Make new friends, but keep the old One is silver and the other is gold A circle is round, it has no end That's how long I want to be your friend
Ahh, kindergarten, what a great time. However, now is good too. This evening, at exactly 6:30, considering there will be no delays or cancellations, I will be on my way to visit two very old friends, who are very much worth their weight in gold/silver. (notice the lovely collage I made during all those dreadfullyrainydayslastweek.) It was kinda fun, I found out the fabulous advantages to Adobe Photodeluxe. A very good program, I highly recommend it. Anyway, I hope that everyone has a fabulous two weeks, I probably won't be posting. Toots!
I met you, before the fall of Rome And I bet you to let me take you home. You were wrong, I was right. You said good-bye, I said good night It's all been done, It's all been done, It's all been done before.
I still wish I played the guitar but I just don't have the resources nor the motivation. It would be really really cool, but I'm not sure it would be worth all that effort. Meh.
I had another swim meet today. It was our first home meet, and it was quite fun.
It only started to rain AFTER the final relay, so everyone was happy. And I got a muffin that the bake sale wasn't able to sell for free. And I swam all best summer times. Ahhh, good times. I leave tomorrow for North Carolina, which should be VERY VERY FUN. I'm utmostly excited. I have a good picture to post while I'm gone. You'll have something to look forward to.....
I need a sign to let me know you're here All of these lines are being crossed over the atmosphere I need to know that things are gonna look up Cause I feel us drowning in a sea spilled from a cup
The Swim team sleep over was last night. It was really fun. Slide, Swim Fishy Swim, football, "rugby", Capture the Flag, it was all very entertaining.
I'm reading Bel Canto. It's a good book. I also have two summer reading books I have to read. Hopefully, I'll read a few more, too. Several more, for that matter.
What kind of headline is that? Not a very good one, in my professional opinion. No siree. My dad calls Reagan a "dofus". Angie and I had a placemat with all the presidents up to Clinton on it, and the first thing we learned was that Reagan was a dofus, Nixon was a "crook" and Angie had a crush on Andrew Jackson (but Shhh! Don't tell her I told you.)
This will be my 178th post since August. I average at 3 posts a week, and have 61 links. I've written 25,844 words before this post. Isn't that INTERESTING?
The ice we skate is getting pretty thin The waters getting warm so you might as well swim My world's on fire how about yours
That's the way I like it and I never get bored
The small insect - Nezara viridula or southern green stinkbug - is native to far warmer climes in North America, South America and Africa and has never before been known to breed in chilly Britain, said Max Barclay, curator of beetles at London's Natural History Museum.
'A book on British bugs written in 1959 noted that the climate was too cold for stinkbugs to survive,' Barclay said.
'But we have now found three breeding colonies of them here which is clear proof that the climate has changed in the last 50 years, and particularly in the last three or four,' he added. "
Rain, rain, go away Come again another day Kristen and Angie want to play Rain, rain, GO AWAY!
The sun was out yesterday. And it was in the 70s. And I got to play tennis for three hours. Angie and I went to the pool. I had to put on sunscreen. IT WAS AMAZING! (Yes, this post is about rain, too). Saturday it was better, too. The sun came out for the last 200 free relay. It was fun. I went a 26.9. I was happy. The swim meet was good, overall. The air was too cold, and the water was too hot, but I swam fairly fast, anyway. AND I didn't get disqualified in the IM. But now it's raining again. Becca just got back from California, so she was miserable because it was SUNNY in CA. Probably not as miserable as the rest of us who had seen sunlight yesterday and weren't looking forward to another several days stuck in gray. It's like in The Neverending Story when the NOTHING is gobbling up the world. The nothingness of gray.
And today is the soltice and the first day of SUMMER! Happy Summer.
All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places
Worn out faces
Bright and early for the daily races
Going no where
Going no where
STILL RAINING! Holy Moley. Meadows has been dead (literally) for three days straight. I've gone insane- nearly. Luckily, today I had to do my little buddy present, so that took a while. Swim practice was NOT cancelled last night- and it was great fun. I'm seriously thinking about hiring Jinger as my personal ice-cream-flavor-picker-outer, then she could get me great ice creams, AND she wouldn't have to move to Georgia. (By the way, we had ice cream after practice as a bribe to get people there, that's how swimming jumped to ice cream, in case you were curious...)
