Believe in what your heart is saying Hear the melody that's playing There's no time to waste There's so much to celebrate Believe in what you feel inside And give your dreams the wings to fly You have everything you need If you just believe
"And the Oscar for the best original screenplay goes to... Kristen." "Thank you, thank you very very much. I really don't deserve this. It should have gone to my competitors- they are much more qualified than I. So thank you, Academy, for taking this little film and making it great. All the people I want to thank already know how incredibly important they were to this film. So, I would like to thank the people that really matter. Thanks to Mrs. Heinz for publishing my 1st grade poem entitled "After School", thanks to Jean for complimenting my first attempt at a novel when I was 12. Thank you to Emily for editing my A Tale of Two Cities essay in 10th grade, telling me it was too "plotty". Thanks to Margo, for teaching me that the best work is written very late at night. Thanks to the Fairview High School swim team, who really provided me with all the lines of the movie, whether they recognize themselves or not, most of the swimmers are there. And the orchestra is playing. Goodnight y Gracias.
The Oscars were fun. I was worried that The Aviator would sweep everything, but it only did a mini-sweep. Phantom of the Opera didn't win anything, I don't think. But Emmy Rossum looked very nice. So did Johnny Depp, though, and Orlando. =) Phantom should have won something, I think. I bought the soundtrack today, just to make up for it. But I'm awfully glad that Finding Neverland won Best Original Score. It really was fantastic music. Hooray! Although it should have won more, too, but that's okay. There always has to be an underdog movie that stays an underdog. We were at Allie's house watching the awards. Everyone was told to bring some food to share, so my dinner last night consisted of a piece of pizza, and lots and lots of candy. It was delicious. =)
I'm awfully glad no one said "And I would like to thank my lawyers" this year.
There's a party goin' on right here A celebration to last throughout the years So bring your good times, and your laughter too We gonna celebrate your party with you
Lalalalalalalala. We went to Pops last night. It was very fun. That sort of thing makes me feel very inadaquet. But, it was very fun to watch. I do like the comedy ones the best, like Painting the Town (which was this really cool drum thing with glow in the dark sticks and drums) and Sarah and Eleanor's comedy sketch was hilarious, too. And Jesse and Brian were great in The Three Little Pigs. Lalala. But the closer song will be stuck in my head for a long long time.
The Oscars are tonight. I'm rooting for the major underdog, Finding Neverland but I know that it doesn't have a chance. And Mr. Depp doesn't have a 1:12309573829 chance for best actor, either. But that's alright. It'll be fun. Allie is having an Oscars Party at her house, which will also be fun. I'm glad us swimmers are still hanging out. I've been with Julia Carleton all weekend. Laser Tag last night (which was so fun. I love laser tag. We really should join a team. Laser Tag tournaments! How absolutely awesome would that be? =) ) And then she joined Luke, Kate, Angie and I at Pops. And NOW she'll be at the Oscar party (which starts at 4:00. I'm not that interested to be at Allie's house for 6 hours. I think I'll come late. =) )
So, you know, I was going to write something ingenious and mind blowing, but I forgot it. So, you'll just have to wait with held breath until I post again. Oh, and if I don't post tomorrow, HAPPY MARCH. (Thank goodness it's march. Out like a lion, in like a lamb. It's SPRINGTIME, only 3 and some months of school left. Ahhh. Talk about 3rd quarter slump. hooray for March!)
When things strike me as funny I can't hide it inside I squeak, as the squeakilish do I got to let go with a hohohhohahaa And I do...
Ahh, Mary Poppins, you can never go wrong with her. I hope they never ever remake that movie. It should live on as a classic. And more people should read those books, too. They're very entertaining. But, the ever-hilarious ONION came out yesterday. This is the greatest thing I've read in weeks....
Bush Determined To Find Warehouse Where Ark of Covenant Is Stored WASHINGTON, DC- In a surprise press conference Monday, President Bush said he will not rest until the warehouse where the Ark of the Covenant, the vessel holding the original Ten Commandments, is located. "Nazis stole the Ark in 1936, but it was recovered by a single patriot, who braved gunfire, rolling boulders, and venomous snakes," Bush said, addressing the White House press corps. "Sadly, due to bureaucratic rigmarole, this powerful, historic relic was misplaced in a warehouse. Mark my words: We will find that warehouse." Bush added that, after they are strengthened by the power of the Ark, U.S. forces will seek out and destroy the sinister Temple of Doom.
