April 30, 2004 INTERNET SILLINESS 1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
"Since farming is governed by the seasons, knowlege of the sky's unceasing rhythms became of even greater importance as a way of determining the best times to plant and reap."
in Just-
spring when the world is mud-
luscious the little
lame balloonman
whistles far and wee
and eddieandbill come
running from marbles and
piracies and it's
when the world is puddle-wonderful
the queer
old balloonman whistles
far and wee
and bettyandisbel come dancing
from hop-scotch and jump-rope and
balloonMan whistles
---e.e. cummings
It's SUPPOSED to be May Day tomorrow (in case you don't know, I'M the QUEEN of May Day baskets) and it's snowing. SNOWING! Goodness. Weather gots it all wrong. Yep, that grammer mistake was intention. SNOW on MAY DAY. And I thought I was going crazy.....
PS- The formating of that poem is all wrong. The computer wouldn't do it correctly. Sorry, Mr. Cummings
April 29, 2004
By the way....(I am never a huge fan of those AIM shortcuts (BTW, brb, etc.) . I always try to capitalize my "I's" and write what I mean, rather than have the person at the other end decifer it. Meh, that's just be) By the way, you can seach for anything from Madeline Rovira to "the wobblin goblin with the broken broom" on Google and bring my LOVELY blog. Isn't that funny? I think so. Almost everyday some random person from somewhere types in something random into Google and brings up my site. That's impressive
** humming my own little tune at 6:41:00 PM
Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high,
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue,
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true.
Like my new picture, do you? I do. I think it would be good to change it every once in a while. If you have any suberb picture ideas, feel free to tell me. I was having trouble finding a good Wiz of Oz picture- and this one isn't great, but I like it. All the other ones were just a photo of Dorthey, Scarecrow, Tinman, and Lion walking. Most had "Wizard of Oz" written on the top. Oh well. I think I did just marvelously on this one. Yepyep. Of course, I LOVE Mary Poppins, she should be a role-model to us all. And the movie's great. Wizard of Oz is fantastic, but doesn't REALLY compare to Miss Poppins. No siree.
Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow.
Why then, oh why can't I?
For one so small you seem so strong
My arms will hold you, keep you saffe and warm
This bond between us, can't be broken
I will be here, don't you cry
I, unlike most people, have figured out that I can change my emotions. If I want to be happy, I most certainly will be, and if I am sad, I will stay as such until I decide to be otherwise. Sure, extreme situtations don't count (your best friend moving away, someone dying, etc.), but other than that, it works. Abraham Lincoln said once that "most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." So, I guess I'm not the only one who's figured this out. It's very convient, actually. You can "fool" all sorts of people. But just this week, it doesn't seem to be working quite as well......Bummer, dude
I've written about Star Wars eight times on this blog since I started it (August 2003) Only once was the ENTIRE post about star wars. But still, I think that's cool. I guess you'd have to say I've written about Star Wars 9 times, now..
** humming my own little tune at 9:59:00 AM
Now I'm the king of the swingers
Oh, the jungle VIP
I've reached the top and had to stop
And that's what botherin' me
I'm curious, do high school students still have role-models? People they want to be like, they want to impress, etc.? I know I certainly do, but then again, I consider myself different. Does Carey or Megan or Lauren have peopele they look up to? Adults they respect? Sure, there's the world-famous athletes people admire- Lance Armstrong, Ian Thorpe, Peekabo Street. Then there's the actresses that people "connect with"- Keira Knightley, Natalie Portman, Viggo Mortenson. But do teenagers remember their extraordinary 1st grade teacher? Or spend a few minutes thinking about their swim-coach of years ago, or middle-school mentor(s)? Do they ever think "when I grow up, I wanna be like......"?
