Put down the knitting, The book and the broom. Time for a holiday. Life is a Cabaret, old chum, Come to the Cabaret.
Man, that truly is a sad song, if you hear the whole thing. THe dinner theater did it very well, I must admit, but it is still so..so...cheerless. Ahh well. We have prelims tomorrow for swimming. I got really nervous this morning at couldn't think of anything else. This was before I even got out of bed. I've been waking up very early these days- I get up for swimming at 6:29, but for a few weeks I've woken up at 5:30, and just drifted in and out of restless sleep. This morning especially. I shouldn't be nervous for prelims, though. I hope our medley relay does okay. We don't have the fastest of all people on it, in fact, I would have picked completely different people besides me. I can swim backstroke 5 seconds faster than anyone else. I think our free relay at the end wil be good, though. I'm very excited. Mesa has a great site. Perhaps they will post the prelims results so all of you can go check on me. =)
And I dreamed I was dying And I dreamed that my soul rose unexpectedly And looking back down at me Smiled reassuringly
Yesterday, by the end of 8&under prelims, Meadows Swim Team was placed 4th. Not bad considering our 8&unders are a dying race. And the 3 teams in front of us (Elks, Mesa, and Rock Creeks Flyers (in that order)) are MONSTER-sized teams. Today was 9-10 prelims. We'll see how we do there. Better, I'll be. We've got good 10 year olds. I wonder how Jack did. I decorated my little buddy's house today. Her prelims are tomorrow- mine are on Thursday. AHHH. That's really soon. Then Finals are on Saturday. Then....it's over. Done. FIN. Finished. The End. Ceased. Completed. Over.
And I dreamed I was flying
And high up above my eyes could clearly see
The Statue of Liberty
Sailing away to sea
Everybody loves a winner So nobody loved me; 'Lady Peaceful,' 'Lady Happy,' That's what I long to be
More Cabaret music. Today I played with Carissa in doubles in tenis. It was good fun. We did pretty well, I though. I play with her again this afternoon against a girl I lost to in a tie-breaker, and a girl she beat in a tie-breaker. We'll see how that goes. It's bound to be a good match.
The other day when it was raining, Alexa, Angie and I went a picked raspberries. It was quite the setting- the only noise was the rain splashing onto the sidewalk and making ripples in the creek. The raspberries were quite abundant, and soon we had a fairly large tupperware filled with perfect ones. Then, of course, we managed to get yelled at for stealing the person's berries (although, I think there were PLENTY for everyone.) So, we gave half of the ones we picked back to the "owner". Then we sat under a weeping willow next to the creek eating the rest of them. Fairly good adventure, I must say. Still, it's quite a bummer that people must be so possessive. It didn't seem to me that the owner was going to pick the perfectly-ripe raspberries any time soon. Alas.
The tour is officially over. I'm still mourning for Tyler, but at tleast the Olympics start soon.
July 25, 2004 ** humming my own little tune at 9:01:00 AM
If you brought me diamonds, If you brought me pearls, If you brought me roses Like some other gents Might bring to other girls, It couldn't please me more Than the gift I see; A pineapple for me.
Sunday morning. How relaxing. Even in the summer weekends are more laid-back than the rest of the week. However, I do believe I have several tennis matches today. They were all cancelled last week because of RAIN. But it's sunny right now, not warm, but sunny.
I was talking to the dentist's assistant as I got my teeth cleaned the other day (she was doing the talking, I was doing the incomprehensible noises). She talked about "my generation" and "your generation". What's the definition of a generation? Is someone who's 20 in my generation? How about a ten-year-old? It's quite confusing. My parents are baby-boomers, but my 30-year-old-aunt is a Generation X-er. I think. My generation doesn't have a name, yet. I hope it's something better than "baby-boomers"...=)
I met this perfectly marvellous girl In this perfectly wonderful place As I lifted a glass To the start of a marvellous year.
Mrs. Cady from Fairview came to our swim meet today. It was very nice of her to come, I must admit. She didn't come to a FHS meet, but that's okay. It was FREEZING, though. I'm still slightly chilled. It's JULY for goodness sake! But still, seeing Ms Cady was "Perfectly wonderful". sigh....I'm tired, though. I swam the 50 free for the first time today since who-knows-when. It was kinda fun.
Lance won the Tour de France. He won it last week in the Pyrrenees, but it's official now. Ullrich didn't even get on the podium, and Tyler didn't even finish. Jinger said she talked to one of Tyler's friends who said Tyler not only hurt his back, butafter he found out he couldn't win if the world was coming to an end, he just gave up. Poor Tyler. That's a picture of him, you know ^.
My blog has been changed to http://smileyswimmmer.blogspot.com . It's exactly the same, really, just a different address.