Oh dear, that is great. By the way, Charlotte and I were thinking, what does the verb "twiddle" really mean? I only use it two ways- 1)To twiddle ones thumbs 2)Twiddle-dee and twiddle-dum, but that's actually TWEEDLE DEE, isn't it. Yes, I'm positive. Luckily, I have a dictionary.... Twiddle verb, 1: to play negligently with something: FIDDLE 2: to turn or jounce lightly Twiddle noun, 1: Turn or Twist
You are singing to me still Like a kid loves candy and fresh snow I love you oh so well Enough to fill up heaven overflow and fill hell Love you oh so well
I think that Sam put it very nicely today- it's the 3rd quarter slump. And we're right in the middle of it. Not very cool, if you ask me. I mean, we have 3 4-day weeks in a row, and no one is excited about it. Spring Break is only a few weeks away, and no one is counting down. We just don't care anymore. It's pathetic. It's happening to me, too. Grades aren't great, nothing extraordinary is happening in our classes. This morning I woke up and thought "I can't believe it's already Wednesday." By 3:00, I was thinking "I can't believe it's ONLY WEDNESDAY!" I don't think I did anything productive today, except ride Ellen home on the tandem. That was fun. Tandems are great fun. Perhaps I can convince my parents to get a cooler one. Although I like my tandem just swell.
I just can't stop thinking about the summer. It's terrible. I'm reliving swim meets and Meadows and the Tour de France and vacations. AHHHH. We still have more than FOUR months of school. That's forever. FOREVER IS AN AWFULLY LONG TIME. terribly. And it's not just me who is stuck on summer, either. It's the weather, too. It was supposed to snow today, but no, it decided to be warm and sunny and taunt us poor school-bound children. I was not happy. I have to get back in school-mode. But, I do like "third quarter slump" it's almost as catchy as "hump-day". Thanks to Lynn for that one. =)
Wasting time I shall miss this thing When it all rolls by What a day... Wanna stay, stay, stay, stay, stay here for awhile.
I just got back from Snowmass about an hour ago. It was fabulous. Fresh snow everyday, fun people, great skiing. Very successfuly trip, if I do say so myself.
13 new snow inches 12 neighbors skiing 11 overpriced meals 10 (maybe more) lifts running 9 bowls of fruit loops eaten 8 hours of driving 7 times down Powerline Glades 6 adults and 6 "kids" 5 dollars worth of fudge 4 days of skiing 3 afternoons of white-outs 2 hot-tub trips and 1 successful attempt to rule the world
That last point was referring to our game of RISK, which I won, despite the Greenland Blunder, and the sibbling rivalries. It was quite interesting. I don't think I've ever finished a game of Risk, not to mention win one. I thought for sure Graham would win, but I wiped him out in the fourth round or so- he got mad at his sister and wasted troops in stupid attacks. Luckily for him, Jack got bored at went to watch Survivor or something similar, so Graham took his spot. But, then I killed the last of Graham's troops later in the game. Angie would have destroyed Graham, had it not been for the China Slip. Hmmmm. I think my luck would have been different had it not been for that. However, it was my Greenland Blunder which made Angie a world power anyway, and destroyed my only ally. And poor Tom, signed a treaty only to be turned into a pawn of war (and those Risk Cards tsk tsk) What a game =)
But, it was a fabulous ski trip. We had a huge about of fresh snow. Saturday and Sunday were complete white-outs in the afternoon. It was crazy. We went up on the Cirque lift to the very top of the mountain, and you couldn't even see the snow falling. It was white on white on white. You couldn't distinguish the ground from the sky. It was the strangest sensation ever. But today was a classic Sparkle Day. It was sunny almost the entire day, and fresh snow coated everything. Angie and I could have had fresh tracks, but we were too nice and waited for our parental units. We got pretty close to fresh tracks, anyway.
