Unbelievable sights Indescribable feeling Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling Through an endless diamond sky
Did you know that during the "A Whole New World" song in Aladdin Aladdin and Jasmine go to 4 different countries? I watched it today with Lily and was quite amazed about how much I had forgotten in this film. During the flying carpet scene they are in Agraba to start, then Egypt, then Greece!, then China. It's pretty amazing. They also run with wild horses in some unknown country and, of course, fly among the clouds. Interesting. And Robin Williams is more funny every time I see him.
There's a lot of great movies coming out this summer, I must say. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is coming out in July, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants will hopefully be good, but silly, comes out shortly. Batman Begins, War of the Worlds and Bewitched should all be good. I'm excited. I'll be seeing many movies. And, for course, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is being published! How absolutely fantastic! I think the Half-Blood Prince is Dumbledore, and maybe Dumbledore will DIE at the end. That would be very very sad. I also think that maybe Harry will die at the end of the seventh. That'll be terrible. It'd feel bad for Hermoine. I hope SHE doesn't die- don't think I could take that. My friend Jesse said that she and I and Margot were like the terrific trio in Harry Potter- she was Ron, awkward but hilarious, Margo was Hermione- brillant and overachieving, and I was Harry- adventurous and brave. I, personally completely disagree with her. No one has ever called me brave. =)
The Boulder Creek festival started today. What fabulous fun. I saw about ten BILLION people that I knew. It was cool. I'm going again tomorrow, and probably again on Monday. Anyone who lives in Colorado should come to the incredible one-of-a-kind Creek Fest.
May 26, 2005
I think I'll start writing in black =)
** humming my own little tune at 8:58:00 PM
Why can't I explain Flying to the sun Without a plane When you're here
I seem to update much more often when I'm busier than a bumblebee in May, but I do. And when I have free time, I don't write as much or as often. That's a strange paradox, if you ask me. Yes it is. So, as one might imagine, I am very busy. I've stayed after school for 4 days in a row to work on newspaper. It takes me a long long long time to lay out all those pages. I don't know why. Hopefully, I'll speed up. I think I already am. But I'll work on it for three and a half hours tomorrow, too, maybe more if I stay after school. Hmmmm. It's kinda fun- it kinda drives you mad- but that's okay. I'll survive
Yearbook signing season is well upon us. I like signing yearbooks a lot- sometimes I just randomly smile while writing about a particularly funny memory. But it's also hard to write what you mean and make it sound uncheesy and real. "You're the nicest person I know" does sound terrible, even if it is completely true. I need to work on my eloquence, I think, as a yearbook writer. That should be my goal. Katie once told me I should know the entire school by the time I was a senior. Hummph! I almost memorized the yearbook last year (by almost I mean I joked about it with friends- not that I was really close to memorizing the whole thing)
Ang and all her sophmore friends and Vivian (who's not a sophmore, but has to take biology anyway) are going to the zoo tomorrow. I'm jealous. They have lots of cute baby animals at the Denver Zoo. Lion cubs and polar bears. Hooray! Angie and my parents and Mrs. Cady said I could go to the zoo with them- because I didn't get to go last year because of LINK leader training. But I didn't get my act together, and so my plots to stowaway on the bus were foiled. Ahh well, I have to work on newspaper anyway... =)
But I sing glory from my lowest And I will say peace to the people I meet While the world waits for an explosion That instant of light that wipes the slate clean
Yo! Shout out to all my Royal Banner buddies. I think I won for going crazy first, although Devon's "I'm officially crazy" speech was quite wonderful. And Carey, my dear, I'm quite afraid that you might be permanently damaged in the head. But, we'll survive, won't we? Yes. Late Nights are quite nutty. We got a lot done, though, I do think my precious special section will survive. Although Lizzi did quote Dr. Suess in her column, and I THOUGHT that I had reserved it for mine next year. Bummer. I'll just have to pick a different fabulous person to quote.
There is a turf war going on in newspaper. Well, really it's some people vs. Dan vs. people who are slightly neutral. Guess what area I fit into?! That's right- I'm not really a fan of either party. I just kinda sit there and break up any terrible fights by throwing my chair. It's pretty nutty. I already said that, didn't I? I told you I've gone crazy. As nutty as a squirrel in the spring. I was typing Nitin's article up and Devon suddenly started staring at me like I was growing horns. Soon he had everyone in the room stunned by how fast I could type. It was slightly embarassing- and of course I couldn't type as well because so many people were looking at me. It was dead silent. Weird. I tell you- Paws Typing Program- it'll be the death of me yet.