Jinger drove Angie and I home from swimming last night because it was snowing, and we weren't really up for the 5-minute trek home. The kids that she babysits go to "Friends School" which is a hideously colored building fairly close to my house. She said that every night for homework, these kids had a few questions which were like "Describe a feeling you had today which your conscience told you was bad". Poor kids, they're all going to be psychiatrists or going to GO to psychiatrists. (at least they'll be good at expressing their emotions, right?) I think it's hilarious.
Swim practice WAS cancelled this morning, though. It was a bummer. I didn't know what to do with myself. Angie and I were the first ones there, and so we went to the front door to let people in, but there was the SIGN OF DEATH which said something to the effect of "Swim practice for all age groups is cancelled Friday, June 18th). It was a bummer. I directed traffic for a while, telling everyone that it was cancelled, while Angie helped Chris look for a shoe he lost last night. Even Jinger came. I think it's funny that coaches don't comunicate with eachother. She seemed quite suprised it was canceled. I certainly was.
Raindrops are falling on my head But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red Crying's not for me Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
RAIN! RAIN in the middle of June for 2 days straight! That's craziness. It's APRIL showers, not JUNE showers. BAH! Not that I'm complaining, I kinda like the rain. It's very relaxing. But swim practice is cancelled and I'm not very happy about it. Not at all. HARRUMPH! Alas, woe is me. Heck, I'm even wearing long pants and a long sleeve shirt. IT'S JUNE! I'm supposed to be in my swim suit at the pool hanging out in the sun. But no, the pool has been closed during the day. We had swim practice yesterday, and the pool was warm, but the coaches nearly froze on the deck. But today it is cancelled. HARRUMPH squared. Plus, when it's raining, it's hard to do much outside (e.g. bike ride, swim, play Groundies, climb a tree, race corks down the river...). Oh dear, Angie just broke out a 1000-piece puzzle. Houston, we have a problem......
If I could be like that,
I would give anything,
Just to live one day in those shoes,
If I could live like that,
What would I do-- what would I do?
Goodness. Rain makes me think to hard. Or not THINK really, as I'm not coming up with new ideas, I'm just going over old ones. And not really old IDEAS so-to-speak, just remembering. Curious and Curiouser, as Miss Alice in Wonderland would say. Ahh, good book that. I also watched Seabiscuit this morning because it was rainy and unpleasant out. Good movie, that. I saw it will the Nichols last year when it was in theaters. ONLY TWELVE more days until I go visit them. Hooray!
Jinger can only call Dale, Dr. Mood. I think this is quite odd, because I've known him as Dale since I was eight. I guess that's kinda like how I'll never call Mr. Albriton "Dan" and Corrine can never call Dan "Mr. Albritton". I forget if there's two "t"s in his name or not.....
Something familiar, something peculiar
Something for everybody: comedy tonight
Something that's gaudy, something that's bawdy
Something for everybawdy: comedy tonight
So, I decided that a good way to use my summer-free-time was to make a list of all the musiclas I had seen and write a sentence or two about them. Here's 10 out of the 32 I listed.......
1)42nd Street
I saw it at the Boulder Dinner Theater. It was pretty good. Although I do think it was too much dancing and singing and not near enough plot. Long chorus songs get boring for non-experts like myself. However, it had a good "never-give-up" message.
2)A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
My high school did this play last year as their musical. It was quite entertaining- "Something familiar, something peculiar, something for everyone: a comedy tonight!"
Annie is a classic, therefore a must-see. All little girls pretend they're Annie at one point. And "the sun'll come out, tomorrow. Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow- there'll be sun..." and "This floor better shine like the top of the Chrystler building"
4)Annie Get Your Gun
This was my first Broadway play- it was very good. From "Doin' What Comes Naturally" to "There's No Business like Show Business" (which is ALWAYS stuck in my head)
I guess this one doesn't really count, as I haven't seen it yet. But I am going to in the middle of July. I'll give you an update then.