Oh, oobee doo
I wanna be like you
I wanna walk like you
Talk like you, too
You'll see it's true
An ape like me
Can learn to be human too
I'm Cinderella at the ball, I'm Alice growing 10 feet tall
It's not just make believe
Here comes the prince's kiss, I'm positive the slipper fits
It's not just make believe
It started out like just another ordainary day
Now suddenly my life's different in every way
I wish I had some life-changing thing to say. THat would be nice. Everyday say something so profound and meaningful it just blows people away. However, the closest thing I have to that this evening is "I like to bike-ride" =) Well, I try. At least I'm not sitting in front of my TV all afternoon. No siree. 30 mile bike rides are where its AT! yeah!
April 25, 2004 Welcome to Gmail OH DEAR! Google's about to do email, too. Not that I don't like Google the search engine, but it truly controls a huge amount of our economy. If your Boulder salmander-distributing comany isn't in the top 3 after seaching for "Boulder salamander co", then your company is going down the drain. My Blog has several people a week finding it on google. Sooner or later it's going to happen folks. Google is going to take over the WORLD!
With how sad steps, O Moon, thou climb'st the skies !
How silently, and with how wan a face !
What, may it be that even in heavenly place
That busy archer his sharp arrows tries?
Sure, if that long with love-acquainted eyes
Can judge of love, thou feel'st a lover's case;
I read it in thy looks; thy languisht grace
-Sir Philip Sidney
Anyone want to tell me the metrical feet pattern in that poem, by any chance? Come on, people, I know that YOU know it. Humph. I also know that several people have visited my blog, but none of them have commented, which makes me incredibly sad. *sigh* What's up with those little asteriks anyway? Why do people use them? Why do I use them? I don't use them that often, only when I'm poking fun at *sighing*, because I hardely ever *sigh*. Do I? No, I don't.
I really really really hope my article about Kristen Lahey and Madeline Rovira and Sarah Fischer gets in the Royal Banner. That would make me extroidinarily happy. I'm going to be a famous newspaper writer, and everyone will agree with whatever I write, (because I will put it so eloquently), and I'll just be very influencial. This is on the side of being a first-grade teacher and saving the world. Yepyep. Over and Out, Roger
** humming my own little tune at 3:56:00 PM
April 23, 2004 THIS is the funniest thing I've read in QUITE a while.....=)
** humming my own little tune at 10:55:00 AM
April 22, 2004
If only, if only the woodpecker sighed
the bark on the tree was as soft as the sky
the wolf waits below, hungry and lonely
he cries to the moon: if only, if only
WHAT A DAY! But, it's over. Finally. Sigh. I just don't know WHAT to do with my self. tsap eht ni kcuts mi.
I'm 15 for a moment
Caught in between 10 and 20
And I'm just dreaming
Counting the ways to where you are
Have you ever done something at the spur of the moment, then slightly regretted it later? "Why did I do that?" "That was certainly not necessary" "You could have done it another way" sort of thoughts running about. And then it turned out really really good. At least you think it turned out good. There could be some things that we're great about it (like why you did it in the first place) but since you did, it was good. Marvelous. Am I making any sense? Didn't think so. Well the above happened to me, too. LLAP
On the 12th day after April 6th This Sunday gave to me.. 12 hours of grusome gusts (wind) 11 miles on a bike 10 pesto ravioli 9 hours of sleep 8 chapters read 7 emails wrote 6 swimming buddies 5 can't-stop-laughing sessions 4 minutes of Star Wars watched 3 CDs listened to 2 pieces of chocolate bunnies and 1 broken swim-bag strap....
Wasn't that lovely? Granted, it didn't rhyme, but I did it in 2.13 minutes. What can I say? I'm talented (at stealing copy-righted songs and turning them evil for my own purposes....yes well)
HAHAHA Go here to translate my blog (or any other website) into Spanish or French or Korean or whatever! It's quite funny!
** humming my own little tune at 12:52:00 PM
April 17, 2004
Well, I'll bet you I'm gonna be a big star
Might win an Oscar you can never tell
The movies gonna make me a big star
'Cause I can plat the part so well
I never knew that was a Beatles song. Huh. Curious and curiouser. Angie and I were at the Farmer's market today- and we witnessed a series of events that would make a WONDERFUL short film. TOo bad we didn't have our video camera with us. So, here it is....