I miss Jinger. Of course I do. I also miss the fabulous Nichol sisters, but that's a given. I also miss Morgan and Shrimpkid and Savannah and the Clemens and Caroline and Emily and Corey and everyone I've ever know and didn't see in the last month. But that's okay. I've learned to cope =)
The Film Lit class was doing presentations as I was working on newspaper- it was interesting. They're not ones for letting people enjoy the movie. No siree bobaguchee. "Notice this" or "see that" or "take note of" or "they use sirens for" or "the transitions are" or or or. Fortunately, I have no interest in watching either Donnie Darko again or what was the other movie? I forget....hmmm. 3rd period was a long long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.
Did I say how much I liked Star Wars? I thought it was awesome. Dan was the first person to diss it in my presence today- I almost had to smack him- but Dan and I have had quite a few arguements as of late, so I held back.
I think it's hilarious what people search for to get to this modest website...everything from Chimmney Sweeps History (notice the spelling) to Dolly will never go away to (and this is the most popular) "Wobblin' Goblin" song. Isn't that interesting? Yes, yes it is, in case you couldn't make up your mind.
So, I would put a song here But what I really want to put Is brilliant songs by John Williams That were in Revenge of the Sith And obviously don't have any words So this is a worded tribute to those
On May 18th, 2005, Megan showed up at our house at 9:30 and I hefted my orange backpack onto my shoulder, and Megan, Angie, and I went to the movie of our lifetime.
We arrived at the Arapahoe United Artists theater, which, by the way, has the biggest screen in Boulder. Although many Fairview kids were going to Flatirons or the huge AMC in Westminster, we opted to stay in Boulder- less lines, less commuting, and the theater is just as good. We jumped in line, about 50 people back (not bad for getting there just before 10- the second people in line got there at 6:00. The people you meet...) We played Cranium with Angie's friends, and admired the costumes that flowed by us. I, however, did not costume myself- black capris, black t-shirt, and a black blanket in case I got cold.
They let us in the theater at 11, which, in my opinion, was somewhat cruel. We got very good seats, but sat for an hour with nothing to do but play Gin and shout "Bernie Mac" whenever the question appeared on the screen concerning him. Finally, at 12:02 by Megan's watch, the lights dimmed- and the parade of previews began.
Every trailer received a rating from the audience, much like in the Roman coliseum fights. A wild cheer broke out at the end of Willy Wonka, The Chronicles of Narnia and Batman Begins (they cheered at the beginning of that, too). Others, however, like Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Stealth ended in an echoing boo. Finally, after 20 minutes of commercials, of the audiences fickle emotions, and of periodic impulses to grab Megan's arm, the Lucas Film logo appeared on the screen. And man, it was beautiful.
Warning: Spoilers Follow
I loved the opening space battle. The CGI was seamless, and brought us into the movie with a bang. Those droids that attacked Obiwan were freaking awesome. I want one, please. It was everything any fan dreamed of. Thank goodness. Then, of course, came the Count Dooku fight, which was fairly amazing. Christopher Lee was never given enough credit for his Count Dooku. His confused and betrayed look spoke all the words Lucas could have written as Palpatine, who Dooku knew to be Sidious, told Anakin to kill him. And he did- kill him, I mean. It was a moment where anyone could have done the same. He knew it was wrong, that was the beauty, and he was disgraced, yet he did it anyway. The transformation of Anakin into Darth Vader was done fabulously, I thought. It was obvious that he did it to protect Padme from her nightmarish death, but it was also obvious he had it in him to turn. Things like his dependence on Palpatine and his beheading of Dooku led to a perfect transition.