6)Big River
This is the musical tale of the adventures of Huckleberry Finn. It's a lot like the book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, and it has a few songs that are good. But actually, I can't remember any of them. So they weren't good enough to stick in my head, I guess.
So, this is kinda cheating too, as I haven't REALLY seen Cats, just parts of it while they were fundraising for PBS. But the parts I saw I liked. There was perhaps too much dancing about without much plot, but that's okay. The whole cat-theme was cool.
I like both the movie and the play, although I think I had too high expectations for both of them, so they were both less-than-expected. But still good. I loved the character of Billy Flynn and his "Razzle Dazzle" song and "All I Care About". I also think Catherine Zeta-Jones was great in the movie.
9)Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
A would-be-childhood-favorite if it weren't for that darn children catcher. Man, he is scary. But the theme song and "Truly Scrumptious" are great. And Dick Van Dyke is in it.
10)Damn Yankees
"What Lola wants, Lola gets, and Lola wants you!" This is not your average love-story musical, although romance is thrown in there somewhere. I like the "selling your soul to the devil" twist, though. I haven't seen the film version of this, though.
Who cares what they're wearing On Main Street or Saville Row? It's what you wear from ear to ear, And not from head to toe (that matters)
Some people just don't go to diners enough. Some people these days think they're too good for the "Village Coffee Shop" when really, no one is too good for the Village Coffee Shop. And no, fresh pancakes don't mold in the 3 minutes it takes for them to get from the stovetop to your plate to your table. Besides--pancakes are good, but anyone can make them. What you really should order at a breakfast place which charges you half as much money for twice as much food, is eggs! Get omletes or eggs and hashbrowns or potatoes or anything. Pancakes it what you order at Dolan's, at lots-of-to-do places that give you whipped cream and fruit complementary.
It's a very nice day today. I nearly fell asleep while doing the crossword (yes, Mrs. Bond-Simmons, I am still doing the crossword (although not very well....)) outside. There was a nice breeze, I had never "seen the grass so green, or a bluebird sky...." ( <= that's from Mary Poppins). It was quite nice. And did you know that Jinger has 48 states. 48- that's a heck of a lot. I've been to.... Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Illinios, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming. That's 21. That's less than HALF the number Jinger's been too. She only needs to go to Alaska (which would be ULTRA cool to go to) and North Dakota (which wouldn't be that great, but who knows- maybe it's the best kept American secret). I really really want to see the Aurora Borealis. That's my goal. And I also really want to go hot-air ballooning. That would be uber cool. How about being in a hotair balloon in Alaska while the Northern lights glimmer around us. That would be ultra uber cool. What's with the ubers and the ultras you ask. Well, I have no notion whatsoever.
So, Senator, so, janitor, so long for awhile,
You're never fully dressed,
Though you may wear the best,
You're never fully dressed without a smile
I know I'm good at swimming. It's my main competitive sport. But 5 blue ribbons from the first meet (in other words- I won 5 out of 5 events-- 3 individual and 2 relays) really seals the deal. I don't mean to be cocky, but YAY ME!
June 12, 2004
15 more days until I'm here! Well, not HERE really, but with these fine young persons. ** humming my own little tune at 2:01:00 PM
One day I'll fly away Leave all this to yesterday Why live life from dream to dream?
And dread the day when dreaming ends
I saw Moulin Rouge last night. It was fantastic. I loved it. Of course, I am a big fan of musicals. But MR is great. Muy Fantastico! I thought Mr. Ewan McGregor and Ms Nicole Kidman were amazing together, and although Ewan's character was kinda pathetic, the whole story made me happy inside. Like a bubbly warm apple-cider.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was also very good. It was more artistic then the other ones (different director, doncha know, with lots of zooms and fades and refletions in windows. Emma Watson was great, I thought, as Hermione. In fact, all those kids are growing up fairly well. I also really liked Fred and George. Nice haircut, boys!
June 08, 2004
17 more days until I'm here! ** humming my own little tune at 5:58:00 PM
Annie Banannie She kicks fannie Dangerous with sword and knife Learned her skills in that pastlife
Never will you outfox her
She's as good as old Joxer
Aa-ah! I'm Annie, I'm Annie the Mighty!
