I heard the sound of a thunder, it roared out a warnin',
Heard the roar of a wave that could drown the whole world,
Heard one hundred drummers whose hands were a-blazin',
Heard ten thousand whisperin' and nobody listenin',
Heard one person starve, I heard many people laughin',
Heard the song of a poet who died in the gutter,
And it's a hard, and it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard,
And it's a hard rain's a-gonna fall.
The Republican convention has officially nominated George W. Bush for a second term. Wouldn't be a funny twist of events if they DIDN'T nominate Bush, they just picked some guy? I think that would be funny. OR: what if Bush didn't accept the nomination. He said "You know, it was fun while it lasted, but I don't deserve this country"? That would open a few mouths. But, as reported, he as two days to have speech prepared, and then it's Kerry v. Bush. Ohhh boy. The Royal Banner (FHS newspaper) wants to get really into the election. We'll see how that goes over with the students. Mind you, Fairview is a very liberal school considering it's in CO, but there are the Republicans that are perfectly willing to make an arguement. I wonder if there are any Republicans on the Newspaper staff.....as I said, that will be interesting. =)
As I junior, you think you know most of the people you're going to be friends with. But, due to my schedule, I have made 3 new friends already. I'm just so friendly, you have NO idea. =) Maron is my Spanish-buddy, we'll survive somehow. I don't get Spanish. Our ciriculum is so weird- we don't learn how to speak, we learn how to spell. And the teacher's certainly aren't top-notch. All the science-department teachers are better than the language-department teacher, I think. The English-department is pretty good, too. But hardley ANYONE likes their language class. I mean, there are a few people who excel at it and like it. But Margo is great at languages, and she doesn't like Spanish class. More people like Latin class than anything else- I think. Mrs. Gebert is supposed to be great, so that's probably it. Latin, however, doesn't appeal to me. I would rather be able to communicate with people than be able to show off a dead-language. Not that spanish class teaches me how to communicate. But that's what I started my tirade with, so nevermind. No, actually, I started with meeting people. Got it.
No, you can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
And if you try sometime you find
You get what you need
So, school has started, the Olympics have ended, and my stomach-ache I had all evening is now diminishing. That's good. Mia Hamm got to carry the flag- that's good, too. I'm done with my homework- that's pretty good. Well, not all of it. But I can do my math tomorrow. Yessss. It's like that ssnake in The Jungle Book who hisses and sspitss all the time. That's a movie I haven't seen in a long time. I saw an add in the paper today for a company that can print stamps with your face on them. For $1 a stamp, you can put whichever picture you want. That's only 43 cents more than a regular stamp. Pretty good deal, in my opinion. If anyone wants to buy a few of those for me, I would be much appreciative. THANKS! Live Long and Prosper (I signed my letter to my English teacher like that. Bummer, I'm a dork =) )
I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I had a very strange, but very real dream last night. I dream a lot- but I usually don't remember them if I don't tell somebody or write them down. This one, though, was stuck with me. I dreamt......(fade into dream.....) Alexa Mehos, Angie and I were going to see Spy Kids 3 in the theaters. The movie started at 7:30, and it was 3 hours long (according to Alexa). We were just about to leave at 6:30, when Alexa's mom asked us if we had had dinner yet. We hadn't because it was only 6:30 and we had had a late lunch. So we decided to wait a little longer so my dad could make us omletes for dinner. While we were waiting DOZENS of other kids asked us if they could come with us to Spy Kids. Hally Roberts was there- Jenna England was too, our house was packed. And my parents decided to make us all dinner. I was AMAZED about how fast our parents served the 50 kids who were eating in our kitchen. It blew me away- it was faster than many cafeteria lines I had been in in my 11 years in public schools. Then I woke up. (fade into real life)
** humming my own little tune at 12:42:00 PM
August 28, 2004
I am Supergirl And I'm here to save the world But I wanna know Who's gonna save me
Conversations with Margo Irvin are very therapeutic. No matter how bored or sad or cocky or rotten I feel, talking with my dear buddy can always make me feel better. You know, we can just talk- not about anything imparticular. We laugh when we start talking simultaneously, we don't push anything we don't agree on, and the silences are by no means awkward. As Dave Tyson Gentry said "True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable." See, that's what I call a convinent quote. =) I have lots of friends. Talking to Jesse is fun- but we spend the whole time catching up on eachother's lives- which I don't have to do with Margo- I see her everyday. And Emily W- when we talk on the phone- it's her talking, most of the time, and me inserting phrases. She's very entertaining, Miss Weigel is, but I don't say much. And Ella and Ellen- they're fun to talk to- but we talk about everything- most conversations aren't anything to comment on. But Margot and I are both so busy, and we hardly ever have time to chat- but when we do- it makes me happy. It reminds me that things can change and still be okay. I can wear my self-tie-died t-shirts and rolled jeans, and she can wear her complicated and creative outfits that contain several shirts and ballet shoes- and we'll still get along. We can swing at Eisenhower and laugh about 3rd grade or compare chemistry teachers. She is truly a fabulous friend. ** humming my own little tune at 8:21:00 PM
August 27, 2004
"No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manner of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee."