I agree with the rest of the world by saying Ian McDiarmid shone in this film. But, in my heart, Ewan McGregor gets the gold star of the picture. My love of Obiwan Kenobi was not once disappointed. He begged Yoda not to send him to kill Darth Vader, his stunned emotions at the fact that Anakin did destroy the temple, it was all fabulous. My two favorite Obiwan scenes were 1)When he went to visit Padme, and asked "He's the father, isn't he?" Her silence gave the answer away, "I'm so sorry." His delivery portrayed fabulously the regret he felt in having to kill Ani, but also the conviction that he had to. His speech at the end as Anakin was writing in flames made up for all the bad dialogue in the movie. "You were my brother, I loved you!". That was probably the most heart-wrenching scene in the movie. (Also the shots of the clones turning on the Jedi because of Order 66. That was fairly terrible, too)
The final duel was the fighting spectacular of our age. It is impossible to describe the spectacularness of it. Between John Williams' score and the setting and the amazingly choreographed moves, I loved every millisecond. Ewan and Hayden pulled off all the emotion flawlessly
Granted, there were mistakes, screw ups, disappointments. But I'm so psyched that I'm paying no attention. The script was probably worse than it has been ever before, especially the Anakin/Padme scenes, but it's forgivable. I'm still on a high from seeing this masterpiece
May 18, 2005 ** humming my own little tune at 6:53:00 AM
May 17, 2005
Quaking leaves and broken light Shifting skin the coming night The bearers of all good things arrive Climb inside us, twist and cry A kiss on your molten eyes
I love Almond Joys
I'm a Stegosaurus- I've decided. At I'm de-evolving, too, I used to just have a boney-back. Now I really can't sit in many chairs, my spikes have become much more defined. On the plus side, I'll be able to stab any attack with my back-plates, no need to learn karate. I think I have to add some fat to my back- which is hard, because my fat storage are my pinky toes. Hmmmmm. And stegasauri aren't near as cool as Triceratops, in my opinion. I wish I was growing horns on my head rather than plates on my back. If my backpack is even slightly heavier than usual I'm very uncomfortable. It's no good. But Julia gave me a back massage today, and it helped hugely, until I sat in those annoying chairs in history that are rounded to form to one's back, but really they just scrape mine up. It's unpleasant.
I'm going to a college-talk, and I'm not super-excited about it. The three people I talked to at the dentist's today (the receptionist, the dentists-assistant (who actually does all the work- have you noticed that?, and the dentist, all asked me about college. I DON'T KNOW! is my universal response) I dislike the dentist....
Kurt (to Friedrick): It's all your fault! We should have told him the truth! Friedrick: And made him boiling mad at us? Kurt: It's better than starving to death. Brigitta: We didn't do anything wrong. We just wanted to see her. Kurt: My stomach's making noises. Marta: The least they could have done was to let us say hello. Kurt:I wonder what grass tastes like. Gretl: I feel awful. Brigitta: When Fraulein Maria wanted to feel better, she used to sing that song, remember? Children: Yes! Liesl: Let's try it. (Singing) Raindrops on roses. And whiskers on kittens. Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens. Brown paper packages tied up with strings. These are a few of my favorite things. Gretl: Why don't I feel better? Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes, snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes. Silver white winters that melt into springs. These are a few of my favorite things.
Every bursted bubble has a glory! Each abysmal failure makes a point! Every glowing path that goes astray, Shows you how to find a better way. So every time you stumble never grumble. Next time you'll bumble even less! For up from the ashes, up from the ashes, grow the roses of success!
I'm seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. Not because I avoid any sticky topics, as the popular clichè states (is that redundant- "popular clichè"?)But because I am a)wearing sunglasses that are b)rose-colored. And they are making my head hurt. Or maybe I'm dehydrated. Either way, I'm going to take off my rose-colored glasses. They are also too small, and I bought them last summer at the now-closed Dollar Store by Safeway. Ahh, the clarity of non-roseyness.
The kid in the park next to my house has a Darth Maul double-bladed lightsaber. I want it. I've never owned one of those plastic lightsabers that condense. How unfortunate
Meadows starts tomorrow! Hurray! I am so excited- beyond reason, actually. And El is a 15-18 this year. Hip-hip-Hoorah! We're all wearing green tomorrow to wig out Mr. Albritton. It should be a bundle of fun fun fun.
My LA teacher, of whom I have the close-to-highest regards for, just made me made. She marked on my mediocre paper that I had to write it in 12 pt. Times New Roman font. What, may I ask, is wrong with my 11.5 point Rockwell font? I've written in Rockwell since, like, 7th grade. My report on Leonardo Da Vinci was in Rockwell, my Coati LTP was in Rockwell, my 9th grade papers on The Chosen were most certainly in Rockwell. Lab reports, Powerpoint Presentations, essays, book reports, EVERYTHING has been written in that. So, WHY must I change now? Grrrrrr. I refuse to conform!
American Idol, recently, just cause I need some brain numbing
Three celebrities you have a crush on:
Ewan McGregor
Viggo Mortenson
Johnny Depp
Two things you can’t live without:
The outdoors
One thing you want more than anything:
More than anything? People to stop driving their damn cars and have the environment back to its thriving self
Well, that was a bundle of nonsense, was it not?