** humming my own little tune at 5:19:00 PM
July 23, 2004
For the sun will rise
And the moon will set
And learn to settle for what you get
It will all go on if we're here or not
So who cares? So what?
We saw Cabaret last night. It was fabulous. But man, it sure was depressing. It made me very sad. But the Boulder Dinner Theater did very well. I love the Boulder Dinner Theater. I guess it's really Boulder's Dinner Theater -- but what's the difference? The two main women were great-- especially Sally Bowles. She was in some of the other shows I've seen there- Fiddler on the Roof and Chicago. She was really really good in this, though. The end of Cabaret made me cry...
It was raining this morning- all last night, too. But at swim practice Corrine and Aidan found a worm at the bottom of the pool that had been there for who-knows how long. And it was alive! Horray! It was the best worm ever. We named it Beaver, the monkey-like worm. It tried to go off the block several times. He was the best worm EVER.
That's the only Spanish song I know, and I hardley even know it. Correction- I know La Cucaracha. I used to, at least. But that lovely "Estoy Aqui" song gets stuck in my head. And Angie had a mini temper tantrum 'cause I got it stuck in her head. Sorry Ang! Alas.
Tonight we're going to see Cabaret at the Boulder Dinner Theater. I'm very very excited. I love BDT! YEAH! I'm going with my parents and Angie and the Mehos's and the Irvin's and the Nazareni parents. They're not letting Maggie Naz go, because Cabaret has thematic elements they don't want her to see. That's what my dad told me, at least. I'm very excited. Did I already say that? Of course I did. I'm into repeating myself recently.
The Tour was very exciting today, too. Kinda. I'm one for the under-dogs and was hoping that Ulrich would attack and gain a few seconds on Lancelot. It just didn't seem to work. I hope Ullrich gets on the podium at least. That's my new goal, now that Tyler is gone forever. =( Of cours, even at the sprint finish, Lance looked great. Kloden was "worked" as Jinger said. Of course, according to her, so was Floyd Landis and Carlos Sastre and Virenque and Christophe Moreau. "Ohh, he got worked" was her phrase-of-the-day. It made me laugh. However, soon Jinger, like Tyler Hamilton, will be gone forever. Not because she's a failure to human-kind (like SOME I could mention, (no offense, Tyler)) but because just the opposite. Because in just a few short months (summer months are shorter than winter months) she made a huge impression- and now she's moving away........ I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE LEAVE!
It's been a good Saturday, it has. Swim meet went well. I got summer bests in 200 free, 100 free, and the 100 backstroke. I had Steph to swim against, which was fun, I went faster than usual. Tappering starts next week, because prelims are a week from Wednesday. I don't think I'll be able to beat Steph in the 100 free at finals, which is a bummer, but we'll see what happens. I wonder what her 3rd event will be.....
Well, I guess it was a good Saturday for ME. My Tour-de-France choice decided to QUIT because his back hurt too much. TYLER! How could you do this too me? I cut off my Phonak-support bracelet during the swim meet and told Dr. Gottschall to hold it. She dropped it in the pool, and it sunk like a rock. All the "LiveStrong" Armstrong support bracelets are plastic and they wouldn't sink. Don't you think that it somewhat symbolic? I certainly do. Tyler, Tyler, Tyler. I'm horribly sorry about your back.
On this perfect day,
Nothing's standing in my way,
On this perfect day,
Nothing can go wrong
Tyler! What could POSSIBLY go worse? Mr. Armstrong took MAJOR advantage of your being tired. It was a tough stage, I admit, and you needed to get your "mountain legs" but 3 minutes in less than 20k? AHHHHH. You were going to take the TOUR, now I'm rooting for the podium. You can do that, I think. Get 3rd to Jan, or even second? Jan Ullrich really didn't look great today, either. You weren't the only one. And he had MAJOR helmet hair. All my swimming buddies were laughing while Jinger tried to convince them that Ullrich was actually good looking when he wasn't DIEING. Helmet hair is never good for your public image. =) Ohhh dear, Mr. Hamilton. You'd better get your Phonak boys together and have them drag you back with the big-guys. Fourth with a broken collar bone was IMPRESSIVE last year, but your performance today, I thought I was going to cry....
Blogger changed their image again, it's very easy to change font color and alignment and stuff now. Yeah!
Last car ride: 2 hours ago- coming home from swimming
Last good cry: It's been a while
Last library book checked out: I've been TRYING to go to the library since monday, but it's closed for repairs. Soooo, probably some history book.
Last movie seen: King Arthur--- pretty good, despite what EVERYONE else says.
Last book read: "Left Hand of Darkness" and "Song of Solomon"--currently reading both
Last beverage drank: Milk
Last food consumed: Chicken/Nectarine salad
Last phone call: Ellen
Last TV show watched: Tour de France coverage
Last time showered: yesterday
Last shoes worn: my red crocs
Last cd played: Moulin Rouge soundtrack (although I'm listening to a self-made mix right now)
Last annoyance: Major annoyance? umm.....