I've gotta crow! I'm just the cleverest fellow 'Twas ever my fortune to know; I give the sign and the sunlight will shine And the forest will grow And the rivers will flow I've gotta crow!
I like this banner. Not sure about the colors, yet, but perhaps I'll find a better alternative. Hmmmm. We'll see. =)
** humming my own little tune at 8:31:00 PM
So go on, if this will make you happier It got you this far, do what you have to (Well you knew this would come) And you're gone now (And you've left me all alone) And did it make you happier? (And you're lost and long gone, don't take it so seriously) It wasn't that hard (Go on and get goin, I'm fine on my own) Did what you had to (We got you this far, finally got it figured out)
I think I'll have Margot copy her Guster CDs for me. I'm too cheap to buy them for myself. Guster isn't so fabulous I feel like spending $20 for them. Meh. I don't know what to do with myself now that swimming is over. It's very strange. I waste a lot of time doing nothing, and then am still behind on homework and such. Ahh well. I like having a break.
I went to see Salman Rushdie speak last night. He was at CU. It was really cool. Rushdie seems really smart. He says that literature isn't meant to be easy, and that he still likes Satanic Verses despite all the trouble it caused him. I'm going to read that book, as part of my new years resolution. Yeppers. Hearing Rushdie talk was more like being read to from a book than listening to a speech. I could definately tell that he was the author of Midnight's Children and Haron and the Sea of Stories. It was the same rambling style with important messages hidden. He talked about the 1,001 Arabian Nights influence, too. I want to read all 11 volumes of the Arabian Nights, now, too. That would be super cool. This reminds me of extra credit I must do for English. And I must write those silly journals. Rats. And I have a chemistry test AND a history test tomorrow. But it's a late start tomorrow, so I'm not fretting until later.
We're going on our annual ski-trip with our neighbors this weekend. ASPEN! I'm psyched. I haven't been to Aspen since I was a wee little thing. It should be great. They are getting fresh snow as I type. Hooray. Ski ski ski ski ski ski ski ski ski ski ski ski ski =)
Cause when I'm in over my head I hear the words you said That someone out there's Listening to the same song Feeling the same way that I do Make me a believer pick up the receiver And tell me you feel just like I do I do
Sooo, now that swimming is over, I have to decide what to put up on my blog. So I need suggestions. Skiing, perhaps, but I really don't ski THAT much, despite how much I like it. I could do a movie- Star Wars or Peter Pan or something along those lines. Hmmmm here are my previous banners (they each had their own color-scheme, too.) I really liked this one. It was my very first- simple, but very nice. I could do much better with Wizard of Oz. That might be fun. I like Wizard of Oz, but this picture isn't great. I don't think I've ever seen the Anne of Green Gables movie, which is where this is from. But the books are great, so that's why this happened. The quote isn't great, though. This was just up for a few weeks last summer while I was in North Carolina visiting these people. I like it, but I wouldn't want to do something like it again. I think this is my favorite banner. I do have a weakness for Tyler, unfortunately. Ahhh, Mr. Hamilton, what are we to do with you? Swimming! I like swimming, but this has been up since october, and it's time for a change.
Buddy you're a young man hard man Shoutin' in the street gonna take on the world some day You got blood on yo' face You big disgrace Wavin' your banner all over the place
Well, that was it. 2nd place at Colorado State Championships, which actually is pretty good, if I do say so myself. We were happy. It's hard to beat Cherry Creek- they went one, two, three in the 500 free. That's nuts. I've decided that Fairview has great depth- and we got a HUGE number of qualifiers to State. It's just that Cherry Creek has shallower depth- so it doesn't actually count as deep depth (like us) but then they have 3 people in finals, whereas we have 1 person in finals and 3 in consols. That's why they win. Which is good, I guess. We don't want to become a dynasty and EXPECT to win every year. It is kinda a bummer that the press names Fairview State Champ for about a month, and then gives it back to Creek because they look better on paper. We actually kept the score pretty close until the 500. Julie did her best, but it's hard when you're up against Creek. But good job to our team... But, it's over. I have nothing else to worry about. Bailey cried yesterday as she was leaving. It was sad. But, we still have 3.5 months of school left- it's not like I'll never see these people again, right? Of course right. Now I have all the free time in the world. Nothing to do but homework and hang out. Watch Star Trek reruns. =) Maybe not, we'll see. Oh- and I'll have to change my wallpaper, I guess. But, CONGRATS TO US. And thank you, to all your marvelous swimmers--- It's been a ball.