** humming my own little tune at 7:33:00 PM
Oh, this lonely world is wasted Pathetic eyes high alive Blind to the tide that turns the sea This storm it came up strong It shook the trees And blew away our fear I couldn't even hear
Okay, so that wasn't the song I meant to lyricalize in the start of my post, I meant to write "Music of the Night" from The Phantom of the Opera, but I guess REM felt like leading my post...interesting....
I love puddles. Granted, rain isn't fabulous, but I like it every once in a while. But puddles, man, I wish there were always puddles about. Puddles for splishing and splashing and parting like the Red Sea as you ride you bike through them and your front tire spits water droplets back at you. Worm-hunting, puddle stomping, the whistle sprayed water makes as it flies through the air. Puddles are awesome
Riding one's bike in the rain is kinda fun. I would prefer to ride in the sun, but the rain is nice ever once in a while. If I'm prepared. I rode home this afternoon and got SOAKED, it was unpleasant. Sopping jeans are never fun- they stick and cling to you like serranwrap. Helmet, too, have this annoying tendency to drip off the very point of the helmet. They'll get soaking wet and then drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip drip drip. Soon, I get hypnotized by that drip, drip, drip, and run into things. Although if you want to impress someone because they see you riding your bike in the rain, that helmet drip in a very good thing to remind them of the fact. =) The other terrible thing about riding in the rain, is that your brakes stop working. It's annoying, but true. So, my back brakes don't work anyway, which is very bad, and I should get that fixed. And I rode up the overpass over Foothills and my dripdripdrip helmet and my sticky jeans distracted me terribly, so I started going down without THINKING that of course neither my front or back brakes would work, and I knew very shortly I couldn't make the sharp turn. Not a chance in a million. So, I thought to myself very cleverly, I could try to make the turn and do an endo onto Foothills in almost rush-hour traffic, or I could run into the quickly approaching metal railing, and pray that I didn't flip over the railing and land 15 feet below in someone's lawn. So, I did the latter, and it worked fairly well, neither I nor my bike were damaged hugely. Although my left hip is bruised somewhat badly, and my knee hurts (but that's a common occurance. I could trip over my shoelaces and my knee would start to hurt). The worst, however, my left fingers are swollen and hurt. They were very cold, you see, and cold, smashed fingers don't heal very quickly. And it makes it hard to type. And instead of my knuckles hitting before the rest of my fingers do when I straighten them (that's what happens usually) the now-chubby middle parts clank together. It's unfortunate. I'm glad I'm right handed, though, and I am glad that I didn't die. Very much so.
OH, this is a long post, but I got cheesecake today. I was happy as a duck in May! Angie and I were walking up from locking our bikes in the back, and poor Mrs. Wickham was carrying 15 bags from her car to her office. She had stopped for her "break before making (her) way up the ramp". I asked if she needed help, and she was very grateful, and I got to carry her cheesecake and some lettuce, or something. Because it was all for the Salad Club;a bunch of women science teachers get together for lunch on Wednesdays and trade off who makes the salad. And we started talking about how much I loved cheesecake, and as she thanked me for helping her, she said I should drop by for some cheesecake. And I did, after much fretting, because I'm still not sure whether she was just being nice, or if she really wanted me to eat her extra cheesecake. But I did, and it was delicious. =)
And any time you feel the pain, hey, Jude, refrain Don't carry the world upon your shoulders Well don't you know that its a fool who plays it cool By making his world a little colder
Anche went swimming today as I finished my History Test. Three essay, 2.5 hours. My DABS was about Mao Zedong's rise to power. My other two essays were about the social and economic causes of WWII (German Nationalism, World Depression, English appeasement) and the other was about Stalin's successes and failures as a ruler of a single-party state. I had trouble coming up with very many successes. But that's okay. I had lots of raisins sprinkled in my oatmeal, as Mrs. Gardner would say. =)
So Angie went swimming while I finished my history test. Jill coached her, and told her that she was going to coach 15-18s at Meadows. That makes me happy- we'll have a coach that will take care of us. And I should be happy, I know, Jill is hilarious and good at swimming and smart. And I know her, so they're won't be any weird swimmer/coach relations. Yet I kinda hoped that Jinger was going to surprise us the first day of practice- that she wanted to trick us and then surprise us that she actually did come. But, no, all the meadows coaches are new. I thought that maybe, well, Mark didn't "know" who the coaches were, Jill didn't "know" what age group she was teaching, Mrs. Cady did know that swimming was starting soon- maybe they were all in a mass conspiracy against Angie and I. But no. And I knew that wasn't really the case. So why am I so disappointed when the impossible isn't true? When I see a green Jeep Cherokee, or a giant blue SUV with a flag bumper sticker, I think that maybe Jesse and Jenny only moved across town- that our parents planned this big ordeal just to make our lives a little difficult. My life is pretty perfect, actually, except for my best friends moving all the time. But of course the Nichols don't live in Gunbarrel or in North Boulder- they live in Chapel Hill. They do have a house- it isn't just a house they rent to trick us that it is actually their house. So, I ask again, although I know all this couldn't possibly happen in a million years, that Jinger wouldn't take all that trouble to hide her coaching from us, that OF COURSE the Nichols live in North Carolina, that Em and Julia ARE moving to the other sides of the country, why do I secretly dream and hope that they aren't? And why, even though my logical brain tells me it's impossible, do I still cling to hope? I'm just set up for disappointment in all directions.