Setting: Outdoor theater, sunny spring day. In the background some Tchaikovsky waltz is playing. Not very much background talking.
On the stage about 10 preteen girls are taking a ballet lesson. The istructor is shorter than most of them, but it obviously better. And certain points, all the girls laugh simutaneously. The dancers aren't matching, but they are all dressed to dance (leotards, etc.) CAMERA SWEEPS TO THE AUDIENCE Four girls (different ages between 3 and 5) are jumping from one stone bench to the next, obviously enjoying the dancing, because the stop and stare every once and a while. The girls are 1) Mini-Nalani- obviously the leader 2) Blue-shirt- second in command, probably the eldest 3) Purple-gown, the littlest/youngest, very cute, 4) Shorty- follower of Nalani and Blue, not very well characterized... We watch them walk away CAMERA sweeps to right of stage
A little girl with a big pink baseball hat, Pink, is dancing a few rows down from her parents. She has a already-seeded dandilion and is spinning and dancing and very talented. Posse returns, and walks past Pink. Pinkfollows them for a little bit (Nalani seems to be ignoring her, but Blue asks where Pink got the dandilion) Pink proudly shows her, and then tags along. They seem to accept her, and the 5-kid posse now all dance to the waltz.
You can see teen dancers behind them, and it's very artistic looking, overall =)
Blue falls off the stone step, and starts crying. All the others crowd around her, and Nalani runs off the screen (apparently looking for her parents) Purple gown leaves a few seconds afterward, (thinking that she will help find the parents) Shorty and Pink stay with Blue. Nalani returns with a parents, and Purple sprints to keep up with them. As soon as Parent arrives, Blue stops crying. Pink's dad introduces himself to Nalani's parent, then takes reluctant (but not crying) Pink away. The now four-person posse all hold hands and skip (with their parent in tow) away. CAMERA follows posse for a while, then cuts back to Blondie Pink is being strapped into her stroller, her hat is taken off, and her yellow locks fall around her face.
Let's go fly a kite, up to the highest hight Let's go fly a kite and send it soaring Up through the atmosphere Up where the air is clear Oh, let's go fly a kite
It is truly a spring day today. The grass has transformed into a green blanket, the bird have returned from Mexico, and I want to go on a bike ride. HOORAY! Flying a kite wouldn't be bad, either, expect it's not windy. Angie's wearing a crown of dandilions, Mom's gardening, Dad's on a bike ride already. It's a fun day. Only a four day school week next week. I'm excited. My buddy Sarah didn't win her election yesterday. I thought for sure she would win. Alas, the red-headed, girl-friend of a football player won instead of the calculus-doing, violin playing, red-headed friend. She was quite upset. Me too. Bummer. ALAS! My mother just came in and wants to take me on errands... NOOOOOO! I refuse. Wish me luck... I underestimate the power of the darkside....I love Star Wars.
** humming my own little tune at 10:39:00 AM
April 15, 2004
Autumn clouds
Sinking, suggesting snow
The first wisp of winter
Long fingers
Flowing, fluttering, flying
A crescendo climbing the ivory keys
Nervous shoe
Tapping, ticking, tarrying
Anything to pass the present
Racing thoughts
Puzzling, pondering, predicting
A sleepless slumber of speculation
My beloved monster and me
We go everywhere together
We're in a raincoat that has four sleeves
Gets us through all kinds of weather
Someone should really take it upon themselves to update my music taste. The only popular songs I know are from kids movies like Shrek and Ella Enchanted. All my other songs are either
oldies that my parents introduced (which I like, I just can't have a conversation about them),
disney songs (which, if you ask me, are the best songs ever. Trashin' the Camp from Tarzan is playing on Windows Media Player right now. It's good- but I Wanna be like You from The Jungle Book and all Aladdin and Lion King songs are great),
musicals (I know all of them- Everything from Mary Poppins to Big River,
and Star Wars songs (actually, there's quite a lot of them. John Williams is fantastic).
