be friends now. Except Kelly graduated last year. Wow. That's weird to think about. It's weird to think about Emmy as a junior. Margot saw her last week on the bus. ANYWAY, Alumni night was great fun. I wish they had it more often. I, unfortunately, didn't know any of of the 8th graders that were there. Well, I kinda knew Olivia and Travis, but just from stories. Next year, I won't know ANYONE. That's horrible. I told Mrs. Rundell to say Hi to Mrs. Mierzejewski for me. I want to talk to her. Mrs. Mierzejewski is a very cool person, too. I think more teachers are model human beings than in any other profession. It makes sense, too.
Live a life less ordinary
Live a life extraordinary with me
Live a life less sedentary
Live a life evolutionary with me
Sooo many kids came to swim practice today and yesterday. It was rough. Seriously, the waves in the pool were so big you could call it rough OCEAN water. We started from different ends of the pool, so the first person wouldn't catch the last. We could only do 25s, 50s, and 75s. During the aerobic set yesterday I nearly cried, it was so hard to breath, to swim against the current created by people going the opposite direction. And poor Steph, she was a disaster. I hope she gets better soon. =( ahhhhhhhh. I also hope less people come to practice. Today wasn't as bad, we did fast 50s as anaerobic, so there was no long aerobic set. Which was nice.
Today in math Mr. Ebadi talked about the ranking of the smartest states. Colorado was number 21, or something. "Colorado should be in the top 10," said Mr. Ebadi. "I mean, in Boulder County, these are the smartest people I've ever seen. But then you go to Limon.... no, there's nothing wrong with Limon, folks." I just cracked up. I had to quote it so I would remember it forever. Mr. Ebadi CRACKS ME UP. It's great. greatgreatgreat.
Jinger wrote Angie and I back. I LOVE getting regular mail. It's the greatest thing since timbucktoo. I don't even know what that saying means. Anyway, JInger said that she came up with the phrase "fan-flippin'-tastic" so if you want to use you, you have to ask her (or pay her) first. Otherwise, it's plagerism. =)
November 14, 2004 AHH, I really really want it to snow. Huge drifts of crystalized magic. White vanilla ice cream, not French Vanilla, because, although it might taste better, it's slightly off-white. Cold and crisp, the very top layer is crunchy, but underneath the frozen seal, snowflake upon snowflake lay, not mashed together, but carefully placed to not smash any of them. The sun melts the magic ever so slightly, and no longer are they perfect, untouchable artifacts from an unknown world, but snowballs, igloos, ski-jumps, "white-washers" and slide slickers. Those of you who don't know what the latter two are, are very much missing out. Days of laughter in the air, a different magic, the same deck of cards, but a different trick. Not mysterious, eye-catching classical art,now a whimsical Worhal. Something so normal, so everyday (Cambell's tomato soup) repeated again and again. The right angle, the right thought and you're spun into a world of light-hearted Picasso's and colorful black&white photographs. Curious.
I'll know when my love comes along I won't take a change. I'll know he'll be just what I need Not some fly-by-night Broadway romance.
It's been an awfully long time since I updated. Not a heck of a lot has happened, though. That's alright, no news is good news, supposedly. Swim season started yesterday, although I didn't go to the first "real" practice. Oops. I was babysitting. =) Our first meet is in less than three weeks. I am very excited. very very.
One VERY interesting thing was Fairview's Guys and Dolls produciton. It was fabulous beyond reason. really. I was blown away. Laura Krugel did a fantastic job of Sarah Brown. I really couldn't imagine anyone else doing it. The other leads were great, too. I kinda wish I knew those brillant actors, they seem like such cool people. Swimmers are fun, too, so I'm happy. And the sets were fabulous, too. It amazes me how kids my age can be so talented. I really hope they end up in hollywood or Broadway or Picadilly Circus (that's in London) "I'll know when my love comes along, I'll know in my heart...."
I think one of the best places in Boulder is the Spicy Pickle. I think I am wayyy to into it, though, and it's not as great as I imagine it. But that's okay, my fantasy world works perfectly for me. I mean, is there a better name for a resturant? "SPICY PICKLE" it sends shivers down my spine. Not quite as much as the sewer scene in Guys and Dolls but kinda. =) Wow, I'm a dork. =)
Speaking of me being a dork, I think the dorkiest thing in my life happened last week. We were doing dimensional analysis in chemistry (which everyone in the class has known how to do for several years, but the teachers like to do examples anyway. <- that is how you set up a dimenstional analysis problem. Well, Mr. Albritton decided to randomly put a dot in the middle of his fraction, drawing something like . He asked "what does that look like?" and I said "A Tie-fighter!" Our classroom has staggered seating, and I sit in the front and lowest row, so everyone was starting down at me. It was cool. Mr. Albritton said I was the only person ever to have guessed that. Man. Jinger still hasn't written us a letter. Bummer, dude. Mrs. Cady says she's writing multiple drafts. =) The Royal Banner came out on Friday. I wrote an article about Cross Country, it was pretty good, I think. I hope I didn't sound like I had absolutely no idea what I was talking about. That would have been bad. But no one said anything of the sort. That's a good sign, I guess.
I'm writing an essay for history comparing Mao's Long March and Gandhi's Salt March. Hmmm. We'll see where that goes.....=)
Everything I am
And everything in me
Wants to be the one
You wanted me to be
I'll never let you down
Even if I could
I'd give up everything
If only for your good
There was a mutiny at swim practice today. tsk tsk. All I was doing was leading the warm-up, and suddenly when I stopped after a 50- my 4 lane-people yelled at me about how I was on the wrong interval. Did they ask what the real interval was? No. It was a surround-sound complaint. But I was on the right interval. I was actually going slower that I was supposed, I think, but I didn't tell them that. It was quite suprising how everyone in my lane was willing to believe one person, without any proof, just because she thought it was hard. I laughed. Still, I was a little shaken, one doesn't usually survive a mutiny. (Unless you're Captian Jack Sparrow or Xena) =) Other than that, swimming was good. Good good good. My shoulder was hurting a little, which was kinda scary, because getting injured would be very bad. But it was better by the end of practice. We had our pep-assembly today for Homecoming. That was fun. Excalibur Choir sand "In the Jungle" again, and I had it stuck in my head for the entirety of swim practice. The "JV poms" (aka Senior guys in wigs and waayy too tight outfits) performed, which is always funny. I liked it freshman year the best, that Fetter boy was in charge. Shoot! I already forgot his name.....Emily wants me to go to homecoming with her and Margo. I haven't decided if I am or not. Perhaps. We'd be the three faires from Sleeping Beauty. Is sleeping Beauty's real name Aurora or Briar Rose? I don't know. Natasha and I argued about it today during physics. I'll have to look it up. It's been a very long time since I've seen "Sleeping Beauty". Fairview's doing "Guys and Dolls" next week. I'm really excited- it should be good. Yeppp. And we get school off next Monday. I had forgotten about that. And this Thursday is pajama day (which is the best!) I have a lot to look forward to. =) That's a good way to be, I think, look forward to the small things in life. Like CHOICE alumni night! (Nov. 18th) =)
** humming my own little tune at 6:30:00 PM