If I had to run, if I had to crawl If I had to swim a hundred rivers, just to climb a thousand walls, Always know that I will find a way, to get to where you are, There's no place that far
Riding your bike home from Fairview gives you so many options I just don't know what to do with my self. You can either hit the bike path right next to Fairview, and then continue on Frontage Road until the real bike path OR you can ride down to King Soopers and pick up the real bike bath there. They are fairly similiar, but I usually stay on the road past the grocery store. So, doing as Julia suggested, today I took the bike path from Fairview to the Frontage Road next to Broadway. At the traffic light I was stopped, and looking behind me at all the cars to see if there were any drivers I recognized. The girls in the car right next to me were looking at me very funny for a long time. Finally, the passenger rolled down her window and said "I like your socks" "Thanks," I says, "They're Einstein socks." "Right" And then her friend promptly nearly runs me over, but that's okay. I do like my Eistein socks. Perhaps I'll give a pair to Mr. Ebadi. That would be funny, I think. =)
Baby's black balloon makes her fly I almost fell into that hole in your life And you're not thinking about tomorrow 'Cause you were the same as me But on your knees
Tiffany was talking the other week about how you get change reality if you really concentrate. Her example was getting a State-cut in a swim race. My example is this Spring Break. Soo, that Friday two weeks ago was so crazy and hectic- it was incredible. I lost my history homework, I found my history homework, I did badly on my physics test, I was spastic in the socratic semenar for english- it was just a bad day.
AND THEN- it was break. And everything went so perfectly. The snow was great for skiing, the weather here was good enough. Jenny and Jesse DID come, despite me trying to make myself believe they wouldn't despite my clues that they would. We had a ball- no one fought or even more than mildly glared at eachother. We played Pictionary (and Jenny and I won a game. Hip hip HOORAY!) we watched Peter Pan, and Finding Neverland and Sound of Music (which really doesn't have to do with much, I just like that movie), we had a mystery party and Julia and Jesse met eachother. It was so much fun, everything was absolutely wonderful.
AND THEN-- It was this morning. School started, and J&J caught a flight back to Chapel Hill. The moment they stepped out of the door the chaos started again. My bike brakes didn't work, I lost my helmet, forgot my lunch, then went back for it, then forgot my bike lock and went back for that, it was crazy. I just don't know. I must be fiddling with the universe again. I should stop doing that....
If only the world wouldn't get in the way If only people would just let you play They say you're both being fools You're breaking all the rules They can't understand, the magic of your wonderland
Heyheyhey. Jesse and Jenny came for a surprise trip on Thursday- that's why I haven't posted. I've been with them every second for the last 3 days. It's been great fun- it's amazing we're still such good friends after this long of living 2,000 miles apart. Yeah. But, I've also been with them for 3 days straight- and that's a long time to be with anyone. My nerves were being scratched tonight, which I expected, so I had to get away. Which I did fairly well. Jenny has separation issues- so it's kinda hard to sneak away. =) But I love them dearly, and it really has been fun. It was also nice to walk my dog by myself tonight and type this post alone, too. I really don't have much to say, though. I've eaten myself sick this weekend- Mongolian Barbeque last night, Easter waffles this morning, Easter potluck brunch for lunch, and a easter ham dinner. Man- I think I'm going to explode. =) It's the eatsomemore game. Hooray!
** humming my own little tune at 9:41:00 PM
March 20, 2005
I'm that star up in the sky I'm that mountain peak up high Hey, I made it I'm the worlds greatest
Spring Break, spring break. How I do love Spring Break! It's true. I've actually been fairly productive, considering it's the first two days of an eleven day break, so I'm in a good mood. Today we went to Denver and saw the Plantarium show "The Search for Life". It was pretty nice graphics, although they didn't say anything I didn't already know. Harrison Ford was narrating it- I kinda hoped he'd have a Star Wars reference, but no. It was fun. We also went to the stuffed-animal section of the Muesem of Nature and Science, which was pretty cool. I forgot how neat Royal Albatros' are. They're just giant seagulls. But in The Rescuers Down Under the albatros helps the mice Bernard and Fiona (maybe?) get to Australia. He's pretty cool, that albatros. I also forgot how much I love echidnas. I did a report on the "spiny anteaters" in 2nd grade. They're awesome possum! Which is ironic, because echidnas are often mistaken for marsupials (which opposums are) when really they're monotremes. Echidnas and platypus' are the only montremes EVER. And, by the way Lucy, platypus's are brown, not purple. I think you owe me money. So, that was good fun. And I've been reading history like a good little girl.