So, I think people should tell me what to listen to- and then I'll form my own opinions. My friend Emily can listen to 8 seconds of almost any song playing on the radio and tell you what it is. My dad can do that for older songs. I'm impressed by both of them. I could recognize a song from a musical- but no one listens to those. Actually, after this long self-exploration, I think that I am happy with listening to Supercalifragilisticexpealidious and Under the Sea
April 11, 2004
Here's an interesting site about the grade-level that each of the President's Inaugural addresses were. GWB's isn't as low as I thought it would be......
** humming my own little tune at 11:39:00 AM
April 10, 2004
Now I'm walking on sunshine
I'm walking on sunshine
I'm walking on sunshine
and don't it feel good?
Ella Enchante was very good. I liked it mucho. It wasn't anything like the book- but it was still a good feel-good movie. YEAH! And Anne Hathaway sung twice, it was cool. Guess What! Julie Andrews is going to sing in The Princess Diaries 2. Yepyep, for the first time since her throat surgery.
I think that the new thing is going to be handshakes. Instead of girls going around hugging eachother, we'll handshake. Hugging was a bigger thing last year, I think. I was never a big hugger, but last year I got hugged a huge amount. In middle school, they said we could hug, but we did anyway. Freshman year, I was hugged constantly- this year not as much, but still some. Soon it will fade out completely, and everyone will give handshakes. And everyone will blame me for starting it, because I am already notorious for handshaking people, and Tory Webster thinks that I'm very very odd because of it. Meh. Not that I care- I think that it's cool.
I remember in 6th grade, on the last day of school, all the 8th graders were weeping and hugging eachother and hugging their little play-things (aka me), and the only 8th grader (I wrote almost wrote senior) who I had really connected with that year was Megan Quinn. So I shook her hand, instead of hugging her, b/c neither of us were into hugging. So, there's my theory. When hugging is out, handshaking will be in.
May the Force be With you
April 09, 2004
HOHOHO, Merry Friday!
** humming my own little tune at 6:23:00 PM
Oh, what a beautiful morning Oh, what a beautiful day I've got a beautiful feeling Everything's going my way...
Well, in case you were confused- it's not morning, I would hardley call this rainy/snowy/gray weather "beautiful" (although I do like it quite a lot, the SONG meant "beautiful" as in sunny)and everything didn't go my way today, but that's okay, I didn't expect it to. Afterall, if everything went my way, life would be quite boring (for me, for everyone else it would be a rat-race. But probably not, because I would want them to be happy, so they would be) Anyway! The real reason I wrote that song was it was stuck in my head (no, really?) the entire day since I used it in my lead in the feature article I was writing for journalism. The article was about sleep disorders. (And now you're thinking..."What the HECK does a song from Oklahoma have to do with sleep disorders. And I say..."Well, if you have a sleep disorder, then you DON'T normally spring out of bed at 6:12 singing "Oh, what a beautiful morning". Do ya now? No) NOW THAT WE'VE GOT THAT SETTLED
Ella Enchanted came out today. I'm utlra excited to go and see it tomorrow. I know that it's not a lot like the book, but that doesn't bother me. The book was wonderful, fabulous beyond reason, but that doesn't mean that the movie-that-is-nothing-like-it is bad, right? There's no logic. Besides, the Denver Post reviews said that it was a mix between The Princess Bride(which I am READING right now),Shrek,Cinderella, and Hamlet(which Ilana quoted in her article about sleep-disorders "To sleep, perchance to dream" I knew it was from Hamlet, but she thought it was from The Tempest.) So Ella Enchanted should be good and entertaining. I'm excited.
It was raining/snowing mucho today. YEAH! If April showers bring May flowers, then what do Mayflowers bring? Please, please, please tell me you've heard this joke before. B/c if you haven't, you definitely need to go back to 5th grade. I told it several times this week and like 3 people had heard it before. Talk about a deprived generation. Mayflowers bring PILGRIMS. Hardeeharharhar
When there's a smile in your heart
There's no better time to start
Think of all the joy you'll find
When you leave the world behind
And bid your cares good-bye
You can fly! You can fly! You can fly!