And I am happy that Jill is coaching. Meadows starts next week!
Take some time before you go to think of Mondays coming down, And the people that you knew and the ones that aren't around. You've been fading day to day, I've been moving town to town.
Yesterday I did nothing. Not one single productive thing. Besides eat, that counts as being productive, doesn't it? I got home at 5-ish and was very tired (I'm not a night person, and I can't sleep late. So I went to bed a 5 and woke up at 9, it was unfortunate. I meant to take a nap, but I kept thinking I would do something productive) While my sister made apricot scones and played tennis for 1.5 hours and practiced trumpet, I sat in my bed and read The Sisterhood of the the Travelling Pants. It's my New Years Resolution to read more, although I think I meant more classic and intellectual books than that. But that's okay. Any book that makes you laugh out loud and cry within 300 pages counts as a good book. And it was funny, and sad, and it made me think of me, and how I should send something to all my friends and have them tell me their adventures in that particular piece of clothing. It is also a lot like a book I would write if I ever managed to finish one of my many novels. They're also making a movie of The Sisterhood I hope it's good. It has that girl from The Gilmore Girls in it. Rory. I've only seen two or three episodes of that show, by Margot used to like it a lot. Not so much anymore, though, I don't know why she liked it to start with, or why she stopped liking it. Meh- it doesn't really matter, in the end.
** humming my own little tune at 9:59:00 AM
May 08, 2005
"So this is how liberty dies- to thunderous applause."
I'm holding my hands together I'm holding my feet together I'm holding myself together In this near wild heaven Not near enough
I'm tired of making scrapbook pages. I don't know why suddenly I have to make so many, but I'm tired of it. I made 11 senior pages for the senior swimmers; I made Julia as soc-book page; NOW I'm making pages for the retiring elementary school teachers. There are 8 or so that are retiring from my good old Eisenhower Elementary, and I had most of them. Mrs. Heinz, Mr. Hoban, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Rhodes Mrs. Lopez, so I'm making pages for them, too. I don't know what to write. The only one who really knows me is Mrs. Heinz, so maybe I'll only do a page for her. What should I put on it? My Father's Dragon and A Toad for Tuesday and Amelia Bedilia quotes? Nope, that's not very interesting. A long, cheesy thank you? I've done that about five times already for her, I'm stuck! I have scrap-book-page-making-block! It's truly terrible. I hope it's not infectious. That would be unfortunate. Ahhhh! But I have so much stuff I have to do! This week is going to be the death of me!
I did check the AP Calc. test off my list, though, which is good. I'm not allowed to talk (or type) about it so, I won't. But I thought it was hard. And at least it's over. And know I have to think of something awesome to do tomorrow during 3rd.
I had a dream about Prom last night. It was weird. Aidan was in it. And his mom. Very weird, I must say. I haven't thought about Mrs. Rush in weeks, and suddenly she pops into my subconcious. Dreams are so wacky. I wish I knew what they meant. Really. I remember so many of my dreams, and they are all so crazy.