--John Donne
** humming my own little tune at 6:00:00 PM
You were almost kind You were almost true Don't let me see that other side of you. You have learned in time That you must be cruel I'll have to wait to get the best of you.
Nearly 1,300 people have visited my site since last November. Most, however, have not stayed for very long, and just came because they clicked "next blog" on their blogger toolbar (that bar above). Still- that's a lot of people, isn't it?
Today was the first REAL day of school- I went to all my classes and got lectured at, despite all the teacher making fun of all the other teachers for lecturing at us. The only teachers who didn't lecture at us the whole 51 minutes were my Spanish teacher- who lectured at us in Spanish at 7:35 in the morning, and had us draw things on the chalkboard. And Mr. Albriton did pretty cool demos in chemistry. I must admit, though, I think Mrs. Dozier did better demos the first day of physical science in 9th grade. But the glow-in-the-dark stuff was neat-o. Angie has Mrs. Cady as her Biology teacher. I am really jealous. I'm not sure what I'll do. I mean, Mr. Albriton will be a great Chemistry teacher. Fabulous, probably- but I already miss 6th period biology with the school's best pencil-sharpener and refridgerator with sharks in it, and Katie and Justin and Laurel (shooters! I don't have any of them in my classes this year) and man! Angie's so lucky. And Katherine has Mrs. Cady for chemistry this year- just a lower level than I'm taking. I don't know why I'm so upset about this. It's not like I'll never SEE her again (we are in the same building for eight hours a day). Get over yourself, Kristen.
Go on hitch a ride on the back
of a butterfly There's no better way to fly To get to me I look around at what I got And without you, it ain't a lot But I got every, with you, everything
Freshman Orientation was today. I'm a LINK leader- so I got to go help out. We each (100 upper classmen) had a group of approx. 5 frosh. It was fun. In the beginning. We played games and had a ball. AND as a bonus, we got pizza for lunch. But AFTER they had gone through their schedule and met all their teacher- we had the worst afternoon ever. I mean, all these kids want to do is have fun- get acquainted with their new school- maybe make a good impression. But no, not a chance. We have to force them through HUGE lines (try 500 kids) to get their EARS checked- to get their vision checked, to get lockers (which they didn't get before because their middle school messed up), to get school pictures (which, more often than not, are the kid version of driver license pictures). This was TORTURE. And not only for the freshman (although it was probably worse for them than for us) but it was tough on us, too. Majorly. I lost half of my LINKS. What a bad was to start the year. I mean, it puts a bad impression on the LINK leaders, too, who are supposed to be the person who grounds the freshman into FHS. But with this horrible routine- the freshman HATE us, because they have to (and understandably) place the blame on SOMEONE. It was disaterous.
HOWEVER, my day was completely turned around after watching the gold medal game of women's soccer. It was truly amazing. I was crying at the end- probably more than Mia Hamm was. Do you think those Hamm brothers in gymnastics realize their name-similarity to Mia Hamm is probably the coolest thing about them? I doubt it......