Last disappointment: attempts to talk to Emily
Last soda drank: Mug Root Beer
Last sleep: I woke up this morning at 6:30
Last person seen: I can still see my Sister
Last ice cream eaten: I had a vanilla ice-cream sandwitch
Last time hugged: Yesterday night
Last underwear worn: black
Last shirt worn: FHS swimming--red writing on black
Last time dancing: yesterday night-- if just randomly dancing at Gateway counts
Last poster looked at: probably bike poster in my room
Last web page visited: another blog. got this little thing from it!
There is something that I see In the way you look at me There's a smile, there's a truth in your eyes
How do actresses and actors make themselves cry on stage? I think that is quite a talent. If I work really hard at it for a long time, then I can cry, but I couldn't do it without the right atmosphere. They're just too talented for words, I guess. =)
Yesterday two guys broke away from the peloton in the Tour. They were by themselves for miles and miles and miles, and then were caught in the last 10 feet. Robbie McEwan won. I like Australians. Seems like a good country to me.
I hate it when people ask "What are you thinking about?"-- I mean, does anyone EVER just think about one thing? And if one thing is really important enough to concentrate all your brain power on, do you really think that they will share it with you? Highly unlikely, in my opinion. I'm going to the Gondalier tonight with the swim team. That should be mucho divertido. After that-- we're hitting the go-carts at Gateway Park.
Tour De France is in the south of France today. They'll start the mountain stages tomorrow. I didn't know what to do with myself yesterday- I didn't have any new stages to watch!
Don't you just LOVE Ruthie? I think that artist (is that what you call cartoonists? or is it just cartoonists?) is BRILLANT. Live Long and Prosper
You'd think that people would have had enough of silly love songs I look around me, and I see it isn't so, no Some people wanna fill the world with silly love songs Well, what's wrong with that? I'd like to know, 'cause, here I go....
Jenny says I have a talent for "Kristen comebacks" and it's really true, actually, now that I notice my style. Jenny says that "Kristen Comebacks" are being really far behind and coming back...just to loose (or get 2nd or 3rd) And it's true. Angie, Jesse, Jenny and I played a few fabulous games of Pictionary, usually Jenny and me v. Angie and Jess. And Jenny and I came back SEVERAL times from being a far far way away, and then loosing. On Saturday I swam the butterfly against a girl from CA who whopped me, but the last 37.5 yards, I was really gaining on her, but then I lost to her. Today during tennis I played a girl who beat me 6-2 in the first set, but the last set I was ahead 3-1 until she won 5 games in a row. See this crazy dilema?I'm a cursed kid. Of course, you have to pronouce "cursed" like Shakespeare, with the accent on the "ed" like banishéd in Romeo and Juliet.
I saw this bummer sticker the other day that said...
Like Kurasawa, I make mad films okay, I don't make films but if I did they'd have a samurai"
Hardeeharaharhar I think that will be my new motto.=)
** humming my own little tune at 4:37:00 PM
July 10, 2004
You think you own whatever land you land on The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim But I know every rock and tree and creature Has a life, has a spirit, has a name
My 200 free relay cheer went something along the lines of "Kate, Kate, Kate, Kate, Kate, Kate Compton!" It was very exciting. Then we "Hazzah"ed too, which is our new cheering word. Ahhh, swimming. Kate and Corrine and Jordon sang the Pochonatas song from above, but I, not being a fan of Pochahontas, didn't know the words. I can sing most other disney song. Not most, I guess. I don't know any Aristocats songs, or Rescuers (although I do know Rescuers Down Under) or any songs from Disney sequals. Or Mulan songs. Which is a real downfall, I take.
Lance crashed twice yesterday. It's amazing no one was killed. We're watching the tour right this minute. It's very exciting.
Mesa KILLED Meadows today. It was horrible. I think this is the only meet that Shane takes REALLY seriously besides prelims and finals. He and Mr. Albritton have a friendly (but strong) rivalary. I don't know what I would do if we got 3rd this year at finals! GAAAA!
Many years have passed since those summer days Among the fields of barley See the children run as the sun goes down Among the fields of gold You'll remember me when the west wind moves
Upon the fields of barley
You can tell the sun in his jealous sky
When we walked in the fields of gold
Jesse and Jenny left today. Jinger asked me if I was okay at swim practice. I didn't do squat today- swim practice, took a nap, watched TV, went to the spaghetti Dinner. I still don't know if spaghetti is spelled right. It was easier when everyone was crying when we said goodbye. Now it's kind of a sad silence. Nothing more to say. Bummer.