Good 'ol Peter Pan. He's my hero. Our tennis team has a match again Cherry Creek tomorrow. I hope that I play. I think that if I don't play I'll have to smack my coach. But that's another time and place. The other day, some "tennis girls" (imagine short SHORT skirts (w/out pockets, might I add) too small of shirts, blond (hate to be stereotype, but they are, tennis players) were bragging about how geeky they were. COME ON! They couldn't be geeks if they tried. They said they were a "geek at heart". Bah! I wanted to attack them with the pencil behind my ear and bring them to their senses with a few bouts of technobabble. But it made me giggle in side. In no sense am I am hard-core-geek, but I certainly am much more so then these girls. At least I know what the difference between Java and Basic computer programming. Those wanna-bes. =) After practice this evening, I was walking down the hall, and my buddy Ella was sitting on the floor practicing her lines for
1984, our school play. This is how the conversation went.....
Ella- Hi Kristen!
Courtney- Hi! I met you at the movies!
Me- Yes, we did! Sorry, I forget your name.
Courtney- It's Courtney. Your's is...?
Me- Kristen
We shake hands Ella-Angie just came by here, and Courtney said "I saw you at the movies" and Angie was like "uhhh". So we thought it was you.
Courtney- And then you appeared to make us all understand
Me- That's my job!
Then everyone chatted aimlessly for about 30 seconds, then I swept myself away. I was called "Angie" 4 times today. I think it was a record. I always feel bad b/c the people who call me "Angie" are always slightly embarrassed, but I don't think that I could convince them I was Angie for very long, and then they would be even more embarrassed once they figured it out that I wasn't who they thought I was. Ahh, the horrible cycle of looking like your younger sister. Live Long and Propser!
Kookabura sings in the old gum tree Merry, merry king of the bush, is he Laugh, Kookabura, laugh Oh how gay your life must be..
I still have lots of homework I should be doing.... 2 math assignments, a short story to read, history outlines to start (I've already done the history essay), a Journalism worksheet to finish... meh. And here I am singing about Australian birds. To show (as a picture is worth 1,000 words) how boring my math class can be, I have this technicolor graph paper. Mind you, this is only about 1/2 of the page,I thought that having all of the lovely mind-boggling artwork on this webpage would be too much. Te gusta? Me gusta. Thanks to Jenni Jones for her lovely highlighters and help with this neon masterpiece.
** humming my own little tune at 5:10:00 PM
Come on, lets crawl To the ugly bug ball And a happy time we'll have there One and all At the Ugly Bug Ball
The Prince and Me was very cute- I saw it Friday night. Very predicable, very good. Well not "very good" but perhaps a 6/10 for all movies, and a 9/10 for romantic comedies. I like Julia Stiles, too, and the Prince was very cute. Well, I have mucho tarea this weekend, so I should probably get to that...Happy Daylight Savings day!
** humming my own little tune at 9:52:00 AM
April 01, 2004
Like Steve McQueen
All I need's a fast machine
I'm gonna make it all right
Like Steve McQueen
Underneath your radar screen
We had a tennis match today, in which I didn't get to play, because of my coach is so disorganized, an it's just down right frustrating. I classify most of my days as "good". Even on days that nothing good happens, the day is still good, because nothing bad happened. I don't think today meets my average day. It was certainly not a "bad" day, but it's wasn't good, either. One of my friends is all stressed out, all the time, because of her other friends, and I don't know how I can help, because she is very determined to manage it all by herself. But every day in math class she's on the verge of tears, and I feel so bad. Pobrecita. Then, I ate lunch with one of my best friends, which was fun, but I don't really get paid attention to in that group of kids. I don't know, my day was just a disapointment overall. Mr. Kennedy was mad at us, for I don't know what reason, but I like to know WHY he's mad, so I can avoid the touchy subject. mehh. Tomorrow's Friday, though, so I'm happy. Kinda
Live Long and Prosper
** humming my own little tune at 6:47:00 PM