This was fabulous. I mean, as I said before, these girls are my heroes. They are the poster-board kids for women's soccer. And I was one of those kids who carried their soccer bag around middle school. The highlight of my shopping trips were the visits to the soccer-store- I lived off halftime orange smiles. It was the life. And only watching this Olympics did I feel any regret for stopping. Look at that. The unity, the smiles, the laughs- you don't really get that deep in swimming. Sure FHS team is fantastic- and Meadows is even better, everyone is so supportive and everything. But it's not the same as actually PLAYING with them, learning what their weaknesses are and such. Man. That was great. , Remember this? 1999 world cup. Suzanne said that Brandi whipped off her shirt as an advertisement for Nike, which at the time completely destroyed my faith in humans- but I got over it. That was a fantastic game. I remember it so clearly- that picture posted all over the newspapers and magazines. And now it's over. As I said- there were many "snail trails" down my face. But at least they went out with a BANG. Picaboo Street, my other Olympic hero, went out with a fizzle in the 2002 winter olympics. And Margo didn't seem to think it mattered- but I was very upset. I don't think most kids my age CARE about what happens to those people who idolized when you were 10 or 11. I certainly do. It's probably another one of those can't get over growing-up things. *sigh*
** humming my own little tune at 5:36:00 PM
NBCOlympics.com - Soccer - Fab Five cap off legendary careers with Olympic gold: "The Fab Five exited the soccer field the way they entered it -- on top.
Mia Hamm, Joy Fawcett, Julie Foudy, Kristine Lilly and Brandi Chastain, the last remaining players from the United States' winning 1991 World Cup team, earned Olympic women's soccer gold medals on Thursday. Abby Wambach ensured the five departed as world champions with an extra-time goal that beat Brazil, 2-1, in the gold-medal match at Karaiskaki Stadium in Athens."
More on this later
** humming my own little tune at 5:10:00 PM
August 25, 2004
Summer lovin' had me a blast
Summer lovin' happened so fast
I met a girl crazy for me
Met a boy cute as can be-
Summer days driftin' away, to those summer nights....
Well, folks, it's official. Summer is over. Fin. Done. Terminated. Discharged. Played out, tied up, worked out, wound up. Through. It's the truth, and I'm bummed. But, I suppose I shall survive- tomorrow will be kinda fun- I get to hang out with freshman all day and show them the ropes- then I have Friday school. Then the weekend. I'll survive. Somehow......
Wish me luck. And I wish luck to everyone else who has/is started/starting school. It's not really as bad as we imagine it to be, I think. Cheers, or "Toots" but Jinger still hasn't written us....
'Cause you're a god And I am not And I just thought That you would know
Hahahaha. Isn't that funny? "Like a broken record"....? Goodness, those people at NBC are truly clever. But, the swimming olympics ended yesterday- it was too bad, but at least now I can go to bed earlier. =) I watched some Beach Volleyball today, it was fun. The two American teams are going to have to play against eachother in the semifinals, which is too bad that they both can't be in the finals. Meh. I like the not-Misty-May team, (McPeak and Young). They remind me of Mrs. Rundell. Not individually really, but together. It's very odd. Mrs. Rundell played volleyball. She did during Spring Trips, at least. I should go visit her sometime..... We had our FHS swimming get together today at the Boulder Res. It was really fun. We played some games (including who could eat the watermelon the fastest)and went TUBING. I certainly like tubing. It's fantastic. =) That's another bad thing about growing up- I'll have to give up tubing. Goodness, I think I'll stay a kid and tube for the rest of my life. =)
** humming my own little tune at 8:47:00 PM
August 21, 2004
Out of the darkness and into the sun But I won't forget all the ones that I loved I'll take a risk, take a chance Make a change, and breakaway
Thank goodness that the US soccer team beat Japan. I was worried for a while- but I'm awfully glad they did. As I said before, those girls are my heroes. It's really depressing to see them retire. They're up against Germany next- who they lost to kn the World Cup. GOOD LUCK! Gary Hall miraculously won the 50 free- it was amazing. The top 4 guys were within .1 seconds, I think. And Michael Phelps won the 100 fly by a tiny bit, too. However, he showed a HUGE amount of class and gave up his relay spot to Ian Crocker. It was great. I was very proud. =)
A man has dreams of walking with giants.
To carve his niche in the edifice of time.
Before the mortar of his zeal
Has a chance to congeal
The cup is dashed from his lips!
The flame is snuffed a-borning.
He's brought to wrack and ruin in his prime.