I think I'm a clone now There's always two of me just a-hangin' around I think I'm a clone now 'Cause every chromosome is a hand-me-down
I have a cold. My eyes were tearing all day and many people asked why I was crying. I wasn't cry- I have a cold. Sooo, I'm really excited for Revenge of the Sith. It should be fantastic beyond reason. And here's why.... (I love pictures) OHH! Fun Teaser Poster. I like this mucho. That's a big Vader helmet OBIWAN! My hero! That's a lot of wookies. I'm excited to see chewbacca again. Peter Mayhew got to play him again, too. Isn't that neat? I think so.
Oh, and here's a graph from Blogpulse.com that shows the number of times Jedi was mentioned vs. the number of times Sith or "Dark Jedi" was mentioned.... Until recently, the good guys were ahead. =)
Recall those days, look back on all those times, think of the things we'll never do... there will never be a day when I won't think of you
So, Nick was named the President of William and Mary. That's really fabulous. He should be so proud. I, although very excited for him, don't cope very well with change. His daughters are my closest friends in the whole world, and they live 2,000 miles away. In North Carolina. Unfortunately, William and Mary is in Virginia, right? And despite the fact that I only go to their NC house once every two years, them moving again would throw me for a loop. Jesse said maybe they wouldn't (they being herself, her sister, and her mom) move. Then Nick would be left all alone. Damn. I watched his acceptence speech at the William and Mary website I was on the verge of tears. Of course, the thing that really got me was the Rector's quote: "President Elect Nichol, thank you for your willingness to serve-congratulations-and welcome home. " DAMN IT! That's not his home! This is, right behind my house, With the out-of-tune piano and the fence, and the messy computer room and the juniper bushes and the creek and the green jeep and the RV and the raspberry bushes and the messy garage and Jenny and Jesse's rooms and they can keep the greenish brown paint if they want, and the bird feeder and the dog-scratched back-door and the plays and the bike rides and the soccer practices and Meadows and Fourth of July and camping and games and summer nights and ghost-in-the-graveyard and the trampoline and Eisenhower and choir and adventures and crayfish and Groundies and capture the flag and Greace and lemonade stands and and and... THIS IS HIS HOME!
** humming my own little tune at 7:18:00 PM
March 13, 2005
And I don't want the world to see me 'cause I don't think that they'd Understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am
Hmmm. I do love weekends. Really. This one was especially productive. Kinda. I think I'll do all my homework, which is a first in a long time. I might leave a chapter of history to read tomorrow during second period. Yes. Coool. One week until spring break! I'm so ready for the summer, I can't stand it. But I feel that that is all I talk about these days. So I should stop. I can't make time go faster, really. Do you think when they invented the first watch or clock everyone was amazed that time could be kept concretely, and that one couldn't speed up time by having a ball? I'll bet they were. I still am. So, I'll accept that we have a few more months of school and enjoy it. That's a good policy. Too bad that no one will follow it except myself. Peers can make life so hard =)
We saw Robots last night. It was very funny. I forgot how hilarious Robin Williams is. I cracked up every time he opened his robot mouth. Although there were some very strange innuendos that we caught that we extreamly innapropriate. It made me laugh. And some reviewer said that it had one of the best fart jokes ever, and it's true. I'm usually against fart jokes, but this was pretty good, although it was drawn out. Ahh it was funny. And the Star Wars trailer was even more fantastic on the big screen. I'm so psyched. I hope, Mr. Daly, that it's okay that I took link from your site....so, make like a Jawa and say UTINNI! http://www.radhole.com/photos/utinni.wav
Too many years fighting back tears Why can't the past just die
Wishing you were somehow here again Knowing we must say goodbye Try to forgive, teach me to live Give me the strength to try
Do SAT proctors just volunteer, or are they selected? I would think that the SAT people would want to make sure the proctors fit certain requirements. Like make sure they we're too cute. You wouldn't want the proctors to distract a portion of the kids taking the test, would you? No, not at all. My proctors certainly didn't distract me today, but I wonder if they get not-so-hot people on purpose. Not that my proctors were bad looking at all, they were just old. Hmmm. You'd also have to make sure the proctors didn't smell or wear clothes that clinked or squeak as they walked. To make the SAT and like tests completely objective, they should have everyone take them in a white box. Because who knows? Maybe the kid next to you is really cute. =)
I taped the OC so I could watch the Star Wars trailer. I'm really excited. But I already wrote about that. Hmmm. theforce.net is my new favorite Star Wars site. It is kinda cannon, though, so I'm not that original. =)
Well, the SAT went alright. We got a essay prompt that was the first one I had gotten that I couldn't use MLK or Gandhi on. It was interesting. We were the first people to take the new SAT, so it'll be interesting how that goes. Yessss.....