I have finally found the purpose of my life. You'll never guess what it is... nope never ever ever ever. But I'm GOING TO MAKE YOU GUESS ANYWAY! Bwahahahahaha Purpose of Kristen's Existence
Well, I really like a lot of those things. Really Really like them. But only one is the sole reason for my existance. Fell free to guess.
** humming my own little tune at 5:03:00 PM
June 04, 2004
Miracle people with marvelous hair and a knack to do anything better than anyone
I got a home with electrical air
and I live in a world
smaller than any one
If I could whistle, I would whistle that song, better than anyone, I got some genes that can't do anything, like rolling of the tongue, worse than anyone. (the above is to be sung to "New Frontier" by Counting Crows, whose real lyrics are above.) Yeah. I had a good first-day-of-summer. See over there <-- it says "0 days until school's out. Yep, well, it's true. I should probably get rid of that counter. I will eventually. Yesterday was Dad's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FATHER! I can't tell you what I got him because he doesn't know yet. Because yesterday was the last day of school. And he was really busy with 8th grade graduation and such. Angie got to go to CHOICE and see the 8th grade graduation. I was jealous. But I got to go to Meadows-day with them. That was fun. ahhh, CHOICE, what fun times.
OOHH, my dad is watching "Walking with Dinosaurs" a TV-series with very cool special effects with dinos. Mom got to go to Cirque de Solei yesterday. She had VIP tickets. I didn't get to go, because only Mom was invited. But I must be off. Two posts in one day. Wow- you can tell it's summer, can't you?
When I grow up, I wanna work at Alfalfa's Where the cheese is dairy free A birkenstocks, spandex, necktie, patchouli grocery I'll have a job, picking through the produce- no pesticides for me! I'll be a working modern income socially conscience Boulder hippie
Yeah Leftover Salmon! What a good song. It's funny, ain't it. See, my grammer is already deteriorating after one day of no school. I say to thee, what a pity is truly is. HAHAHA I crack myself up.
I just got a very strange phone call from "Eileen" from "up the road at 345". Huh. She's on to me, I know it. This "Eileen", she must be a dropa from the mountains between Tibet and China. Kathleen told me about them. Interesting. I think I should know more about UFOs and aliens than I do. It would be a) slightly interesting b)slightly amusing and c)good in case I ever needed to overthrow a government. HAHAHA That's the second time I've cracked myself up.
On top of spegetti All covered with cheese There was a poor meatball Until somebody sneezed
Here's a very odd site...that says something about the Springfield paradox. Of course, that whole site is very odd starting with here Somepeople can be so strange.....
** humming my own little tune at 7:29:00 AM
June 02, 2004
Every step I take
Every move I make
Every single day
Everytime I pray
I'll be missing you
That song is kinda a "stalker song" as Angie and Jesse like to say. But not that part. In the beginning it's "I'll be watching you" instead of "I'll be missing you". But "whatev" as Steph Fellows would say. I said tghat last post, didn't I? Sorry I'm stealing your phrase, Steph, but impression is the highest form of compliment, doncha know?
Well, today was the second to last day of school, and it was somewhat bittersweet. Not as much as it was in 1st and 2nd and 4th and 5th (especially) and 8th (which was the worst last day of school in my history), because summer-fever gets worse every year. But I do have fab ulous teachers this year, and It's a butmmer that I won't have mmost of the next year, and even the ones that weren't great, they still had their moments. Mrs. Balboa's fencing stance at the chalkboard, Mr. Harig's hilarious stories and "appetizers", Coach Pol's wacky dreams about me crashing on a bike. Then there are the teachers whose classes I will miss. Mr. Ellis's history class (please, oh please please please let me have him next year....) Mr. Kennedy's English (After all, I've had him for 2 years in a row during 8th period. He's a crazy old man, but you hafta love him) and, of course, Biology. Who couldn't miss Mrs. Cady and her fabulous class, contagious smile (hey, I think she smiles more that ME, and that's saying something), her enthusiasm? She's like those middle school teachers whom I had so much trouble leaving in 8th grade. AHHHH. But, it is summer, which, I'm afraid, overrides nearly all of my regret of leaving. SUMMER. To quote Steph again... "I love sumer" And that's not a misspelling, that's the way it is. Over and Out!