Lots of kinda weird things happened today. Mrs. Wickham's 7th period attacked Mr. Boland's 5th period class with balloon and Star Wars music. Their code was "The duck is in the pond"- it was over the announcements. Teachers are really as cool as they seem. =) I also sent Mary Kate on a top-secret mission to ask Mrs. Cady where her One-Eyed-One-Horned-Flying-Purple-People-Eater was. Sam and I tried to steal it again, but it was GONE! from where she kept it last semester. I think she became suspicious, but fortunately Mary Kate didn't tell her it was I who wanted the information. Sam and I will have to go about this very carefully and cleverly. Newspaper has gotten very hectic suddenly- it's an unexpected factor in my list of things that makes my life CRAZY currently. But, that's okay. I'm handling every fabulously. =)
Maybe if I could do a play-by playback I could change the test results that I will get back I've watched the summer evenings pass by I've heard the rattle in my bronchi...
I just called Steph randomly about printing on overheads, and we had a very nice coversation. It's amazing how little you can see a person even though they go to the same school as you and live 2 miles away. And even if you're very good friends. We talked about biking and skiiing and swimming (MEADOWS, especially) and school, and being juniors. I don't like telephones, usually, but it's nice when you can really talk to someone on them. I should spend more time with Steph. She's a supercool kid. A shrimp, yes, but that's okay. I have a lot of short friends. =) Speaking of shrimps, I should write a letter to Shrimpkid and Morganaut. I haven't talked to them in a long time- I wonder if Morgan swam in this spring. Is she taking AP tests? Jesse in NC is, I am, it would be nifty if Morgan was, too, then we would be cross-country AP-test-takers together. Jesse also took the SAT the same day I did. She wouldn't call me with the essay topic, though, which I guess is okay, since I did stunningly on it, anyway =)(stunningly is quite the adverb. I should use it in Madlibs more often).
I do have a lot of short friends. Why is that? I don't know. Maybe my subconscience really likes power-positions, so I make friends with short people so I can rule over them. Then again, I am much taller than the average person, so they're actually not that short, just compared to me. And Sarah and Lynn and Trevor and Sam and Emily and Margo aren't that short, now are they? No. But Steph, Kath, Sarah (Judkins, who has been especially nice to me recently, as well as Angie-not-my-sister, who is also short), Julia. I elected two short people to be Senior class VP and President. They're EVERYWHERE! Short people, I mean, not Presidents (thankfully, we can only have one real president in the US. I would much rather not know who else we would vote into office if we could)
I'm listening to all the "A" songs on my iPod, from "A Hard Day's Night" to "As Lovers Go". Those lyrics are from "Afternoons and Coffeespoons". It's taking a while, actually, to get through all the start-with-A songs. I'm on "Angel of Music" right now, which is from Phantom of the Opera. That movie comes out on DVD tomorrow- I want Angie-my-sister-who-is-tall to see it. Speaking of tomorrow, I have my AP CALCULUS TEST TOMORROW! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Wish me luck. (Post Script- I would tell the Force to be with me, but I think that's a little pretentious. We got our midnight premiere tickets today. HOORAY!)
May 01, 2005 ** humming my own little tune at 8:21:00 PM
Good Morning! I've come to return the book I've borrowed! Finished already? Oh I couldn't put it down. Got anything new? Not since yesterday! That's alright. I'll borrow...this one! That one?! But you've read it twice! Well, it's my favorite! Far off places, daring swordfights, magic spells, a prince in disguise! Well, if you like it all that much, it's yours. But sir! I insist. Well thank you! Thank you very much!
Look there she goes- that girl is so peculiar. I wonder if she's feeling well. With a dreaming for a look. And her nose stuck in a book. What a puzzle to the rest of us, that's Belle.
Yes, that is a song. It's from Beauty and the Beast. I want to see that play on Broadway- it doesn't actually have to be on broadway, that would be okay. I really just want to see the play. And I want to read the original Peter Pan. It was a play, first, you know. A play, then a book, then several movies. =) Then several take-offs. It deserves that much attention, though. I also want to see Wicked - I didn't really like the book that much, but I still think that it is a supercool idea (the whole Wicked Witch of the West isn't so terrible) AND did you know the girl who plays AnnaBeth on West Wing is also Glinda in Wicked? That's pretty nutty. We were watching the news and they did a short thing on Wicked and I was like "HEY! I know that person!" and Angie said "Yeah! Who is she?" and Mom said "Isn't that MaryAnne from West Wing?" and Angie said "It's AnnaBeth, Mom." Angie and I are usually the ones to recognize people. Who knew? Not I, said the fly. Nor me, said the flea.
Look there she goes a girl who's strange but special A most peculiar mad'moiselle It's a pity and a sin She doesn't quite fit in 'Cause she really is a funny girl A beauty but a funny girl She really is a funny girl That Belle