** humming my own little tune at 9:33:00 AM
February 11, 2005
State Meet today! Yikes
** humming my own little tune at 7:48:00 AM
February 07, 2005
Celebrate we will
Because life is short but sweet for certain
Were climbing two by two
To be sure these days continue,
Things we cannot change...
Things we cannot change
Ohhh dear. This week is it. It's my last chance to swim fast. My single, only 63 seconds of time that has to be fabulous. Absolutely brillant. It's crazy how that little time is so important to me. 1/60th of an hour, 1/1440th of a day, one 525600th of a year. Yet my entire week (1/52 of a year) will be centered around that 63 seconds. Hopefully it will be less than 63 seconds. 100 yards of Backstroke. Last year a 1:03.14 got into the top 16 at State. So, a 1:02.8 should be safe.... right? Damn. That's fast. I've done everything on Bob's goal sheet except what it's all set around. My power rack times are faster than what they're supposed to be, my underwaters are faster, too. All I need to do is race faster. Huh. I guess I will. =)
Jinger wrote us finally. She's so great. Jinger just makes me happy. Mrs. Cady has the same aura. It's very calming, I guess. I need more calming people in my life. All sorts of my friends are very stressful. Great friends, but stressful. I like just talking to these people (Jinger and Mrs. Cady). Ahh well. State is on Friday...
There's a song that they sing when they take to the highway
A song that they sing when they take to the sea
A song that they sing of their home in the sky
Maybe you can believe it if it helps you to sleep
But singing works just fine for me
Happy February, folks. Rabbit Rabbit. Hare hare. Whichever you're supposed to say first. That's a strange tradition, if I do say so. I read a book about it when I was a kid, I think. And the girl in the book came up with a cool method of remembering which was at night and which was in the morning.... I think. Then again, Angie accuses me of making up childhood books. Like that one about the monkey in the big red hat who ate lots and lots of spaghetti and then ate too much and was sick. That was SO a book. But cynical Angie doesn't believe me. Bah! Of course, Angie did bite me today. Full-on beaver teeth in the shoulder. It was quite a surprise. Ahhh sisterly bickering, what can I say? Nothing, that's what.
Trevor and I decided that we should ban history text books. They're horrible. We should instead read really good historical ficiton all the time. Or autobiographies. Textbooks (especially history ones) are useless. Some are way overly simplified, others are wayyy too detailed. And of course there is never a happy-medium. Never. Not once. That stinks! But we've started reading a different book now- The World in the 20th Century or something along those lines. It's better than our overly colorful textbook. It does seem odd, however, that in World History we spend a semester on the 20th century. That's half our time for about a thousandth of the world's history. Huh.
Jesse and I have started emailing again- which is great, I love hearing from her. North Carolina is a very long way away, if you ask me. But, we always use Peter Pan quotes for our subject, and Jesse's are always very good....
12/11-- oh the cleverness of me!
12/13--And a little bit of PIXIE DUST
12/18--Boy, why are you crying?
12/22--That was no thimble
1/4--She must stay here and die!
1/6--I remember kisses, let me see it. Aye tat is a kiss- a powerful thing
1/19--You offend reason sir...
1/22--Well, it is frightfully fascinating
1/27--Swords, daggers...Napoleon!!!
1/29--I should like to be called Red Handed Jill
I don't remember what my quotes were, but that's okay. I'm sure they were just as brillant. (although, I admit, I didn't write them, we stole them from Peter Pan =) )
I'm so psyched for Revenge of the Sith. It should be fabulous beyond reason. Qui-Gon is coming back, or sold I'm told by my Hyper-space belonging friends. Hooray! Only how long.... 4ish months? YEAH!
I'm waiting for this lady to email me about working in Washington DC for an article, and she hasn't yet, which is not cool. So that's why I'm rambling a lot. Lot a lot. But, what can I do? Nada. Those DC people- very unreliable =)