That scence from Mary Poppins is quite moving, I must say. However- the last scene is the most tear-jerking. (but- I can hardely call Mary Poppins tear-jerking, I'm afraid.) The Olympics yesterday were FANTASTIC Cycling was ULTRA exciting. 3 people from Boulder won medals. Dede Barry (far left) won silver in the women's time trial. I saw her race at the Boulder Stage Race. She raced against Mrs. Cady. =) Van Moorsel won that- even after a bad (although not horrible) crash on the road race. AND Bobby Julich got 3rd in the men's time trial. That was great- but guess who won gold...? You'll never guess! Okay, you're right- TYLER HAMILTON- my man! WOWWOWOWOWOWOWOW. Good for him! He even dedicated his race to his dog... May Tugboat rest in piece
Natalie Coughlin, Carly Piper, Dana Vollmer and Kaitlin Sandeno did a FABULOUS job in the 800 free relay. It was very exciting. I always like to watch the girls do just as well as the boys. =) Ian got a bronze in the 100 freestyle- despite his being seated 8th in the finals. Van de Hoogenband (still, a stellar name) snatched gold. They swim SO fast. DID I MENTION TYLER WON GOLD?????!!!!
This one's for the girls Who've ever had a broken heart Who've wished upon a shooting star
You're beautiful the way you are
This one's for the girls
Angie, dad and I went backpacking last night. It was just a 24 hour excursion. It was really fun. Next summer I think I'll take my best Boulder buddies and go backpacking for a few days. That would be very fun. And it would make good pictures for the Yearbook. =) My family is so dorky. While hiking my dad pointed out a rock which was "metamorphized granite". ohhh boy. And Angie and I didn't even think it was odd (until I started writing about it- now it sounds very strange) That's what you get growing up with a science teacher, I guess. =) Meh- I like science. =)
This one's for the girls
Who love without holding back
Who dream with everything they have
All around the world
OLYMPIC HIGHLIGHTS OF 8/17 US soccer team tied with Australia to make it to quarter finals. Thank goodness. I'm rooting for these people. Hey- Mia Hamm and Christine Lilly (above) and Julie Foudy were my heroes in 4th and 5th grade. Really- that's who I wanted to be when I grew up. I'll be very sad when they all retire. It's kinda a let down....This is their last shot. ( no pun intended) They lost in the World Cup finals (I think). I sure hope they do well. I think once Mia Hamm and her Super-star team retire- the sport will fall into submission. GOOO USA! Phelps and his stellar 800 Medley relay beat Thorpe by .13. Good for them. Of course- I always think that Thorpe should win (he also lost the 100 free =( Alas!) But Michael Phelps needs a boost after the "evaporation" of his 8-gold medal chance.
This is for all you girls about twenty-five
In a little apartment, just trying to get by
Living on, on dreams and spaghetti-o's
Wondering where you life is gonna go
One week and one day until school starts. And here I am writing in my blog in my basement which is devoid of sunlight.... I better go on a bike ride or something FAST =)
August 17, 2004 OLYMPIC HIGHLIGHTS of 8/16 Natalie Coughlin and Aaron Peirsol win the 100m backstroke (my favorite). It was very exciting.... IAN THORPE wins the 200m freestyle. It was the race of the century (besides the 4x100 relay and CO State, and the 100 free at Finals =) ) He beat Pieter van den Hoogenband (despite Hoogenband is a very cool name, I'm ultra glad Ian won) AND Michael Phelps. YEAH! =)
** humming my own little tune at 8:28:00 AM
August 16, 2004
Happy Aniversary to blog Happy Aniversary to blog....
I started my blog exactly one year ago. I think. Maybe it's one year ago tomorrow. =) However, in one year, I've written 210 posts, with 30,752 words. In other words, an average of 84 words a day, and about 4 posts per week. Aren't numbers and words FASCINATING? =)
I don't want to be the one The battles always choose 'cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused
I'm in a vicious circle of recognizing people who aren't really that person. I "saw" my 8th grade teacher 3 times on a bike ride the other day. I thought I saw my geometry teacher while walking my dog this morning. I "see" my neighbors on the other side of town, I recognize cars which belong to someone I know, when really they're just cars. It's very strange. It's this living-in-the-past thing. I don't really get it....
I really want to see the movie Garden State. But I don't think I'll be able to until it comes out on DVD. It's rated "R", which is okay, but it's also not playing in Boulder, or Louisville, or Lafayette, so I'm in trouble. That's a bummer. My parents would frown on going to Denver to see a 2 hour long movie. I would too, actually, except that this movie looks good. It has Natalie Portman in it. She's my hero. One of my heroes, I should say.
Give life and animation to those noble games! Throw wreaths of fadeless flowers to the victors
In the race and in the strife!