Oh this lonely world is wasted Pathetic eyes high alive Blind to the tide that turns the sea This storm it came up strong It shook the trees And blew away our fear I couldn't even hear
Soo, no ha mucho a decir hoy. Que lastima. I taped the O.C. last night to see the Star Wars trailer. It's great. "You were the chosen one!" Yeah, I think I should say that more often. Let's make a list (I LOVE lists!)
Things I should say more often
"You were the chosen one!" -Obiwan
"That's a load of lies!" -Ellen
"It's 1183 and we're barbarians! Of course he has a knife!"- Eleanor of Aquitaine
"Like Kurasawa, I make mad films okay, I don't make films but if I did they'd have a samurai" -Barenaked Ladies
"Great warrior? Wars do not make one great"- Yoda
"Let the Wookie win"- C3PO
The world is my oyster
"So long, and thanks for all the fish"-Julia quoting Douglas Adams
"You can't trample infidels when you're a tortoise"
I quote a lot of people. I should make my own quotes. Yess... and I think that Julia would have my head on a platter for saying "So long and thanks for all the fish". She's copy-righted it, although I supposed Douglas Adams also has it copy-righted.
My dad has been sick these last few days- I think he's feeling better today- he's talking a lot and teaching my doggy tricks and saying things like "YEAH BILBAO! You're the best, you're the best puppy. Oh, we're out of treats, that's all you get for being the best puppy." It's cute. Now's he's reading over my shoulder and laughing. Ah well. that' okay.
I have the SAT tomorrow. cool. I'm not nervous. Poor Jesse in North Carolina is freaking out. tsk tsk. =)
Someday girl I don't know when we're gonna get to that place Where we really want to go and we'll walk in the sun But till then tramps like us baby we were born to run
I set myself up for disappointment. It's a bummer. I get really really excited about stuff, and although I know it's very unlikely it's true, I am still disappointed when it doesn't work out. Recently I've tried to not get worked up about things, not to spend to much time hoping, wishing they come true, but I'm not very good at it. I can tell myself "There is no way that will happen" but my subconscience just knows I'm saying that to because I don't want my expectations to fall back on me and expects it to happen anyway. So that doesn't work very well. It's my curse. But because of it I've learned how to get over disappointment fairly well. aldfjoaenfroaewtf Yeah. That's about it. So, my applecart has been upset, my hopes dashed from view, the ground cut from under my feet, and that's okay. I can hope, dream, wish for something else. Although it is rather sad. =(
Celebrate we will Because life is short but sweet for certain We’re climbing two by two To be sure these days continue, These things we cannot change
Betsy Hoffman resigned as CU president. Huh. CU has been in trouble, recently, hasn't it? That's the understatement of the century. Maybe the Nichols will move back, so Nick can be president of CU. Although that would be kinda weird, I must say. I asked Jesse last summer if she would move back to CO if she could, and she couldn't decide. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to move again if I were her. She's lived in North Carolina for 6 years, now. That's a lot of your life, for me at least- seeing as I'm only 17. And sure, she loved Boulder, but six years somewhere else changes you a lot. And although I love Jesse, she's the coolest kid ever, and best friend I could hope for- I've done so much that maybe I wouldn't had she been here. Maybe I'd still be playing soccer, maybe I'd be good at soccer. Maybe I wouldn't have joined the swim team, or maybe I would have, just not been as good. I wouldn't have been such good friends with Morgan and Emmy and Lynn during middle school. I wouldn't have been near as good friends with so many kids now. But enough of this hypothetical junk. They're not moving back- Nick is being considered as the president of William and Mary College. That's a big job. =)
I'm reading Madame Bovary for English. Not very many seniors liked it very much, so my class has judged it before they opened page number xvi. They also have a problem with roman numerals, and call pages "xvi" rather than 16. Tsk tsk. Learn roman numerals, folks, they're neat. =) So, I don't mind Madame Bovary that much, yet, although she hasn't had too many suicidal thoughts yet, and her first affair is just barely starting. From what I deduce, it gets kind of repetitive from here on out. =) Ah well. It's CSAP week, so us upper-classmen don't have to go to school until 12! It's a miracle. =)
Oh, I almost forgot- while driving through crazy traffic to swimming today I made Julia really annoyed with me because I was making a very long list of how to be happy.... ehem!