Create in our breasts, hearts of steel!
That's the olympic hymn, it is. It's very, ummm,....catchy...? Anyway, here's my highlight of this morning and yesterday in PICTURES Ian Thorpe wins the 400 freestyle! Yeah! Paolo Bettini wins the road race. That's just dandy. It was nice to see him back in action. Women's road race. US had some pretty strong riders.... But an Aussie, Sara Carrigan, takes the gold. I like Australians. Both Australia and USA have 8 medals- but they have 3 more golds than we do....
** humming my own little tune at 4:55:00 PM
August 14, 2004
I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance. Never settle for the path of least resistance. Livin' might mean takin' chances, but they're worth takin'. Lovin' might be a mistake but it's worth makin'.
The Olympics officially started today. It was very exciting to watch Michael Phelps. He won the 400 IM by a landslide. I, however, am a fan of Ian Thorpe. He did magnificently today, too, though. Although his 400 free was much closer than Michael's IM. In 8th grade Meredith Shepard had a major crush on Ian Thorpe- and the scary art teacher Mr. Johnson had a newspaper picture of him on his door. Emmy Smith stole it for Meredith, and we all thought it was very brave. Meredith sure did like that picture, though. (And Mr. JOhnson supposedly had it coming) Tyler Hammilton didn't do too bad in the road race, either. He didn't quit- which was an improvement from his last attempt at a race. =) I love you anyway, Tyler. He placed 18th- Georgie Hincapie was 24th. Besides- it wasn't really a Tyler-like race. In his interview at the end, he said he wished it was "more difficult and more selective". Tyler can't hang with the sprinters- he has to have a hill to climb. Good luck to all those athletes who are competing tomorrow.
Confusion never stops Closing walls and ticking clocks Gonna come back and take you home I could not stop but you now know, singing
I just got back from my LINK retreat in Estes. It was pretty fun-- really very hectic, and fairly badly planned, but there was a good time had by most. I'm kinda worried, though, about being a LINK Leader. Mr. Billington kept saying that there's no reason for the freshman not to like us, because we know more than they do, and we're a connection. But- what if they like someone else better? They wish they had been in Emily's group instead of mine, or Alexi's, or Brook's? When I was a freshman, there were certain upperclassman I really admired, and they weren't smiley swimmers (like me) they were outgoing theater people, or funny people ( I can be funny, but not on command) We'll see, I guess. I hope that I don't disappoint them.... but I doubt I'm as nervous as the freshman for my first day of school. =)
** humming my own little tune at 12:08:00 PM
August 11, 2004
Leah and I had a very in depth conversation today (see below) The most important part was something along the lines of.....
Me: And I guess I didn't know that Sprite was a major liquid source a few million years ago. Leah: Well, now Kristen. Haven't you seen the commercials? Obey your thirst? Our species evolved to drink Sprite! Why, we were relying on Sprite before we were walking upright!
Me: Gosh! Suddenly it is all clear! Leah: You might THINK your thirst is for water, but clearly (as the commercial says), your biological need for liquid is for Sprite.
Me: I say we revolt against the traitorous 7-up company Leah: No, revolt is going too far. There are those who say that 7-up is just a different strain of Sprite. Like, maybe one of the continents split off from the others and 7-up evolved.
Leah: See - now you're getting it! Advertising is full of very important information.
Me: Like how, in fact, Subaru cars are ACTUALLY controlled by someone sitting inside-- hence "driven by what's inside"?
Leah: No, Subarus are driven by Lance Armstrong. He's inside.
Me: I can't do this Leah! It's too hard for me Leah: Keep trying, grasshopper.
Me: and what about Sierra Mist and Safeway "Lemon Lime Soda"? Leah: Yeah, I knew you were going to bring those up. I can't explain them. They aren't advertised heavily enough.
Me: :-) Me: why did you just call me a grasshopper? Leah: When one is learning an ancient martial art, e.g. karate, one's mentor calls one a grasshopper. It's based on ancient Chinese tradition.
Leah: Or maybe I just saw it on Karate Kid.
Me: Good movie, that is Leah: Yes.
Me: but the 2nd and 3rd aren't great Leah: No. Really, the only one that I've learned any karate from is the first one.
Me: wax on, wax off, wax on, wax off Me: it's even helpful in waxing cars! Leah: hahaha
Leah: I never thought of that!