How To Be Happy
Swim a lot
Don't complain
Don't ride the Skip too much
Don't wear sunglasses in the shade
Don't walk like that guy
Run away from that guy really fast
Wear tennis shoes more often than you think you should so you can do impromptu things like running to get quarters for a meter.
Ride your bike
When Julia gives you a look like that stop making a list about how to be happy
Did you notify my way To hide a wonder why I've touched this place before, So we're in another time Now I can hear the sound The clouds drifting through the blidge A half a million thoughts Are flowing through my mind
Devon, the ultimate pessimist, the most cynical creature to walk the earth, sits next to me in chemistry. Our personalities clash somewhat dreadfully. Ilana, who is supposed to be on my side, laughs at his crude jokes that doom human nature for eternity. I've taken to swiveling my chair backwards (the science lecture hall has super-cool chairs) to face Vivian and Jesse and risk getting yelled at rather than listen to Devon's endless comments about humanities stupidity. I'm an optimist, I'm friendly, I have faith in my generation, I don't think his egotistical cracks at other people are in any way funny. They're terrible, in fact. I asked Devon if he has ever had a good day. Ever. He said "Good question. I'll think about it." Come on! All of my days are good, most at least. I have great days, and okay days, but hardly are down right BAD. Even in my SAT class which had me on the verge of tears for three hours straight did I think I was having a bad day. Devon would have exploded in that class. I won't have a bad day when Emily leaves for Princeton because she'll be excited. The day that I fail several tests in a row won't be horrible, because I know that I'll do better, and it's not the end of the world. When Mr. Albritton has to go over electron affinity 8 different times in 51 minutes won't force be to spew offensive sneers at questioning classmates. Devon, what am I to do with you?
Some people complain that optimisum is the opiate of life- if you go along thinking everything will be better, you're just making things easier to live with. I don't see the world through rose-colored glasses, I must say. I know that our planet will very soon be destroyed by polutants, I know every day a suicide bomber kills kids on a bus, I know that US forces are probably abusing captives still, I know AIDS is higher than the sky in so many places, I know that most people don't care and still won't in 5, 10, 20, 50 years. BUT, being an optimist, I think we can fix it. Do pessimists, these "glass-half-empty" folks, just dwell on the bad? How do they get up in the morning?
Oh, the places you'll go! There is fun to be done! There are points to be scored. There are games to be won. And the magical thigns you can do with that ball Will make you the winning-est winner of all. Fame! You'll be famous as famous can be, with the whole wide world watching you win on TV.
We had our banquet for swim team last night. It was really fun. There were a huge number of kids there, although both Hailey and Tory missed it. Tsk tsk. And they wanted to be captains last year. Kristen (not me) and Emily kept it fairly undercontrol, though, for which I was glad. I was afraid I'd have to stop a fist fight. And we had key-lime pie. =) And despite all my worrying I get to be captain next year, which is fabulous. I should be happier than I am, and I am very excited, but seeing Em and Julia and Bailey and Kristen and Maddie and Sarah and how fabulously they do, I have very little faith I will manage as well. And Steph and Hally? We don't have a chance in a million.
** humming my own little tune at 11:28:00 AM