Me: and it teaches you in the importance of bonsai trees Leah: I don't remember that part.
Me: you know- the guy is always trimming bonsai trees Leah: oh. well, you must trim bonsai trees often. and trimming is an art. and art is beautiful. and beauty is important.....I'm not getting anywhere with this.
Me: "A thing of beauty is a joy forever" Me: let's leave it at that, shall we? Leah: Wow. The irony is, that statement is beautiful.
Me: Mary Poppins quoted it in "Mary Poppins" Me: I don't know who said it originally Leah: I think maybe it was me.
Leah: Speaking about you, of course.
Me: why, thank you Me: You're too kind, really Leah: :-) I can't keep claiming all of the glory for myself!
Me: of course you can-- after all, you wouldn't want some wanna-be stealing your credit Leah: you know, you're right! I was speaking about myself. "A thing of beauty - like me - is a joy forever - like me."
Me: I think I'll start saying that more often Leah: But you have to alter it. "A thing of beauty - like Leah - is a joy forever - like Leah."
Me: oh, but of course
The heart is a bloom Shoots up through the stony ground There's no room No space to rent in this town
Angie and I just finished painting our basement yellow. Not the whole thing, but random walls around our computers and desks. It looks pretty cool, if I do say so myself. It adds some color to our dingy basement.=)
Currently, I'm IMing my long-lost friend Leah Valenstine. She's quite a character. She was actually our summer babysitter in 3rd and 4th grade. Thus, the name Chicken-nuggets for me, and No-no-ok for Angie, and Leah was Zoe Chrysathamum. Good times. I figure I should stop being nostalgic about elementary and middle school. But you know- "the past is certain, the future obscure". And it's true. I'd rather be surrounded by memories than the unknown....
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
It's a beautiful day
We represent the Lollipop Guild The Lollipop Guild, the Lollipop Guild And in the name of the Lollipop Guild We welcome you to Munchkin Land....
My aunt Ann said that you could never make a movie out of our family reunions. And it was completely true. The only rivalries were between teenage siblings, the only comedic mishaps were plane delays (and those hardly count as funny) and Grandpa's VISA card failing. Moreover, we weren't all sardined into a vacation of lethargic boredom, either. Our chosen locations were tropical paradises- the Bahamas, St. Croix, and Isla Mujeres. Thus, we'd never make the big screen. (Despite my small successes as an amateur director) There was
Grandpa and Gramma
Uncle Mike, Aunt Ann,and cousins Carson Sanders (13) and Madisen(10)
Uncle Jim, Aunt Tina, and cousins Kojo(3)(aka Sebastian) and David (13 months)
Aunt Katy and her boyfriend Chandler
And us- Mom, Dad, Angie and me.
It was a jolly party. We went scuba diving, hammock hanging, snorkeling, Scrabble playing, book reading, ocean frolicking, midnight swimming, Spanish speaking, souvenir scouting, golf-cart driving. My first trip to Mexico was very good, thanks for asking.
** humming my own little tune at 1:30:00 PM
August 09, 2004
Tell the sun not to shine Not to get up this time, no, no Let it fall by the way But don't leave me where I lay down
So, I guess I'll start from where I left off....GREEN So, I was really really nervous about most of my races- but everything turned out peachy keen. I went super fast (if I do say so myself) in my 200 free. Everything just felt so....right. I was just behind a leader (Vanessa) for 125-- and then BAM! Kristen pulls into the lead with a kicker of a finish. And Steph did great, too. I went a 2:05.9 (my best ever by 4 secs.) and she went a 2:07. That's state qual for HS. =) And backstroke was great, too. My 1:04.4 was my best this summer- and I won that event, too. But, as this post says, the 100 free was the real trouble. And Steph and Kelsey went a 55 (!!!!!!!!!!!) in finals-- but I did great, too. 56.3- hooray! The Daily Camera has all the results. And, to put icing on the cake- I won 15-18 High-Point by 2 points. It was close..... I felt sorry for Kelsey and Abby- it's a bummer when you beat somebody. But, man, I was happppyyy! ** humming my own little tune at 2:55:00 PM
I'm back from Isla Mujeres-- it was great. And swimming finals went fabulous as well. I'll comment more on both of them later. Just thought I would write so I knew I was alive.....
** humming my own little tune at 11:08:00 AM